Records für 2019
- Nummer (18)
- a (90)
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- y (7)
- z (9)
- ø (1)
- 003 EP (Szostak, Filip)
- 1​,​1 Grad (Ms Def)
- 10/15 (5K HD)
- 1000 Jahre EAV (Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung (EAV))
- 1214 (Tudas & Devaloop)
- 17 Years of Mainframe (sampler)
- 1819 (Brown-Eyes White Boy)
- 1994 (Nemeczek, Rudi)
- 2X (Wild Culture Remix) (Mathea)
- 2 Years Anniversary (sampler)
- 342º (Scalio)
- 5 (Highwar)
- 5 Years IN:DEEP Music (sampler)
- 7 (Höllenfürst)
- 70 Birthday Bash (Theessink, Hans)
- 76 Jahre (Elsa)
- 9 Songs (Michael Köhlmeier)
- A!O! (Dandelion)
- Abendhimmel Demo (Sup, Gerhard)
- Abgrund (Fabian Schober)
- Abomination (Scion of Darkness)
- About Astronauts (Siamese Elephants)
- About Us (Robert Rotifer)
- Abyss/Aloft (Kompost 3)
- Achad (Zöchbauer, Simon)
- Acid Ride EP (Kernmayer, Max)
- Acid Story (Unreal Sign)
- Adept (Pharma)
- Adjourn To Another Place (Doesntmatter)
- Adolescence EP (be.the.flow)
- Adrenalin (Kantig)
- Aeren Crew 1K Free EP (sampler)
- Affekt & Tradition (Frischauf, Conny)
- AffenTempel EP (Dom Beats & Hightauer)
- Afroheartbeat (Elektroschneider Remix) (Diamusk)
- Age of Scare (Raptor200)
- Agora (Fennesz)
- Agori EP (Zenflow & Fischmehl)
- Air (Aygyul)
- Albertina Quartett (Nitsch, Hermann & Koehne Quartett)
- Alcazar Remixes (Woxow)
- Alice in the Hole (Psycrain)
- Aliens, pixelated EP (Eder, Bernhard)
- Aliens on Board (Echo Boomer)
- All 4 Myself (Fourward)
- All Connected (Twisted Psychology)
- Alles (Ms Def)
- Alles Isch Alles (Rosi Spezial)
- Alles muss raus (Kallauch, Kathi)
- Alle Songs Bisher (Pauls Jets)
- All The Best (Robotra)
- All The World's A Fake (Badhoven)
- All we are (Ro Bergman)
- All You Know EP (Air.K & Cephei)
- AlmÖsiKing (Matakustix)
- Alte Seele (Pt. I) (Lemo)
- Amadeus (Wolfram)
- Amber (Mefjus & Skeptical)
- Among Others (Alpine Dweller)
- Amour Propre EP (Heap)
- Ampus (Mofes)
- Amy Wald (Akustik) (Amy Wald)
- Analog (Seer, Die)
- Anamnesis - Letter in a Bottle (SoundDiary)
- Ananasplein (ZeroZero)
- Ananda (Löven)
- Ancient Soul EP (RoyGreen & Protone)
- Anderwo (Erstes Wiener Heimorgelorchester (EWHO))
- Andezo EP (Insanus Maximus)
- Andromeda (Isaac)
- Annihilation: The Remixes (Stahlschlag)
- Annual 2018 (sampler)
- Another Chance (sampler)
- Ansichten eines Troubadours (Raptis, Jannis)
- Antics EP (youcancallmeoliver)
- Any Kind Of Rave EP1 (AKOR)
- A Place For Us EP (Cassy)
- Apocrypha EP (EBONCROWN)
- Archaic EP (AKOV)
- Arkitsa (Philadelphy, Martin)
- Armstrong (Dubbing Sun)
- Ascending Journey EP (Skofi & Skyfarmer)
- Asîa files (LP) (Dunkelbunt)
- A-Side (Konea Ra)
- Aspiration (Joris Dudli "Funk Modes" Sextet)
- Asteroid EP (Rabo & Traumata)
- Atlas (Camo & Krooked)
- Atmosphere (Creo)
- Attention Span EP (DubApe)
- Audio Afterglow (Aegolius & Malice In Wonderland)
- Auf der Suche nach Philanthrosophie (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Auf Der Walz (SEPP)
- Aufrecht - Remastered (Flowers In Concrete)
- Aum (Tom Distortion)
- Aunka Des Lebens (Chill Ill)
- Aunka Des Lebens EP (Chill Ill)
- Aura (Creo)
- Aus ewigem Liacht (Amanda)
- Außen Hart Innen Flauschig (Kerosin95)
- Aus ‘n Leben (Chris & Mark Wallace)
- Automatism (Bowling Green)
- Autonom Travel Movement 01 (Knisda Kanisda & Enko)
- Auto Pilot (Ananda Remix) (Serenity Flux)
- Autopsia EP (Odokuro)
- Autopsy EP (Pseikomusic)
- A Vessel Of Echoes EP (Ilathar)
- A’foch haundgmocht (Peinlich 13)
- Baby / I Need You (Metatrox)
- Babylon (DJ Rasfimillia & Sheik General)
- Baby Remix EP (PhoroptiC)
- Bachala Dub (Blue Hill)
- Back in the Swamp EP (Lenfred)
- Bad Breaks vol.III (sampler)
- bad breaks vol​.​IV (sampler)
- Bad Weed (Bad Weed)
- Baium (Georgiev, Dimitar)
- Bananz & Die Grossen Tangos (Bananz & Die Grossen Tangos)
- Bankrott (Gran Bankrott)
- Bass Addict Records 22 (sampler)
- Bass Room (Vasilic, Nenad)
- Bass Up EP (Max Kernmayer & Steve Michael)
- Battle Of The Forest (MononoTech)
- Be.Cause (Why-Y)
- Beachparty Clementine (Death before Digital)
- Beat Nouveau EP (Heap)
- Beauty (Space Voyage) (Oboskop)
- Beim Affen / Denk midn Herz (dog&SCHWOAZ)
- Believe Us (At Pavillon)
- Bengal Lights (MELA)
- Benzo Edits (Wrong Body)
- Berlin (Disaszt Remix) (Vida Noa)
- Best of Rare Trippy Code (sampler)
- Between Naive and Wise EP (kunstword)
- Between Us (Jon Gravy)
- Bewegen Sie Sich EP (LoopMonkeys)
- Bienenstich (GehLekTek)
- Big Christmas LP Part 1 (sampler)
- Big Christmas LP Part 2 (sampler)
- Big Tune (Dubbing Sun & Digid)
- Bis Dato (Intro) (Bibiza)
- Black and White Café EP (Sara Filipova)
- Black Hole (Subl!ne)
- Blackhole Nirvana (Rajju Baba)
- Black Mamba EP (sampler)
- Black Market EP (Meindl, Florian)
- Blackout EP (Roman Rauch)
- Black Substance (sampler)
- Blaze N Cook rmx (Stereotyp)
- Bleached Modesty (Bleached Modesty)
- Bleibst du bei mir (Naderer, Tina)
- Blooming (Carl Haze)
- Blue EP (Lucid Kid)
- Blues (Schrammel, Peter)
- Blyss EP (Peletronic)
- BOA (Goddess Limax Black)
- Bock auf Kultur Sampler (sampler)
- Boom (Friedberg)
- Boom Shiva (Rajju Baba)
