1. Name
  2. Gründungsjahr
  3. Bundesland
  4. Genre
  5. Funktion
  6. Filter

Bands aus Tirol

  1. -
  2. 15 m2 beats
  3. 2erBeziehung
  4. 3 Freesöre, Die
  5. 38 dioptries
  6. 4Fun
  7. 74 Tape Collectors
  8. AM
  9. ANMA
  10. Aaronic
  11. Abendroth
  12. Abu el Mot
  13. Acama
  14. Acoustic Rape
  15. Aeon
  16. Aetherich
  17. Agressive Mood
  18. Agressive Mood & Twisted Psychology
  19. Airport
  20. Ali Akhbar & The Mas Turbans
  21. Alleinunterhalterin, Die
  22. Allen Felix
  23. Alles mit Stil
  24. Alm
  25. Alpendollar
  26. Alpentrio Tirol
  27. AlpsCore
  28. Amal & The Gam-Brothers
  29. Amber Fish
  30. Andreas Matthias Pichler
  31. Andy Mayerl
  32. Angry Angels
  33. Anoroc
  34. Another Vision
  35. Apollo
  36. Artigen, Die
  37. Asmodis
  38. Asphalt
  39. Atom Cats
  40. Audioheadz
  41. Auer, Christoph Pepe
  42. Auer, Christoph Pepe & Manu Delago
  43. Auer/Tentscherd/Ringer/Rainer
  44. Aura Anthropica
  45. Aux Portes
  46. Avenging Angels
  47. Avon
  48. B-Boys
  49. BC 76
  50. BC´s, The (The Blue Chip Band)
  51. Babaroga
  52. Back To Kilkenny
  53. Bad News
  54. Badspin
  55. Baiba
  56. Balloon, El
  57. Bar
  58. Bardie, Christine
  59. Barzo1
  60. Baseline
  61. Basey, Pia
  62. Bauernjazz Kartell
  63. Baze Newsic
  64. BdF
  65. Beat Beat
  66. Beatniks
  67. Beatstreet
  68. Beatstreet Band, The
  69. Befeuchter, Die
  70. Bensh
  71. BergMann
  72. Beste Ware
  73. Big Fat Mama
  74. Big Sip
  75. Billa
  76. Biomull
  77. Bitchfork
  78. Black Sand
  79. Blanche Zambo
  80. Blitzgemetzel
  81. Blossomers
  82. Bluatschink
  83. Blue Balls
  84. Blueprint
  85. Blues For Two
  86. Blunzntilt
  87. Blushing Melons
  88. Boarding Line
  89. Bock, Ricci
  90. Bodensee Trio
  91. Bong Baby Go Sub
  92. Bourbonstreet
  93. Boys, The
  94. Brain
  95. Broadway
  96. Brød
  97. Buchhalter, Die
  98. Buddy & Soul
  99. Bug
  100. Böhm ohne KÖB
  101. Böhm´s Tanzorchestra
  102. C Schleifer
  103. CAL-M
  104. CB Special
  105. Call of The Four Gates, The
  106. Cama
  107. Candy Cartel
  108. Capers
  109. Carlo Balloon
  110. Carpet Tongue
  111. Cassius Cle
  112. Cassius Cle & Kim Kong
  113. Ceasars Palace
  114. Cemetery
  115. Chalet 66
  116. Chaos F
  117. Cherries of Winter
  118. Chillin con Karma
  119. Chrisfader & Mo Cess
  120. Chrisfader & Testa
  121. Chrisfader, DJ
  122. Chromatico
  123. Ciela
  124. Co.Bro.+
  125. Cold Case Band, The
  126. Colourbox
  127. Combo Delago
  128. Comin & Goin
  129. Conntex
  130. Conntex & SloMo
  131. Controversy
  132. Convertible
  133. Country_Pumpkin
  134. Crazy Bones, The
  135. Crazy Guy,The
  136. Creative Dance Experience
  137. Creepy Crawly
  138. Crisko
  139. CriticalFreak
  140. Crowd Of Isolated
  141. Curacao
  142. Cutic, Andy
  143. D.E.Y.
  144. D.J. Navajo
  145. DIETZ
  146. DJ Riada & DJ Santo
  147. DJ Sub & DJ Ego
  148. Da Kessl
  149. Daltonz
  150. Dan Vans
  151. Darkwell
  152. Dave & The Pussies
  153. David Felix
  154. Dead Cancer
  155. Dead End Click
  156. Deadtime Stories
