- Name
- Gründungsjahr
- Bundesland
- Genre
- Funktion
- Filter
Bands aus Tirol
- -
- 15 m2 beats
- 2erBeziehung
- 3 Freesöre, Die
- 38 dioptries
- 4Fun
- 74 Tape Collectors
- AM
- Aaronic
- Abendroth
- Abu el Mot
- Acama
- Acoustic Rape
- Aeon
- Aetherich
- Agressive Mood
- Agressive Mood & Twisted Psychology
- Airport
- Ali Akhbar & The Mas Turbans
- Alleinunterhalterin, Die
- Allen Felix
- Alles mit Stil
- Alm
- Alpendollar
- Alpentrio Tirol
- AlpsCore
- Amal & The Gam-Brothers
- Amber Fish
- Andreas Matthias Pichler
- Andy Mayerl
- Angry Angels
- Anoroc
- Another Vision
- Apollo
- Artigen, Die
- Asmodis
- Asphalt
- Atom Cats
- Audioheadz
- Auer, Christoph Pepe
- Auer, Christoph Pepe & Manu Delago
- Auer/Tentscherd/Ringer/Rainer
- Aura Anthropica
- Aux Portes
- Avenging Angels
- Avon
- B-Boys
- BC 76
- BC´s, The (The Blue Chip Band)
- Babaroga
- Back To Kilkenny
- Bad News
- Badspin
- Baiba
- Balloon, El
- Bar
- Bardie, Christine
- Barzo1
- Baseline
- Basey, Pia
- Bauernjazz Kartell
- Baze Newsic
- BdF
- Beat Beat
- Beatniks
- Beatstreet
- Beatstreet Band, The
- Befeuchter, Die
- Bensh
- BergMann
- Beste Ware
- Big Fat Mama
- Big Sip
- Billa
- Biomull
- Bitchfork
- Black Sand
- Blanche Zambo
- Blitzgemetzel
- Blossomers
- Bluatschink
- Blue Balls
- Blueprint
- Blues For Two
- Blunzntilt
- Blushing Melons
- Boarding Line
- Bock, Ricci
- Bodensee Trio
- Bong Baby Go Sub
- Bourbonstreet
- Boys, The
- Brain
- Broadway
- Brød
- Buchhalter, Die
- Buddy & Soul
- Bug
- Böhm ohne KÖB
- Böhm´s Tanzorchestra
- C Schleifer
- CB Special
- Call of The Four Gates, The
- Cama
- Candy Cartel
- Capers
- Carlo Balloon
- Carpet Tongue
- Cassius Cle
- Cassius Cle & Kim Kong
- Ceasars Palace
- Cemetery
- Chalet 66
- Chaos F
- Cherries of Winter
- Chillin con Karma
- Chrisfader & Mo Cess
- Chrisfader & Testa
- Chrisfader, DJ
- Chromatico
- Ciela
- Co.Bro.+
- Cold Case Band, The
- Colourbox
- Combo Delago
- Comin & Goin
- Conntex
- Conntex & SloMo
- Controversy
- Convertible
- Country_Pumpkin
- Crazy Bones, The
- Crazy Guy,The
- Creative Dance Experience
- Creepy Crawly
- Crisko
- CriticalFreak
- Crowd Of Isolated
- Curacao
- Cutic, Andy
- D.E.Y.
- D.J. Navajo
- DJ Riada & DJ Santo
- DJ Sub & DJ Ego
- Da Kessl
- Daltonz
- Dan Vans
- Darkwell
- Dave & The Pussies
- David Felix
- Dead Cancer
- Dead End Click
- Deadtime Stories
- Deathwarrant
- Default Noise
- Delago, Hermann
- Delago, Manu
- Demolisha
- Dezibel
- Didi
- Dirty Works
- Disaster Area
- Disconnected
- Dishonesty
- Divine Temptation
- Djane Violett Shock
- Djembe Group
- Dominik, Rudigier
- Don Vito
- Dornenreich
- Dreaming Bananas
- Dreams of Sanity
- Dreimalumalpha
- Dreist.