- Booty Specialist / Bomboclaat Riddim (sampler)
- Boys Toys (Mavi Phoenix)
- Brainfuck EP (Metatrox)
- Brainstorm V (sampler)
- Break! (BulBul)
- Breakdown of Reality (Leopold, Niko Quartet)
- Breaking Bones Beattape (Kensee)
- Break the Hush (Cafe Ena)
- Breathe (Sister Jones)
- Brian Air (High Brian)
- Bright Future (Bagage)
- Bright Future EP (Bagage)
- Brioche (Mantha)
- Brno (Zack Zack Zack)
- Broken / Thunder (Odyo)
- Broken Symmetry EP (Tristate)
- Bruder Alaska (Kobrakasino)
- Bubble (Mefjus & Phace)
- Bubblegum Dreams (Brown-Eyes White Boy)
- Bucky Bit (Division)
- Buffer 05 (Buffered Multiple)
- Bullet In My Heart (Mavi Phoenix)
- Bulletproof (Traumvabrik Soundsystem)
- Butcher of the Damned (Scion of Darkness)
- Buzzin' (Benno Wohl)
- Caffeine Rush (sampler)
- Calavera / Big Fish (Ome)
- Calligraphy / Garfunky (Tenchu)
- Can't Stay Up (Lenard Fuchs)
- Can't step on them (Thies)
- Can't Stop (Fuzion)
- Candelabia (Candles and Wraiths)
- Casual Dream EP (Chromatico)
- Cataclysm EP (Niereich vs. Shadym & Tximeleta)
- Cause4Concern 20 Years LP (sampler)
- Caves Full of Light (Quod)
- CD (Schmack)
- Chainsaw (Genix)
- Changes (Sympathy For Strawberry)
- Chant A Sound (DJ Rasfimillia & Offke)
- Chaos (Mathea)
- Chaos (Kafra Jungle Refix) (Woxow)
- Chaos EP (Artheist)
- Chemical Funk (Dazed System & Metatrox)
- Chemical Monsters 2 (sampler)
- Cherry Orchard (Fisher, Ian)
- Cherubim (Alma)
- Chicago Baby (Hunney Pimp)
- Childhood Heroes EP (Ken Hayakawa)
- Children's Noise Is Future Music (sampler)
- Choked (Goga, Olivia)
- Chord X (Niereich)
- Christmas Postcard (D.I.V.A)
- Chromatic (A Caustic Fate)
- Ciao! (Wanda)
- Circadian (Delago, Manu)
- Cistern Overload Vol 4 (sampler)
- City in Trance (Live) (Steirer, Andi)
- Clairvoyance (Seventh Sea, Shash & Chaz)
- Close To Me (ST|MK)
- Clouded Sky (Steaming Satellites)
- Clouds (Ro Bergman)
- Collaborations 3 (sampler)
- Collapse (Valox)
- Collected Works (Word, The)
- Collective Memory (Selective Mood)
- Colors (Nicole Jaey)
- Comoros (Klangkarussell)
- Compilation Vol 1 (sampler)
- Compound 9 (sampler)
- Contemplation (Liquid Sun)
- Contenance (Frank Elster)
- Contract Labour EP (Alpha Tracks)
- Controlled Substances Vol. 1 (sampler)
- Copypaste (Bibiza)
- Corvus / Cold Sand (Manta)
- Cosmic Prog (Didi & Zenaj)
- Counter Clockwise (Green Coloured Sun)
- Country Mood (Global Tones)
- Country Songs & Others (Lindenthaler)
- Crash Klang Bang Thang (sampler)
- Crazy Talk (5K HD)
- Crescendo (Scarabeusdream)
- Crowd Control (Unreal Sign)
- Crystallized Sun (sampler)
- Cubicle AA (Sedax)
- Culk (Culk)
- Cult 28 (sampler)
- Culture Unlimited (Funky Dragon)
- Cummings (Punches & Judies)
- Cunt (Hamses)
- Cupcake (Mantha)
- Cuts (Red Gaze)
- #Digital_Life (Legion Of Bokor)
- Daddy Longlegs (Dazed System)
- Damn It (Concept One)
- Dance of Universe (Rajju Baba)
- Dance Slowly (Vetter_Huber)
- Dancing Wrestling Burning Wood (sampler)
- Dark Matter / Money Drops (Skruff)
- Dark Tourist ( VIP ) (Metatrox)
- Dark Tourist EP (Metatrox)
- Das Album (Gran Bankrott)
- Das war's wohl Kalle! (Verwegenen, Die)
- Datenschutz Tanz (Flickentanz)
- Daydreamin' (Sladek)
- Death and Alive (sampler)
- DeConstruct (Drahthaus)
- Deep Level (Nero Effecta & NanoTonez)
- Default (Firn)
- Deibel (Distaste)
- DEKADEnt (Chango)
- Delirium (Distance Project)
- Deluxe Redux (Destroyed but Not Defeated)
- DEMF Sampler 2019 (sampler)
- Demo (Kao)
- Der Große Preis Von Wien (Sölli & Die Vorstadtromeos)
- Desert Skies (Juleah)
- Desert Wasteland (Cranium)
- Devil EP (Splat)
- Devil Inside (Goga, Olivia)
- DFN (Da Staummtisch)
- Dhalsim EP (Georgiev, Dimitar)
- Dibbuk (Van Der Wiese)
- Diego (Subtrance & Valox Bootleg) (Tory Lanez)
- Die Oma hat die Susi so geliebt (Mabo, Anna)
- Die Sonne über Europa (Ruido) (5/8erl In Ehr'n)
- Die Stimme aus dem Untergrund (sampler)
- Die Wöt wird si weiterdrahn (Gnackwatschn)
- Die Zeit (Meister Grössing & seine Homöopathen)
- Diktatur des Pöbels (Disorder)
- Dimbale incl. Remixes (SURAJ, Max Doblhoff & Baboulaye Cissokho)
- Dimensions (Carl Haze)
- Diopter (Rosa Anschütz)
- Dirty Penzing (Kahlenberg)
- Discover EP (Wirth, Alexander)
- Distate (Division)
- Distopia (Isaac)
- Divergence II (sampler)
- Divine (Good Wilson)
- Dizziness Subsides (Tromaar)
- DMM 002 (sampler)
- Dogs of Chernobyl ([unknwn.source])
- Dolomite Dub (Troyer, Ulrich)
- DOLXL 2 mg Free EP (Dolexil)
- Don't Panic (Frank Lemon)
- DONNA (KeKe)
- Double Cassingle (White Scorpion)
- down.tape °1 (sampler)
- Down Under (Selecta Bence)
- Drakaris (Fireclath)
- Draußen Im Kopf (Buntspecht)
- Drawing Lines (Wingz)
- Dreams Pyre (Queen Leer)
- Dreier (Schodl)
- Driven Creatures (Rafetseder, Laura)
- Driving Alone (Land of Ooo)
- Drowning In Champagne (Cryptic Commands)
- Drugernaut (Oliver Gruen)
- Drum & Bass Bootlegs (Mansch)
- Dub Mixes (Kleebauer, Marco)
- Duel Disk Warrior (ome x alllone)
- Dun Field Three (Dun Field Three)
- Dusk (Cali G x Metatrox)
- Dusk City (Ultima Radio)
- Du Warst Auch Schon Mal Schöner (Probst, Titus)
- DuzzUp Vol​.​9 (sampler)
- Dynamind (Edenbridge)
- Dystopias EP (Modul Kollektiv)