  157. Deathwarrant
  158. Default Noise
  159. Delago, Hermann
  160. Delago, Manu
  161. Demolisha
  162. Dezibel
  163. Didi
  164. Dirty Works
  165. Disaster Area
  166. Disconnected
  167. Dishonesty
  168. Divine Temptation
  169. Djane Violett Shock
  170. Djembe Group
  171. Dominik, Rudigier
  172. Don Vito
  173. Dornenreich
  174. Dreaming Bananas
  175. Dreams of Sanity
  176. Dreimalumalpha
  177. Dreist.
  178. DriveBy
  179. Drumartic
  180. Dub Flavour & Jayruff
  181. Dubaware Soundsystem
  182. Duty Free
  183. EDI
  184. EDI & IbeX
  185. EDI & Larix
  186. Echoes
  187. Ed Royal
  188. Ed Royal & DJ Enne
  189. Ei
  190. Eisteddfod
  191. Eklatant
  192. Electra
  193. Elegant
  194. Elephant's Garden
  195. Elm Row
  196. Endless Path
  197. Enne
  198. Ensonge
  199. Environmental
  200. Enzinger, Lem (solo)
  201. Ephemer
  202. Erben, Die
  203. Erich
  204. Euro Machine Works
  205. Exclusiv
  206. Exklusiv
  207. Faith, Jeremy
  208. Fallen Apart
  209. Feed The Tweety
  210. Fennymore
  211. Fesch
  212. Firesinger
  213. Fishing For Compliments
  214. Fleurs du mal, Les
  215. Float
  216. Formlos
  217. Formlos X Mhhjaja
  218. Four 4 Swing
  219. Frank'n'Free
  220. Fransen Musik
  221. Fransen Text
  222. Franui
  223. Franui & Bertl Mütter
  224. Freakshow, Die
  225. Freaky Fish
  226. Fried Chicken
  227. Frizzey Greif
  228. Frozen Hole
  229. Frucht
  230. Funktaxi
  231. Funky Weibs
  232. Further Kind
  233. Föd No Muh
  234. G-Verbot
  235. Gallus & The Cold Farmers
  236. Ganzer
  237. Garantiert Sendeverbot
  238. Garry Trace
  239. Garry Trace & Mike Tales
  240. Garry Trace & Saha
  241. Gash
  242. Gaul
  243. General Custer
  244. Getting Nuts
  245. Ghostbusters
  246. Gigele Freddy
  247. Gigmex
  248. Gilewicz
  249. Gina Disobey
  250. Glagglwerch
  251. Glasbreakers
  252. Goasei, The
  253. Gods
  254. Gracious in Defeat
  255. Grade A Fancy
  256. Grassheads, the
  257. Greif, Fritz
  258. Greifenhagen
  259. Grenzregionen
  260. Gretel N.T. Hansels
  261. Greys, The
  262. Grill, Alexander
  263. Groove department
  264. Groovisch
  265. Gruabehunt
  266. Gunner
  267. Gus Nobel
  268. H.P. Zinker
  269. HC Stranger
  270. HCL
  271. HI5
  272. HSD
  273. Hampl, Yoshi/Margie Sackl
  274. Happy Bonsai
  275. Haselwanter, Daniel Band
  276. Heaven's Trail
  277. Herbert Pixner Projekt
  278. Herzgluat
  279. Hey
  280. Hey-O-Hansen
  281. Hhanoi
  282. High Speed Moses
  283. Highko
  284. Highko & Agressive Mood
  285. Highko & Xandoz
  286. Highko vs Twisted Psychology
  287. Highko vs Xandoz vs Twisted Psychology
  288. Highko, Agressive Mood & Twisted Psychology
  289. Highwar & AM
  290. Highwar
  291. History
  292. Hoi
  293. Holofernes
  294. Home
  295. Honey Summerlove
  296. HongKong
  297. Hornitschek
  298. Horstmann
  299. Horwath, Florian
  300. Hosp, Melanie
  301. Hotchpotch
  302. Human Chase
  303. Hush
  304. Hyphen
  305. I.Q. 69
  306. IbeX
  307. Imster Liederkranz
  308. In Between
  309. Incredible Southern Blues Band, The
  310. Indyus