- DriveBy
- Drumartic
- Dub Flavour & Jayruff
- Dubaware Soundsystem
- Duty Free
- EDI & IbeX
- EDI & Larix
- Echoes
- Ed Royal
- Ed Royal & DJ Enne
- Ei
- Eisteddfod
- Eklatant
- Electra
- Elegant
- Elephant's Garden
- Elm Row
- Endless Path
- Enne
- Ensonge
- Environmental
- Enzinger, Lem (solo)
- Ephemer
- Erben, Die
- Erich
- Euro Machine Works
- Exclusiv
- Exklusiv
- Faith, Jeremy
- Fallen Apart
- Feed The Tweety
- Fennymore
- Fesch
- Firesinger
- Fishing For Compliments
- Fleurs du mal, Les
- Float
- Formlos
- Formlos X Mhhjaja
- Four 4 Swing
- Frank'n'Free
- Fransen Musik
- Fransen Text
- Franui
- Franui & Bertl Mütter
- Freakshow, Die
- Freaky Fish
- Fried Chicken
- Frizzey Greif
- Frozen Hole
- Frucht
- Funktaxi
- Funky Weibs
- Further Kind
- Föd No Muh
- G-Verbot
- Gallus & The Cold Farmers
- Ganzer
- Garantiert Sendeverbot
- Garry Trace
- Garry Trace & Mike Tales
- Garry Trace & Saha
- Gash
- Gaul
- General Custer
- Getting Nuts
- Ghostbusters
- Gigele Freddy
- Gigmex
- Gilewicz
- Gina Disobey
- Glagglwerch
- Glasbreakers
- Goasei, The
- Gods
- Gracious in Defeat
- Grade A Fancy
- Grassheads, the
- Greif, Fritz
- Greifenhagen
- Grenzregionen
- Gretel N.T. Hansels
- Greys, The
- Grill, Alexander
- Groove department
- Groovisch
- Gruabehunt
- Gunner
- Gus Nobel
- H.P. Zinker
- HC Stranger
- HI5
- Hampl, Yoshi/Margie Sackl
- Happy Bonsai
- Haselwanter, Daniel Band
- Heaven's Trail
- Herbert Pixner Projekt
- Herzgluat
- Hey
- Hey-O-Hansen
- Hhanoi
- High Speed Moses
- Highko
- Highko & Agressive Mood
- Highko & Xandoz
- Highko vs Twisted Psychology
- Highko vs Xandoz vs Twisted Psychology
- Highko, Agressive Mood & Twisted Psychology
- Highwar & AM
- Highwar
- History
- Hoi
- Holofernes
- Home
- Honey Summerlove
- HongKong
- Hornitschek
- Horstmann
- Horwath, Florian
- Hosp, Melanie
- Hotchpotch
- Human Chase
- Hush
- Hyphen
- I.Q. 69
- IbeX
- Imster Liederkranz
- In Between
- Incredible Southern Blues Band, The
- Indyus
- Inn-A-Valley
- InnStrumenti
- Innsbrooklyn Rockers
- Intimspray
- Invaders
- Iriepathie
- Iriepathie & Anthony B.
- Iris Electrum
- Isaiah
- It
- Jacqui's Psychokillers
- Jahrtal
- Janus (Christoph Thomas Koller)
- Jayruff
- Jazz Orchester Tirol
- Jazzkitten
- Jetzt und Wir
- Jimmy and the Goofballs
- John Arman Organ Trio
- Journey to Io
- Judstone
- Just Two
- Kao
- Kapelle Hänfling
- Kasermandln
- Katschnig, Thomas
- Kausch, Wolfgang Solo
- Keeve
- Kein Grund zur Panik
- Keine Ahnung
- Kentrix
- Killer
- Kings Of The Uk
- Kirchmair, Achim Trio
- Klockwerk Orange
- Knalpot
- Knödel, Die
- Koell, Sara
- Kold-U-Shok
- Kolla
- Konski
- Kori - Press
- Korn, Leo
- Korova
- Korovakill
- Kunstpelz
- Kunstwerkstatt Lienz
- Kurzschluss
- Köhle, Franz
- L'Elastique
- LA Splisz
- LAhN, the
- Laikas Roas
- Lakiluke
- Lancer & Attal
- Lania
- Larix
- Lastre, Stalin & Werner Möbius
- Lechleitner, Hannes Hage
- Lechufer
- Lemosaurus
- Lenfred
- Lenfred & Pseikomusic
- Leo Poldau
- Lido
- Life Aim
- Linder, Markus
- Liquid Steel
- Little Element
- Live Erikson
- Living Room
- Locher, Martin
- Lof Ä Fair
- Long Distance
- Lorry Box
- Lorrybox
- Lost Braincells
- Lost Dreams
- Love Don´t Lie
- Low Potion
- Lucky Joe
- Lurid Lure
- Lux
- Lydia's Nightmare
- Lynx
- M-Tone
- MEiBLix
- MEiBLix & Asyn<ron
- Macheiner
- Machineworks
- Mad About Lemon
- Mad Maniacs
- Mad Turtle
- Madebyus
- Mairas Welt
- Mais Uma
- MakeUp
- Malice In Wonderland
- Mandarinos
- Maniac
- MantiCore
- Maple Leaf
- Marc Hess Company
- Maria
- Martinek & C-Deluxe
- Martini
- Mary Chain
- Marystoned
- Massive Noise
- Mayer, Alex
- Mayer, Alex & Kumar Mishra, Shyam
- Mayer, Alex & Elmira Hanum
- Maze of Madness
- Mazzomba
- McFarmersson
- Mediocrity X
- Menage
- Mens Lib.