- : Endgame 69 : (Devil and the Universe, The)
- E.T. (Sedax)
- Earthquake (Dotworks)
- Earth Suicide EP (Fabian Schober)
- Echoes From The Factory (sampler)
- Ego Is ID (Sedvs)
- eher tiaf, aber eh ganz deep (Gigolo D & JerMc)
- Einsame Gestalt / Korsakow (Version für Karsten) (Strandhase)
- Electrifier (Psycrain & Zyrus 7)
- Elektronische Musik 1987-2018 (Strobl, Bruno)
- Elevate (Zound & Wingz)
- Emerge (Psycrain)
- Emergency (Hamses)
- ENC041D - Dubape (DubApe)
- Encounters Of Uncertainty (Specific Objects)
- endlich salonfähig! (Wiener Blond und das Original Wiener Salonensemble)
- Endling (Love God Chaos)
- Endorphine (Distance Project)
- Endurance EP (Double Helix)
- Eng mich ein (Picobello)
- Enkiyama (Ricci, Claudio)
- Ennui (Franui)
- Entireness (Liminal Zone)
- Eostre EP (Magna Pia)
- EP (Ridra)
- Epiphany (Agressive Mood)
- Equals Zero (Minus Green)
- Erbarmen mit mir EP (iloveakim)
- Escapism (Lolita KompleX)
- Ese - Udu EP (Duit, Valentin)
- Eskalation im Paradies (Vetter_Huber)
- Eskimo (Greyshadow)
- E-Sparks Remixes (Tomkin)
- Essence Of Life (Carl Haze)
- Es wird heit spät (CEKO & Freunde)
- Ethos Pathos Logos (Nemesis Affair)
- Everybody (Frühwerk)
- Everyday Anyone February (sampler)
- Everything Will Be EP (Metatrox)
- Evolution II (Paenda)
- Excidium (TrendR)
- Exertion VA II (sampler)
- Exit EP (T Raum)
- Expectations (Falle)
- Extemporized (Peter Czak)
- Extension (Neon Neet)
- Extra (Lorbeeren)
- F4 Fake (Made To Break)
- Fabrics (Fantast)
- Fake (Eli Preiss)
- Family Noir (Rewolfinger)
- family trax (Newland, Rens)
- Far From Human (Powernerd)
- Far From Midnight (Lu Do & Filip Szostak)
- Featherhorned Beetle EP (Pozek)
- Feel the Need (Vetter_Huber)
- Feel The Unseen (IbeX)
- Fin (Sinic & Wingz)
- Final Hour EP (Fourtex & Toasty)
- Final Round (Donny Carr Remix) (T Raum & The Wash)
- Final Round (Moodfreak Remix) (T Raum & The Wash)
- Fire (Greyshadow)
- First Demo (Jonny Alton Band)
- Five Years, Still Lost (sampler)
- Flamenco Psicodelico (Tom & Jenny)
- Flesh Blood Bones (Atzur)
- Flood Wave EP (Helten)
- Floorfiller (Jiri Malakoff)
- Flower in The Desert (Finkel, Sigi & Stadler, Monika feat. Djakali Kone)
- Focus (Frauenlob, Burkhard & Yukah)
- Fokuz Recap 2019 (sampler)
- Forest Of Banyan III (sampler)
- Forever Young (Friedberg)
- Formants / Blown Fuse (Skore)
- For The Colleagues Of Ubu & Their Authorities (sampler)
- Four Keys to A Foul Reich (Songs of Pestilencs, Darkness And Death) (Abigor)
- Frail (Manic Youth)
- fraufeld vol.2 (sampler)
- Freakadellen Kollektion 09 (sampler)
- Freunde dabei EP (EsraP & Gasmac Gilmore)
- Friday & Saturday (Tilman & R. Rauch)
- Friss Den Dreck (Supersheriff)
- From Busk Till Dawn (Sam Chalcraft)
- From The Streets Vol. 3 (sampler)
- FTSK 11 (sampler)
- Fugazi (KeKe)
- Für Hugo (Duetten, Die)
- Für immer (Seiler und Speer)
- Further feat. Lylit (Cid Rim)
- Fvck Off (Genix)
- FᖇAGMENTS FᖇOM FUTUᖇE EP (mvnitou)
- Gaia's Birth (Schauer, Jakob)
- Gangkhar Puensum: 'A transitive Nightfall of Diamonds' (Elephant's Garden)
- Gangstapop (Dazart & Drexor)
- Gangstapop (Dazart & DreXor)
- Ga P (Spaemann, Marie)
- Gauß (Mofes)
- Geburt EP (Jade)
- gecrasht (Naderer, Tina)
- Gehenna (GehLekTek)
- Geiger EP (Mofes)
- Genesis EP pt. 2 (sampler)
- Geometric Patterns EP (Ananda)
- Gestatten, Mini & Claus (Mini & Claus)
- Get Lekt (GehLekTek)
- Get Ready (Journey to Io)
- Ghetto Drum Machine EP (Steve Michael)
- Ghetto Funk (Steve Hope)
- Ghost (Mofes & Septon)
- Ghost of Sparta (Dayum)
- Ghost Remixed (P.tah & Kinetical)
- Gin Chronic (Yakata)
- Give Me (Eternate & Beatbreakazz)
- Giving Birth To A Planet (Little Hole Filled)
- Global Change (Boris Fab)
- Globular Cluster (The Void Quintet)
- GoaTrance PsyStoned v2 (sampler)
- Gobu's Journey EP (Fabian Schober)
- God Invented Dance (Voocoo)
- Go Down (Zoom & TrendR & Insert K)
- Go for It (y-project, the)
- Gold (GØRL)
- Goldbach EP (sampler)
- Golden Circle 4 (sampler)
- Golden City EP (Splat)
- Golden Galaxias / Whatever (Rabo & Traumata)
- Goodbye Summer (Peter The Human Boy)
- Goodbye Summer (Single) (Peter The Human Boy)
- Good Over Evil (Remix) (DJ Rasfimillia & Mowty Mahlyka)
- Go Wake Up ft. Lilja Bloom (Parov Stelar)
- Go Wild (Friedberg)
- Gran Bankrott (Gran Bankrott)
- Grandma's Hands​ / ​Square Rhythm 2016 (Teknian & ZeroZero)
- Granite (Scvlpture Remix) (Pendulum)
- Granulate (Default Noise)
- Graveyard (Scion of Darkness)
- Green (TOMÁ)
- Grey December EP (sampler)
- Griff (GRIFF)
- Grilling Crickets in a Straw Hut (Shake Stew)
- Gringo (Parov Stelar)
- GRIS GRIS (Shake Stew)
- Groove (Jas Rial)
- Groove (AlpsCore)
- Groove Session (Grazias Saxophone & Flute Quintet)
- Groovy Adventures Vol. 4 (sampler)
- Grotto Bass LP Vol 2 (sampler)
- Grundrausch (Strandhase)
- Guardian EP (DC.Antix)
- Gyere Music Has The Power (DelaDap)
- Hackerman / Rising (Manta)
- haecce // hauto (Pfarre)
- Ha Ha Ha (Kern, Didi & Quehenberger, Philipp)
- Halley (:aexattack)
- Hamburg (Vetter_Huber)
- Hände Weg Von Allem (Fuzzman)
- Handgemacht (Flickentanz)
- Hands (Le_Mol)