  311. Inn-A-Valley
  312. InnStrumenti
  313. Innsbrooklyn Rockers
  314. Intimspray
  315. Invaders
  316. Iriepathie
  317. Iriepathie & Anthony B.
  318. Iris Electrum
  319. Isaiah
  320. It
  321. JES
  322. Jacqui's Psychokillers
  323. Jahrtal
  324. Janus (Christoph Thomas Koller)
  325. Jayruff
  326. Jazz Orchester Tirol
  327. Jazzkitten
  328. Jetzt und Wir
  329. Jimmy and the Goofballs
  330. John Arman Organ Trio
  331. Journey to Io
  332. Judstone
  333. Just Two
  334. Kao
  335. Kapelle Hänfling
  336. Kasermandln
  337. Katschnig, Thomas
  338. Kausch, Wolfgang Solo
  339. Keeve
  340. Kein Grund zur Panik
  341. Keine Ahnung
  342. Kentrix
  343. Killer
  344. Kings Of The Uk
  345. Kirchmair, Achim Trio
  346. Klockwerk Orange
  347. Knalpot
  348. Knödel, Die
  349. Koell, Sara
  350. Kold-U-Shok
  351. Kolla
  352. Konski
  353. Kori - Press
  354. Korn, Leo
  355. Korova
  356. Korovakill
  357. Kunstpelz
  358. Kunstwerkstatt Lienz
  359. Kurzschluss
  360. KÖB
  361. Köhle, Franz
  362. L'Elastique
  363. LA Splisz
  364. LAhN, the
  365. Laikas Roas
  366. Lakiluke
  367. Lancer & Attal
  368. Lania
  369. Larix
  370. Lastre, Stalin & Werner Möbius
  371. Lechleitner, Hannes Hage
  372. Lechufer
  373. Lemosaurus
  374. Lenfred
  375. Lenfred & Pseikomusic
  376. Leo Poldau
  377. Lido
  378. Life Aim
  379. Linder, Markus
  380. Liquid Steel
  381. Little Element
  382. Live Erikson
  383. Living Room
  384. Locher, Martin
  385. Lof Ä Fair
  386. Long Distance
  387. Lorry Box
  388. Lorrybox
  389. Lost Braincells
  390. Lost Dreams
  391. Love Don´t Lie
  392. Low Potion
  393. Lucky Joe
  394. Lurid Lure
  395. Lux
  396. Lydia's Nightmare
  397. Lynx
  398. M-Tone
  399. MEiBLix
  400. MEiBLix & Asyn<ron
  401. MIM
  402. Macheiner
  403. Machineworks
  404. Mad About Lemon
  405. Mad Maniacs
  406. Mad Turtle
  407. Madebyus
  408. Mairas Welt
  409. Mais Uma
  410. MakeUp
  411. Malice In Wonderland
  412. Mandarinos
  413. Maniac
  414. MantiCore
  415. Maple Leaf
  416. Marc Hess Company
  417. Maria
  418. Martinek & C-Deluxe
  419. Martini
  420. Mary Chain
  421. Marystoned
  422. Massive Noise
  423. Mayer, Alex
  424. Mayer, Alex & Kumar Mishra, Shyam
  425. Mayer, Alex & Elmira Hanum
  426. Maze of Madness
  427. Mazzomba
  428. McFarmersson
  429. Mediocrity X
  430. Menage
  431. Mens Lib.
  432. Merlin
  433. MhhJaJa
  434. Michel Fauxpas
  435. Midriff
  436. Mills
  437. Mindcrime
  438. Mindplax
  439. Minks aka MKS
  440. Mo & der kleine Prinz
  441. Moderate Sax & The Jazztetts, The
  442. Mohear
  443. MoleHole
  444. Mollson,Riphop&Flake
  445. Molly
  446. Monkeynuts, The
  447. Mono.Mode
  448. Mono:Massive
  449. Monobomb
  450. Moongroove
  451. Mora, Dice
  452. Moral Insanity
  453. Moreland
  454. Mother's Cake
  455. Mountain, The
  456. Msims
  457. Muehlegger, Rob (solo)
  458. Mugwumps, The
  459. Murdock
  460. Murphy Working Stiffs, The
  461. Music-Lehrer
  462. Musik und Computer
  463. My Dark Fate
  464. My Fearless Friend
  465. Möbius, Werner