- Merlin
- MhhJaJa
- Michel Fauxpas
- Midriff
- Mills
- Mindcrime
- Mindplax
- Minks aka MKS
- Mo & der kleine Prinz
- Moderate Sax & The Jazztetts, The
- Mohear
- MoleHole
- Mollson,Riphop&Flake
- Molly
- Monkeynuts, The
- Mono.Mode
- Mono:Massive
- Monobomb
- Moongroove
- Mora, Dice
- Moral Insanity
- Moreland
- Mother's Cake
- Mountain, The
- Msims
- Muehlegger, Rob (solo)
- Mugwumps, The
- Murdock
- Murphy Working Stiffs, The
- Music-Lehrer
- Musik und Computer
- My Dark Fate
- My Fearless Friend
- Möbius, Werner
- N-Otha
- N.W.O.
- Nadine
- Napalm Trio
- Nash
- Nathan Trent
- Native Soil
- Natzilla
- Nayrobi
- Necromatix
- Neon Neet
- Neosapiens
- Nero Effecta
- New Brunswick
- New York Project
- Next Current Adress
- Next Step, The
- Nice Corner Backbones
- Nightlights
- Nightshift
- Nihils
- Nilpferd
- No Boundaries
- No Bros
- No Horse No Rider
- Not To Save One's Life
- Notausgang
- Nothingfaith
- Ntschaskana
- Nylon
- Obscurum
- Obscurum & Manticore
- Ohrobugs
- On Stage
- Opas Diandl
- Opoku, Marco
- Opperer, Nik P. (solo)
- Orchestra Latin
- Orgler, Die
- Original Devil Duo
- Oshin
- Our Ceasing Voice
- Out Of Order
- Outreach
- Overdose
- Owl Rave
- Oyce
- P.T. Posse
- Pan Aroma
- Pankomat, Der
- Parakustik
- Patricia & Janus
- Paul Gilmore
- Peace Frog
- Pegasus
- Pentaton
- Pepita Crow
- Peter & Petter
- Pheet
- Philadelphy - Martinek
- Philadelphy / Hampl
- Philadelphy, Martin
- Philadelphy, Martin & Osgood, Kresten
- Philadelphy/Mitterer/Klammer
- Philadephy´s Paint
- Philanthrope
- Phonetic
- Phonetics, The
- Phonosapiens
- Phonoson
- Pianodrum
- Pillberger Fotzhobler, Die
- Pilot, The
- Pirchner, Werner
- Pirmin
- Pjotr Wög
- Plain
- Planet
- Plattner, Max Trio
- Platzgumer, Hans
- Platzgumer, Hans & Shaw, Catriona
- Platzgummer, Armin
- Platzlinger
- Poor Boy
- Powerline
- Praheya
- Praheya & Silly Twit
- Precious K
- Precious Stone
- Preed
- Prey
- Pseikomusic
- Puemp
- Punchline
- Pure, The
- Quartet, The
- Quoth I
- Raggamaffia
- Ramses Äroschmid
- Ran Can Can
- Raumpatrouille
- Rawar
- Rawar vs. Agressive Mood
- Reeds & Strings
- Refpiz
- Reinhardt, Belinda
- Reinhardt, Belinda & Allen Sforzina
- Reinhardt, Belinda (solo)
- Resign
- Resist
- Rettenwander, Lissie
- Revenge
- Reward
- Rex Royal
- Richard The Booster
- Riepler/Fleischer/Winkler/Junior
- Rin & Jes
- Rin99er
- Rinner, Mike (solo)
- Rising
- Rivers Avenue
- Robson
- Rospleszecz, Philipp
- RyuX
- Rückwärts-Gäng, The
- Rüttler
- SMC ($MC) a.k.a. Mighty $ Rapper
- Saemo
- Saha
- Sahara Surfers
- Sailor Sailer
- Salonlöwen, Die
- Sane
- Sarcasm Syndrome
- Satisfaction of Night
- Scabies, The
- Schafferer, Wolfgang
- Schellhorn, Christoph
- Schlong
- Schmoliner/ Kakaliagou
- Schneider, Georg Experiment
- Schneider, Gunter
- Schneiderberg
- Schubert
- Schubert, Klaus (solo)
- Schubert, Klaus feat. Joni Madden
- Schön & Soma
- Schöpf, Peter
- Schürzenjäger
- Secret Service
- SenZ27
- Senang
- Senang & Asmodis
- Serenity
- Sergeant Clue
- Seventy Five Music
- Shabby Maggot
- Shake Hands
- Shaman Kowalsky, The
- Shamrock
- Sheen
- Shirley MacLaines, The
- Shlong
- Shred by shred
- Shroomtune
- Shyne 11
- SiRenée
- Sic!