- Hannibal (Derryl Danston & Audible Illusions)
- Hanzom (Cranium Remix) (BorkerBrothers)
- Happy Sounds in the Night (sampler)
- Harvester (Subl!ne)
- HASS (Kerosin95)
- Hats n Percs (Division)
- Haunted / Execute (Skore)
- HayFever (HayFever)
- Head Up (Skofi & Skyfarmer)
- Heart / Break (Anger)
- Heavenly (Yakata)
- Heimlich IV (sampler)
- Heislpartie (Joe Hannes)
- Heiß (Picobello)
- Henpeck EP (Spaced Out)
- Her Most Criminal Crimes (Just Friends and Lovers)
- Herr Biedermeier (Wiener Brut)
- Hexenkessel (Elektroschneider & Ham Borowa)
- Hey! You! (Kutscher's Blues Band)
- Hey Du (Folkshilfe)
- Hey You! (Glazed Curtains)
- Hidden Message (Weddings)
- High Performer (5K HD)
- High Tripping January (sampler)
- Hinterland (Walden)
- Hiroshima mon amour EP (Dunkelbunt)
- Hitech Clan Vol 1 (sampler)
- Hitechnological Energy (sampler)
- Hits aus Stra-Leitn (Happy Hoagascht)
- Hold On (Division)
- Homines sumus, non dei! (Phreneticus)
- Honey (Skyfarmer)
- Honeypot (Boogie Hammer)
- Hopp Heißa Bei Regen Und Wind (Sowinetz, Kurt)
- Horizon (Ro Bergman)
- Horizons (Aenigma)
- Hospital Fire Safety (Falm)
- How Nice I Am (Koon)
- Hue / Really? (Theo Meier)
- Human Groove and Friends EP (sampler)
- Humanity EP (Perlen on Acid)
- Humans (trouble by design)
- Humo (Ome)
- Hunting For Heaven (Drew Sarich & Das Endwerk Orchester)
- Hunting Season EP (RUSRUS)
- Husky EP (Helten)
- Hyperspace (Fragz & Phentix)
- I (Stieger, Sabine)
- I Believe In Science (MoodMode)
- Ibiza Vibez (Bsoffene Gschichte) (Subl!ne & Revax)
- Icabu (O/P (Oelz/Poremba))
- I Can Feel (PhoroptiC)
- Identity EP (Altar Of I)
- Igel vs. Shark (Igel vs. Shark)
- II (La Fons)
- Ikarus (I Feel a Change) (Hearts Hearts)
- Illusions (Greyshadow)
- ILYFMMTY (Death before Digital)
- I mecht nur wissn wo du bist (I.U.E.) (Popwal)
- Immer Dasselbe EP (So Much More)
- Immer Wieder (Beck, Wenzel)
- Im Namen der Liebe (Kaltenkirchen)
- Impetus Vol. 3: Love (sampler)
- Impetus Vol. 4: Hate (sampler)
- Imposition Man (Imposition Man)
- In, Out (5K HD)
- In Cheese We Trust (Half Baked Cheese)
- In Da Nocht (Hirsch Fisch)
- Indignant Remixes (Brain)
- Industry Plants EP (Helten)
- IngI (Einarsson, Thorsteinn)
- In Line EP (munimuni & Seelenwald)
- Inner Horse Sanctum (Rajju Baba)
- Innerverse (Hersey, James)
- Innocent (Hamses)
- Inside Man / Unimatrix Zero (Wash, The)
- Inside Peace (Artyficial)
- Insight EP (Hypnotic)
- Inspiration (Liquid Sun)
- Instant Reaction EP (PhoroptiC)
- Ins’t she lovely (Miriam Luna Band)
- Integration Vol. 1 (sampler)
- Internet01 (Deejayinternet)
- Intrigue 16 - The anniversary Collection - EP 1 (sampler)
- Inward Outward (Lylit)
- In Wien (Herbstzucker)
- I Rise (Marie)
- Isomer (Kurdophone)
- It Ain't You (Sinikka Monte)
- #joeh (Franz-Riegler, Thomas)
- Je Meurs (Gré Maillard)
- Journey EP (Dubbing Sun & Digid)
- Joy (Youth)
- June Tune (Screamarts)
- Jungle Animal EP (Senchai)
- Jungle Gangsta EP (Metatrox)
- Jupiter EP (Nino Sebelic)
- Just For This (Harvey Miller & James Jive)
- Just In My Mind EP (Niereich vs. Shadym)
- Just Music (Flamyyy)
- K4L (Ebow)
- Kallisto (Camo & Krooked & Mefjus)
- Kaos (VIVIN)
- kaosphere 01 (sampler)
- Karkosh (Six, David)
- Katharsis (Katharsis)
- Keep the Zombies out (Sweet Janes, The)
- Killed EP (Death before Digital)
- Kinder Vom Land (Hannah)
- King of Simmering (Turbobier)
- Know Your Name Brother John (Old Mrs. Bates)
- König Vibration (Seha Eks)
- Kontinuum (HARZ)
- Kontrast EP (Luke Wackelkopf)
- Krampus Chronicles - Vol. 1 (sampler)
- Krankheit Mensch (Scargod)
- Krásná Hora (Blank Manuskript)
- Kroatien (Freunde Schöner)
- Kryll (Dead Knowledge)
- Kunst (Zack Zack Zack)
- Kunuaka Remixes Part 2 (Makossa & Megablast)
- Kurkuma (Pharma)
- Labyrinth (Weddings)
- Lang schon weg (Kosik, Christina)
- Last Night A Dj Shaped My Life (Lenson Piquet)
- Last Night A Dj Shaped My Life (Study I) (Lenson Piquet)
- Laughing Our Way To The Grave (Weddings)
- Lebensnehmer (Ellende)
- Lemon (Taris)
- Lemons (B.Visible)
- Lenny Carlson EP (Tenchu)
- Lethal Sides Vol 1 (sampler)
- Letzter Arbeitstag (Gran Bankrott)
- Level 7 (:aexattack)
- Levie (Levie)
- Lg (SOVIE)
- Licht und Schatten (Mair, Angela)
- Liebeslieder (Cornelius, Peter)
- Liechtenstein (Elephant)
- Lieder ins Dunkel (sampler)
- Lieder Nahe Am Wasser (Hölbling, Christian)
- Lie to Me (Tom Distortion)
- Life Has Zwa Seitn (Broucek, Heinz)
- Life Is Easier (Palastic)
- Lifestyle Remixed Part 3 (sampler)
- Light It Up (HUNGER)
- Like A Robot (Gipsy Soul & Artyficial)
- Like TLC (B.Visible)
- Linked 01 (Mefjus & Phace)
- Little Things (Manta)
- Little Things in Life (Artyficial)
- Live At Acoustic Lakeside 2018 (Farewell Dear Ghost)
- Live At Antone's (Ellison, Ulrich and Tribe)
- Live At Jazzland Vienna (Worry Later)
- Live Cuts I EP (Zosima)
- LIVE Takes 1 (Meindl, Florian)
- Live Tapes (Weight, The)
- Loa (Camo & Krooked)
- Loaded Battery (A:lex)
- Lobotomy (feat. Alicia Edelweiss) (sampler)
- Locura Oscura 2 (sampler)
- Löffel (Hochweiss)
- Loneliness (Psycrain)
- Lonesom Cauboy (Nuun)
- Longtime (Einhorn)
- Look Things (Stereotyp)
- Lost In Unknown Spaces EP (JayVee)
- Lost Since 1998 (Eli Preiss)
- Lost Without You (Sub Lime & Fuzion)
- Lost Words (Wreckage Machinery)
- Love Constant (Sketches on Duality)
- Love Is (Jungstötter)
- Love Letter (Elis Noa)
- Love Letters EP (Elis Noa)
- Love Life (christoh)
- Love Life Death (Cayes)
- lowridin (alllone)
- Lure EP (Black Yen)
- Lust & Anger (Candy Beat Camp)
- > Musik (Franz Fuexe)
- M1 (Mathea)
- Maasnbriada (BumBumKunst & Skero)
- Mädchen aus der U-Bahn (Picobello)
- Magnolia (Kleebauer, Marco)
- Ma hod's ned leicht (Kosik, Christina)
- Makes Me Dizzy 18 (Pozek)
- Make Your Day (Moon In June)
- Maleke Leke (Sunshine Daddy & Jas Rial)
- Malibu (KeKe)
- Mally Plays Dylan (Mally, "Sir" Oliver)
- Mängelwesen EP (Rice Master Yen & Hightauer)
- Manic Preacher (Sustain)
- Manifest Remixed (Mefjus)
- Mannequin (Moll)
- Mann Im Mond EP (Phil O'Brian x A.Voltage)
- MARDERFACKE (Tankstellenproleten)
- Massive (Division)
- Master of Puppets 2019 (sampler)
- Material (Kava)
- Max Roland (Hanzo & Yaman)
- Mea Culpa (Bilderbuch)
- Mehr (Mag​-​D x Ms Def x Lady Ill​-​Ya x Yasmo x Misses U x Bella Diablo)
- Meine Garage / Supermarion (Ilsa Gold)
- Mein Zweites (Damion Lee)
- Memento (Hanzo & Yaman)
- Merenungkan (ST|MK)
- Merger From Hell (Cryptic Commands)
- Meridiem (Avem)
- Merry Go Round (Colours of Monochrome)
- Message to The World (Brofaction)
- MetaCore (sampler)
- Metamorfose (sampler)
- Metro Gloves Synthorama (Oboskop)
- Metropolis EP (Roman Weber)
- MG002 (Elmucho 23)
- Mich zaht das nicht (Lorbeeren)
- Mi Corazón (Natascha Gang & Rdeča Raketa)
- Midnight Masala (sampler)
- Midnight Vault EP (Bowsar)
- Milkshake Overdose (Kayros vs Frantic Noise vs AlpsCore)
- Mind Over Matter (IbeX)
- Miracles 2019 (Elektroschneider)
- Mir So Kalt (Pan Kee-Bois)
- Misery Olympics EP (Blvebird)
- Mission Statement EP (Dorian Pearce)
- Mit Leib und Söh a Weinviertler (Meister Grössing & seine Homöopathen)
- mode f​ü​r jung und alt (Modecenter)
- Modern Talking (Cryptic Commands)
- Moksha (Psycrain)
- mommy is mental EP (Mommy Is Mental)
- Monats-Minus (Heinrich Himalaya)
- Money Talks Bullshit Walks (Madhouse)
- Montalbán (Rambo Rambo Rambo)
- More Than Swing (Schreiber, Fred & das grosse Komplott)
- Morpheus 2019 (Niereich)
- Morzgerstraße 36 (Lindenthaler)
- Most Wanted (sampler)
- Movements from The Basement (Jazzodrom)
- Move The World (Surge)
- Murders EP (Skatek and Pseikomusic)
- Music Has the Power (DelaDap)
- Music Has The Power (Wolfgang Lohr Remix) (DelaDap)
- Muttersprache (Waxamilion)
- My Favorite Songs (Kopmajer, Simone)
- My Fire (Senchai Remix) (Kalixto)
- Myriads EP (Transient Lines)
- My Shirt Your Dress (HUNGER)
- Mysteries #1 (sampler)
- Nächstes Kapitel (Scheibsta & die Buben)
- Nadeshda Regolith Split (sampler)
- Nadiao (Psycrain)
- Napsugár (Gré Maillard)
- Narcissus Rising (Negative Bias, The)
- Narcosis 18 (sampler)
- Nattastoy (Nattastoy)
- Nature Humaine EP (Sentic Cycle)
- Natures Prophet (Cranium)
- Neckbreak and Bracelets (John Klirr)
- Nemesis (Parasol Caravan)
- Neosignal X - Part 1 (sampler)
- Neurobots (Genix)
- Neutron Flux (Concept One)
- Never Be Yours (My Ugly Clementine)
- Never Let Me Go - The Remixes (FlashbackFM & Archemy)
- Never Make It (Creo)
- Nevrland Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (sampler)
- New Army Vol. 2 (sampler)
- New Breeze (MIM)
- New Dimension (Arnold Spoiler)
- New Horizon (Bergmann, Ro)
- New Horizon EP (Ro Bergman)
- New York Jack / Like This (Dubesque)
- Next Generation EP (Cassy)
- Nice to need you (Hurricane Season)
- Niemand Wird Sich Erinnern, Dass Wir Hier Waren (Viech)
- Nihilistik Warfare EP (Voidstalker)
- Ninety Days (PHILANDFOX)
- Nix EP (SonstNix)
- NN 146 (Lenfred)
- No Comment Live (No Comment)
- No Fear (MOTSA)
- No Intention of Changing the World (Lex Audrey)
- nointerest EP (Walter, Paul)
- No na ned EP (Wödmasta, Die)
- Nonlinear Times (Meindl, Florian)
- Nonlinear Times Remixes (Meindl, Florian)
- No One Is Illegal (Russkaja)
- Nord 004 (sampler)
- No Signal (Metatrox)
- Nostalgia EP (Skyfarmer)
- Nostalgia EP (Kensee)
- Notice That Moment (Wiesinger, Bernhard)
- Now And Then (Kira)
- No Way Back EP (Meindl, Florian)
- Nowhere But Here (Fräulein Hona)
- Now Visual (Selecta Bence)
- NRVAXIX (sampler)
- Nuage (Transient Lines)
- Nur A Opfe (Miksch, Alex)
- Nur spül'n? (Pompadur)
- NXTLV EP (Mindplax)
- Obscur 10 Years EP (sampler)
- Obscur 26 (Enko & IND)
- Occasion (Ratzer / Herbert / Extracello)
- Odyssey (Carl Haze)
- Off By One / Lovers. Almost. (Downers & Milk)
- Off The Leash EP (Another Vision)
- Of Journeys And Other Longings (Yunger)
- Oh Marie (Kantig)
- Omnipotenz EP (PsySon)
- Once Upon A Time over Villach (Franz From Austria)
- One Spliff (Small Town Dubz)
- One Two (Skruff)
- On The Move / Kiwani (O/P (Oelz/Poremba))
- Ophitic Orgasm Oscillator (Crucified Serpent Choir, The)
- Organic 2 EP (Modul Kollektiv)
- Organic Banyan (sampler)
- Organic Silence (Yawanawa)
- O Saya (Mofes)
- Oscilloscope EP (Brain & ZeroZero)
- Oscurum Vocum (sampler)
- Our Love Can Destroy This Whole Fucking World (Institution D.O.L.)