- Sick-U-R
- Siddhartha
- Siegfried
- Sight, DJ
- Signal2Noise Ratio
- Silent Sides
- Silius
- Silver Crystal
- Simon und die Überfälligen
- Sirenee
- Skizze
- Skyline Family+
- Slicky Nerves
- Slippery People
- Small Town Dubz
- Snake
- Socks won't answer
- Sold My Soul
- Somnolentus
- Son of A Gun
- Son of Fish
- Sonde44
- SonstNix
- Speed limit
- Speedy Weekend Band
- Sperenzi
- Spick & Span
- Spilif
- Spinelly
- Spiral Drive
- Spiss, Ewald
- Splitter
- Squini-Unplugged
- Stage
- Staudinger, Gerhard
- Stefan 9er
- Step By Step
- Stergin's Window Farm
- Stergin, Vincent
- Steve Miko
- Stichprobe
- Stigma
- Stock im Arsch
- Stolz, Norman
- Stonedead Bogeyman
- Stool Pigeon
- Stormwave
- Stupid Excuse
- Stöckholzer, Jo
- Subnee
- Sugardaddy
- Sunt
- Superape
- Supershuts
- Sweet Berserker
- Sweet Disaster
- Sweet Janes, The
- Sweet Sin
- Synergy & Praheya
- Systematic Soul Deadening
- T. D. O. L. (The Desaster Of Liquidity)
- T.B.C. What?
- Taliesin
- Tankstellenproleten
- Target
- Tear Decline
- Tempelsänger, Die
- Temple X
- Teran, Jose
- Testa
- Thin End Of The Wedge, The
- Thomas Fille
- Thomas Fille & Icecoldtapwater
- Tiebreak
- Timix
- Tin Pan Alley
- Tintenfish
- Tiroler Spatzen
- Titulus Bibendi
- Tivoli Project
- Tod des Trompeters
- Todesstern
- Tom Petting & die Silhouetten
- Tom Pettings Hertzattacken
- Tonmeister Guggi
- Total Chaos
- Trace
- Tracker
- Tract, The
- Trem-O-Lektra
- Triendl, Harald
- Trio Go Bang
- Triol
- Trust
- Tschako & Der Kleine Prinz
- Tschako & die Bergsportgruppe
- Tschernobyl, Vitaly & the Meltdowns
- Tschuggnall, Michael
- Turn
- Turn Out
- Turner, G. Band
- Twilight falls on NGC 891
- Twinpeaks
- Twisted Psychology
- Tyrolean Dynamite Crew
- U-Cover
- U-Sudtla
- U3
- Unheard
- United Underdogs
- Ursprung Buam
- Vano & Winters
- Vaseva
- Verena
- Verrückte Köpfe
- Vintage Retards, The
- Vis a vis
- Vitaly Tschernobyl & The Meltowns
- Vocal Visions
- Vogt meets Vogt
- Von Seiten der Gemeinde
- Von Seiten der Gemeinde x Da Kessl
- Vormärz
- Vortex
- Wasteboys Inc.
- Wasteland
- Wax Wreckaz
- Wax-Ato-Ti
- Waz, DJ & DJ Oranshee
- We Put The Fun In Funeral
- Weger/Junior/Fleischer/Die
- White Miles
- White Page, The
- White Roots
- Who´s The Boss
- Wie Waldi
- Wild Child
- Willnauer, Jörg-Martin
- Wisdom & Slime
- Wo`xang
- Wolf, Susan
- Word Wilde Web
- Wurtzer
- X-TA L
- Xander & Niederreiter
- Yamuna
- Yo!Zepp
- Yoshi Hampl
- Yours Sincerely
- Zehm, Norbert
- Zerberus
- Zida
- Zinker, Die
- Zottler
- Zulu
- Zwaxxx
- cKariEs
- ddh
- deLAgo
- icecoldtapwater
- im:takt
- saegewerk combo
- sargnegl
- studionatura2000
- verkochten Tirolerknödel, Die
- zwei Autodidakten, Die
- Éléphant Terrible
- Ötzi, DJ