- Out of The Blue (Nigrita)
- Out Of The Woods (LikA)
- Outtakes (Hillside Music)
- Overdose of Sin (Boundary)
- Overdue (Sir Oliver Mally & Hubert Hofherr)
- Pai Mei (Ruffian Rugged)
- Pain Is - EP (Pain Is)
- Panacea (Grey Skies Ahead)
- Paper Wasp (Lenzman Remix) (Tali, RoyGreen & Protone)
- Paradox (KeKe)
- Parallel Universe 7'' (Baits)
- Passengers Vol. 3 (sampler)
- Passing Markarians Chain (Flamyyy)
- Pass Me The Naan EP (Moff & Tarkin)
- Peace (GehLekTek)
- Perception EP (Hamses)
- Perseverance (Luef, Berndt & Jazztett Forum Graz)
- Perspectives (MOTSA)
- Piano & Soul (Miriam Luna Band)
- Pickedem (Synesthetic 4)
- Pivot (Annix Remix) [Intersect Edit] (Mefjus)
- Place on Fire (Creo)
- Planet Earth (Carl Haze)
- Playground (My Ugly Clementine)
- Pleasant Clutter LP (B.Visible)
- Plejaden Suite (Schwingen, Paul)
- Plugged Into / Hostile (Screamarts)
- Poorly Understood (MIM)
- Poteri Diversi (AlpsCore)
- Power (Erwin & Edwin)
- Power of Now (IbeX)
- Powertool (Hamilton Remix) (Dorian & Skore)
- Prekariat und Karat (Yasmo & die Klangkantine)
- Prepare for Warfare EP (Soulcat E-Phife)
- Pressure EP (Pharma)
- Prime Time (Flirtmachine)
- Professional (Anticeptik & Pseikomusic)
- ProgRAM 100 (sampler)
- Progressive Energy Vol. 2 (sampler)
- Project MKUltra Vol​​.​​2 (sampler)
- Prominent Libido (Koi, Ankathie)
- Propelling Screw Remixes (Accentbuster)
- Prophecy EP (sampler)
- Proxy States (Jung An Tagen)
- Pseudophilia (Blossomers)
- Psychedelic DNA (sampler)
- Psychedelic Dreams (IbeX)
- Psycho Mechanic Calibration EP (sampler)
- Psylords (sampler)
- Puls (Jade)
- Pulse Rate EP (Metatrox)
- Punch (Isaac)
- Pur (Paulus, Albin)
- Purpose (Those Goddamn Hippies)
- Put My Shoes On (Scheibosan & Shanti Roots & Rino(IO)DJ)
- Raged / Interlinked (D.Kay & DJ Lee)
- Raid The Barn (Division Bootleg) (Anthony B)
- Rainmaker EP (Thomas Lovelace)
- Rave Armada EP (Niereich)
- Ravens Grave (Helica)
- Raw (Dorian Remix) (Kutlo)
- Raycaster EP (Helten & Fabian Schober)
- Recophal (Elektroschneider & Auto OK)
- Redemption of The Fallen (Fallen Apart)
- Red Gaze EP (Red Gaze)
- Red Haze (Creo)
- Reduced (Wingz)
- Reflections (Creo)
- Regenbogenland (Egger, Gerhard & Die Mostrocker)
- REGOLITH / ELEKTRO GUZZI split (sampler)
- Regression (FluxTape)
- Relentless Funk / Space Gang (Halflow & Screamarts)
- Remedy (Bender)
- Reset (Eder, Bernhard)
- Resilient EP (Double Helix)
- Retrieval EP (Pulsinger & Irl)
- Retro Driver / Cyberpunk (Dorian & Skore)
- Reunion EP (Hamses)
- Rhea (Kill The Lycan)
- Riesenrad (Pippa)
- Rift (Antechamber)
- Right Mind (Blues Frizz)
- Rigid EP (Rosa Anschütz)
- Ringshifter (Culprate Remix) / Assembler (LEViT∆TE Remix) (Mefjus)
- Rip'n Snip (Scape)
- Rise of Shenron Vol. 5 (sampler)
- Riverside Tales (Stootsie (solo))
- Roboter an die Macht (Tom Unterweger und die tanzenden Leichen)
- Rocco (HVOB)
- Rolling Back (MOTSA)
- Romantic Mode (Mavi Phoenix)
- Rost (Mantha)
- Rough And Sweet (Rocksteady Conspiracy, The)
- RR4 (Rosa Anschütz)
- Running Out Of Time (Steaming Satellites)
- S' Klane Glücksspiel (Voodoo Jürgens)
- Sacred Spring EP (Velvet Swing, The)
- Sad Trash (DEATHDEATHDEATH feat Baits)
- Saik Rider (Saiko)
- Sail (Death before Digital)
- Sakrileg (Artheist)
- Salzburger Pestspiele (sampler)
- Sample Paranoid (:aexattack)
- Sanset EP (M. A. D.)
- Sauron (Mofes & DisKrete)
- Scarraphon (Killah Tofu)
- Schau nie zruck EP (Reino Glutberg)
- Schicksal und Gemüt sind Names eines Begriffs (Vergeblichkeit)
- Schluss gemacht (Freunde Schöner)
- Schöne Bescherung (Gasselsberger/Hoffmann)
- Schrecken & Bernhard Bauch (Schrecken & Bernhard Bauch)
- Screaming for Ignorance EP (Points of Conception)
- Seashell (Acoustic Version) (Their Dogs Were Astronauts)
- Second Mind (Heavy Minds, The)
- Secret Earth (Voyage Futur)
- Secret Weapon (Fourtex)
- Seelenfeuer (Silenzer)
- Seelenraub EP (Behind The Mask)
- Seismic Charge EP (Concept One)
- Sekretariat (Zack Zack Zack)
- Selekta EP (Pharma)
- Sendezeit (Barry Good)
- Sentimental Waltz (Valentin Schuppich Trio)
- Separated Togetherness EP (Philipp Straub)
- Septic (Skore)
- Sequence for Ascension (Soundmuffel)
- Sequence for Ascension (Soundmuffel)
- Serotonin (Futurum Sonat)
- Sers EP (Subl!ne)
- Set It Off (Camo & Krooked)
- Sfumato (Oberst & Buchner)
- Shaepes SHÆPES (Krimh)
- Shakalaka (Safari)
- Shattered Perception / Detractor (Wingz)
- Shattered Perception (Phentix Remix) (Wingz)
- Shine (Creo)
- Shining (sampler)
- Shining VIP (LOTO ft. Dolexil)
- Shinto EP (Pharma)
- Short Stories (Listabarth, Martin)
- Shudder (Volatile Cycle & Wingz)
- Sibylle Kefer (Kefer, Sibylle)
- Sick Sequence Rmxs (Lancer & Attal)
- Side To Side (Skore)
- Sidewinder (Camo & Krooked & Mefjus)
- Signals (Supersonics)
- Silence (Cywacror)
- Silent Agents (C-60)
- Silent Throne (We Blame The Empire)
- Silk Blue (Low Potion)
- Simone (Folkshilfe)
- Sing (Folkshilfe)
- Sing Sang Song (sampler)
- SISWISIS (Schmafu)
- Six-Score / Convulsions Split (sampler)
- Sketches (Sketches on Duality)
- Skylights (Wreckage Machinery)
- Skymning (Katt, Anna)
- Slave To The Music (Mayr, Engel)
- Slave To The Passion (Ultraboss)
- Slave To The Passion 2: The Perils of Shredwave Decadence (Ultraboss)
- Sleepless (Hardcore Masterz Vienna & Klaut-G)
- Sloboda Kretanja / Umorna Lica (Iv/An)
- Slow Erosion (Codex Empire)
- Slow for You (Peter The Human Boy)
- Snake Charmer (Parov Stelar & Kovacs)
- So Far (ft. HYM) (Palastic)
- So He Spoke (Radio Edit) (Shake Stew)
- Solo #1 (Sainitzer, Clemens)
- Solodarität (Monobrother)
- Soma / Meditate (Double Helix & Morphine)
- So Many Roads (Posch, Hermann Blues Band feat. Zach Prather)
- Somebody / Trouble (Steve Hope)
- Somewhere Down the Line (Catastrophe & Cure)
- Songs for Androids EP (Wipeout)
- Songs from the Deaf (Granzzla)
- Sonic Boom (Funky Dragon)
- Sonic Empire (Steve Hope)
- Sonic Groove EP (Cohuna Beatz)
- Sonne Mond Sterne EP (Julian le Play)
- Sonolumineszenz vol.2 (sampler)
- Sorrow EP (Wingz)
- Soul (OverAlls, The)
- Souvenir (Lemo)
- Sovereign (Scion of Darkness)
- Space EP (Theo Meier)
- Spanish Fly EP (T Raum & Ken Hayakawa)
- Spätes Leuchten (Heller, Andre)
- Spearhead 100 (ZeroZero)
- Spectrum (Sketches on Duality)
- Spiegeleffekte EP (Akrüül)
- Spiel.Dein.Leben. (LEEB!)
- Splintered Glass (Fairway)
- Squeak EP (Hardez)
- Stages / Monsoon (sampler)
- Stardust Curry (Rajju Baba)
- Starkregen (Fendrich, Rainhard)
- Statik Travel 21 (Nexxor)
- Stay On Track (New West)
- Stay wild moon child (Wolfram)
- Stay Young! Stay Free! Stay Pissed! (!Mess!)
- Stealth Chicken (Kanoi & KRPL)
- Steelstreet (Cadû)
- Steppin' Forward 2 (sampler)
- Stick to What You Got (Klischée x Marina & The Kats)
- Stick to What You Got (Marina & The Kats)
- Still (Joja)
- Stil vor Talent Berlin: Admiralbrücke (sampler)
- STKT 003 (sampler)
- Stone Cold (Cesar Sampson)
- Stop (Smooth Remix) (Erb N Dub & DisasZt)
- Stopp (Folkshilfe)
- Stories of The Ueberwelt (Rambo Rambo Rambo)
- Straight Outta Pongau (Glue Crew)
- Stranger Places (Little Big Sea)
- Strategies (Spechtl, Andreas)
- Streicher Des Todes (Strings Of Death)
- Streichholz EP (Disorder)
- Strike EP (Krayne)
- String Foreplay (Rajju Baba)
- String Theory (Van Alen)
- Strom (Mood Shifter)
- Strong (Jiri Malakoff)
- Studio Live Session (Horny Funk Brothers)
- Stuwerboy (Monobrother)
- Suah Selects II (sampler)
- Sudden Desire (Soundmuffel)
- Sugar and Oxygen (NA1Go)
- Summa, Sunn und Zärtlichkeit (zwo3wir)
- Summersplash ohne Matura (Leo Poldau)
- Summer Sun (Cari Cari)
- Summer Tapes EP (Onk Lou)
- SummerTimer (AKOR)
- Sunday Song (Love Good Fail)
- Sun geahd au (Mosch & Carlo Valentino)
- Sun Over Moon (Gospel Dating Service)
- Sunshower EP (Lukas Poellauer)
- Superdeep (Pangani)
- Superfly EP (Jon Gravy)
- Superland (Pippa)
- Supernova EP (Philipp Lichtblau)
- Surfin' the Day Lovin' the Night (Expressway Sketches)
- Swingsalabim (Marina & The Kats)
- Swipe Right (Joe Traxler)
- Switched EP (Materia)
- Symbionts LP Part 1 (Metatrox)
- Symbionts LP Part 2 (Metatrox)
- Sympathy (LOST)
- System / Take it from me (Roman Weber)
- System Fail EP (Hamses)
- Take Me Home Boy (Color the Night)
- Taking Care Of Monkey Business (Go! Go! Gorillo)
- Tanngrisnier and Tanngnjostr II (sampler)
- Taverne (Seelenfänger, Die)
- Teenagejuveniledelinquentrocknrollhorrorbeachparty (Boom! Boom! Deluxe)
- Teenage Years Are Over (Dives)
- Tekno Power (Unreal Sign)
- Tektones #4 (sampler)
- Teleportal Tendencies (sampler)
- Tentaculove (Tentacula)
- Ten Years Of Jazzsticks (sampler)
- Tequila Tampons (Glue Crew)
- Terra and Beat (Boris Fab)
- Test Case Songs (Agnes Milewski & A Mile Of Sky)
- Textural Works (Diem, Philipp)
- Thailand Schnitte (iloveakim)
- The Abyss (Flamyyy)
- The Beginning EP (Niereich vs. Shadym & Tximeleta)
- The Boat Song (Astralex Remix) (Antispin)
- The Book Of Love (Lysah)
- The Contact (Intra)
- The craving for eviscerating god shimmering in the eyes of the guys from Despacito (Fabian Schober)
- The Damski / Terz Nervosa Split Tape (sampler)
- The Dark Tape 1 (AlpsCore)
- The Fire This Time (Woody Black 4)
- The Force (Niereich & Linus Quick)
- The Happy Sun (Happy Sun, The)
- The Hits 2018/19 Compilation (sampler)
- The Hydra EP (Part 4) (sampler)
- The Legits (Legits, The)
- The Light We Lost (Drive Moya)
- The Moment (A.Voltage)
- The Odd Cut (Ilun)
- The Panda Warriors Part III (sampler)
- There's No Meaning To Any Of This (Until We Find Out) (Kanoi)
- The Return of Empire EP (Niereich vs. Hackler & Kuch vs. Shadym)
- There You Go (Crush)
- These Days EP (Sun People)
- The Shining EP (sampler)
- The State Is Guilty EP (Niereich)
- The Syndicate EP (AKOV & Mean Teeth)
- The Toll (Dusk)
- The Tribal Ceremony (Rabo & Traumata)
- The Urge Of Night (Kovacs, Mira Lu & Clemens Wenger)
- The Vintage Retards (Vintage Retards, The)
- The Void EP (Ivoree)
- The Wasp (TR Tactics)
- The Wasp VIP (TR Tactics)
- Things Don’t Talk (Crystal Soda Cream)
- Thinking About You (Steve Hope)
- This is a Political Message (5/8erl In Ehr'n)
- This is Kraut - Live und Demos (Krautschädl)
- This Is What It Felt Like EP (Akali Akali)
- Thread EP (Skruff)
- Thrill And Fever (Sunstain)
- Thrill And Fever EP (Sustain)
- Throat (Mofes)
- Through These Gates (Deeper You)
- Throwing Knives (Endorphine)
- Thy Darkness (Sarcasm Syndrome)
- Thyme EP (/DL/MS/)
- Tiefseetaucher (10 Jahre Extended Version) (Tiefseetaucher)
- Time to Face Reality (Soundmuffel)
- Titan Killer (Titan Killer)
- Titans EP (Screamarts)
- Töchtersöhne (Manuel Normal)
- Tools EP (Phentix)
- To Postpone A Dream (sampler)
- Toxico (Helica)
- Traces of Acid (Soundmuffel)
- Traffic Jam EP (Dazed System)
- Train to Jaisalmer (feat. Çağrı Özyürek) (Kariyan)
- Trainwreck (Oliver Gruen)
- Transition (sampler)
- Transmissions (Microthol)
- Transmissions EP (Kyos)
- Trap (Bagage)
- Träume Erschaffen (Fu Vk)
- Tread (Sedan)
- Tremors (Mo Nahold)
- Trial & Eros Remixes (Vonbank, Jürgen)
- Tribal Instincts (Base, The)
- Tropicalas EP (Hanzo & Yaman)
- Trouble Killer (Unreal Sign)
- Truth Over Magnitude (Conchita Wurst)
- Tschuschistan (EsRAP)
- Turn (Reflector)
- Turning Points (Dates)
- TV Star (Electric Skin)
- Twentysomething (LOST)
- Twin Swan (AishaE)
- Twisted EP (sampler)
- Twisted Reflection EP (Lenfred)
- Ucho EP (Cheap Orange)
- Ugly (Mavi Phoenix)
- U Got It (Cruise Mix) (Jon Gravy)
- UKF10 - Ten Years Of UKF (Camo & Krooked)
- Ultimatum (Scape)
- Unauffällig laut (Ethiko)
- Uncle Glenn (PRAQ!)
- Und Fertig Sind Sie Alle (Tortoma & Stephan Roiss)
- Uneasy (Break Remix) / Divergence (Misanthrop Remix) (Mefjus)
- Unforgettable Sounds (sampler)
- Ungläubige (Artheist & Poley Tight)
- Unity (Spiral Drive)
- Unknown (Fearend)
- Unknown Journey (Futurum Sonat)
- Unknown Transmission (Benno Wohl)
- Uno (Theo Meier)
- Unsere Musik (Traumvabrik Soundsystem)
- Unsere Stra​ß​en (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Unsquare (Video Edit) (Drahthaus)
- Untergang EP (Behind The Mask)
- Untitled (Sedax)
- Unveil (Creo)
- Upcoming Talent EP (sampler)
- UTM EP Vol 2 (sampler)
- Utopia Electrifying Vol2 (sampler)
- U Want It EP (AKOV)
- V2.1 (VZI)
- VA EP Vol. 3 (sampler)
- Vagaboond 05 Paris (sampler)
- Vague (Concept One & JAK)
- Vanish In The Deep EP (Synged)
- Vernissage My Heart (Bilderbuch)
- Very Good Plus (Mister Bellini)
- Vida Noa (Vida Noa)
- Vienna, International (Goodhair Brothers)
- Vienna is not a sausage EP (No7ice & Toxic)
- Vienna Tapes (ExodusComplex) (Dunkelbunt)
- Viennoise (Torbica, Jovan)
- Viens Avec Moi EP ([dunkelbunt] ft. Lisa Cantabile & Kadero Rai)
- Vile Creature (Helica)
- Violent Silence (JG Dubz · Binxx · Pharma)
- Viper Annual 2019 (sampler)
- Virus EP (Phyz Drop)
- Vishva EP Part 1 (Petit Beurre)
- Vishva EP Part 2 (Petit Beurre)
- Visions (Aze)
- Voices of Snakes (AC/Boy)
- Void (Disrupta & Septon)
- Voidstalker/Plague Preacher (sampler)
- Volume 1 (Alves)
- Von Der Langsamen Zeit (Federspiel)
- Von Mädchen und Farben (Josh.)
- Voodoo Sonic - The Trilogy Part 1/3 (Parov Stelar)
- Vorbei (Mindblind)
- Voyager EP (stvshboi)
- Vulgo (Efendi, Nikolaj)
- W.E.I.R.D. Subtopia (Tenta)
- Wako 22 (Wako)
- Walker EP (Theo Meier)
- Walk The Talk (Good Wilson)
- Wanderers (Visions of Atlantis)
- Warehouse Industries EP (Niereich)
- Warm Embrace (Linecker/Gasselsberger)
- Warum kannst du mich so nicht leiden? (Traurig in Europa)
- Was das Herz will (Soundmuffel)
- Wasted (Noize Generation)
- Watergate EP (Olorr)
- Wave Drifter (sampler)
- Waveform Shapeshifter Remixed LP (Kursiva)
- Way Too Far (Ome)
- We All Will Melt EP (Thylo)
- We are family (Skyline Family+)
- We Are Number One (sampler)
- Weird (Splat)
- Weird Science EP (Phentix)
- Weiße Hemden (Attensam Quartett)
- Welcome to the Attic (Attic, The)
- Wenn ich ein Auto wär, wär ich ein kaputtes Auto (sampler)
- Werewolf (PhoroptiC)
- Wer Jagt Mich Wenn Ich Hungrig Bin (Buntspecht)
- Werkstück Pogo Frizzante (Exit.Maschinist)
- Wer Nicht Fühlen Will, Muss Hören (Pizzera & Jaus)
- Wertvolle Zeit (Philipp Griessler)
- West of the Moon (Graewe, Georg & Koglmann, Franz Quintet)
- wetzWolf_EP (Wolfwetz)
- Wheel Of Life (Werner Feldgrill)
- When I'm Enlightened, Everything Will Be Better (Alicia Edelweiss)
- Where Magnolia Grows (Soia)
- Wherever You May Go (Marina & The Kats)
- Whistle (DisasZt)
- White Birch (Black Yen)
- White Noise (Auer, Christoph Pepe)
- White Substance (Carl Haze)
- Who'd Stop The Sun (New Mourning, The)
- Who are You when No One is Watching ? EP (Kopophobia & Tzu~Jan)
- Whoop! EP (Ant Antic)
- Wia Waun (Vesselsky // Kühn)
- Wicked Gate (Helica)
- Wiener Chroniken (Freeman Vienna)
- Winter II (Lex Audrey)
- Wip Yo Hip (No7ice)
- Wirtschaftskammer (Wirtschaftskammer)
- Wisdom Ends in Paradox (PH/SD)
- Wish To Fade / Feels Like Before (RMX) (Air.K & Cephei)
- Within You With You (youcancallmeoliver)
- Woahr (Rare Friends)
- Wo der Ziegelböhm tanzt (Wiener Blue(s))
- Wo Der Ziegelböhm Tanzt (Wiener Blue(s))
- Wonderland (No Bros featuring Freddy Gigele)
- WorldWideJuke (sampler)
- Worldwide Slaughter (Ft. Danny Ranks) (Scooped)
- Woxow Reggae Versions (Woxow)
- Wry Cry EP (Land of Ooo)
- Wückis zam (Heinrich Himalaya)
- Wunderbar (Waldeck)
- Y (Yung Hurn)
- Y2 (Helica)
- Yodelic (Artyficial)
- Yonda LP (Kimyan Law)
- You Ain't Heard Nothing Yet (Harvey Miller & James Jive)
- Your Disco MMD RMX (Manic Youth)
- Your Opinion (Misses U)
- Zeakon & Friends (sampler)
- Zebra (Anna Absolut)
- Zenit (RAF Camora)
- Zeus (Dame)
- Zone 1 (sampler)
- Zugvögel (Holawind)
- Zulu Tribe EP (Division)
- Zyklus (Stelartronic)
- Zylokalyn (Psycrain)