  466. N-Otha
  467. N.W.O.
  468. NENDA
  469. Nadine
  470. Napalm Trio
  471. Nash
  472. Nathan Trent
  473. Native Soil
  474. Natzilla
  475. Nayrobi
  476. Necromatix
  477. Neon Neet
  478. Neosapiens
  479. Nero Effecta
  480. New Brunswick
  481. New York Project
  482. Next Current Adress
  483. Next Step, The
  484. Nice Corner Backbones
  485. Nightlights
  486. Nightshift
  487. Nihils
  488. Nilpferd
  489. No Boundaries
  490. No Bros
  491. No Horse No Rider
  492. Not To Save One's Life
  493. Notausgang
  494. Nothingfaith
  495. Ntschaskana
  496. Nylon
  497. Obscurum
  498. Obscurum & Manticore
  499. Ohrobugs
  500. On Stage
  501. Opas Diandl
  502. Opoku, Marco
  503. Opperer, Nik P. (solo)
  504. Orchestra Latin
  505. Orgler, Die
  506. Original Devil Duo
  507. Oshin
  508. Our Ceasing Voice
  509. Out Of Order
  510. Outreach
  511. Overdose
  512. Owl Rave
  513. Oyce
  514. P.T. Posse
  515. Pan Aroma
  516. Pankomat, Der
  517. Parakustik
  518. Patricia & Janus
  519. Paul Gilmore
  520. Peace Frog
  521. Pegasus
  522. Pentaton
  523. Pepita Crow
  524. Peter & Petter
  525. Pheet
  526. Philadelphy - Martinek
  527. Philadelphy / Hampl
  528. Philadelphy, Martin
  529. Philadelphy, Martin & Osgood, Kresten
  530. Philadelphy/Mitterer/Klammer
  531. Philadephy´s Paint
  532. Philanthrope
  533. Phonetic
  534. Phonetics, The
  535. Phonosapiens
  536. Phonoson
  537. Pianodrum
  538. Pillberger Fotzhobler, Die
  539. Pilot, The
  540. Pirchner, Werner
  541. Pirmin
  542. Pjotr Wög
  543. Plain
  544. Planet
  545. Plattner, Max Trio
  546. Platzgumer, Hans
  547. Platzgumer, Hans & Shaw, Catriona
  548. Platzgummer, Armin
  549. Platzlinger
  550. Poor Boy
  551. Powerline
  552. Praheya
  553. Praheya & Silly Twit
  554. Precious K
  555. Precious Stone
  556. Preed
  557. Prey
  558. Pseikomusic
  559. Puemp
  560. Punchline
  561. Pure, The
  562. Quartet, The
  563. Quoth I
  564. Raggamaffia
  565. Ramses Äroschmid
  566. Ran Can Can
  567. Raumpatrouille
  568. Rawar
  569. Rawar vs. Agressive Mood
  570. Reeds & Strings
  571. Refpiz
  572. Reinhardt, Belinda
  573. Reinhardt, Belinda & Allen Sforzina
  574. Reinhardt, Belinda (solo)
  575. Resign
  576. Resist
  577. Rettenwander, Lissie
  578. Revenge
  579. Reward
  580. Rex Royal
  581. Richard The Booster
  582. Riepler/Fleischer/Winkler/Junior
  583. Rin & Jes
  584. Rin99er
  585. Rinner, Mike (solo)
  586. Rising
  587. Rivers Avenue
  588. Robson
  589. Rospleszecz, Philipp
  590. RyuX
  591. Rückwärts-Gäng, The
  592. Rüttler
  593. SIX:PM
  594. SMC ($MC) a.k.a. Mighty $ Rapper
  595. ST|MK
  596. Saemo
  597. Saha
  598. Sahara Surfers
  599. Sailor Sailer
  600. Salonlöwen, Die
  601. Sane
  602. Sarcasm Syndrome
  603. Satisfaction of Night
  604. Scabies, The
  605. Schafferer, Wolfgang
  606. Schellhorn, Christoph
  607. Schlong
  608. Schmoliner/ Kakaliagou
  609. Schneider, Georg Experiment
  610. Schneider, Gunter
  611. Schneiderberg
  612. Schubert
  613. Schubert, Klaus (solo)
  614. Schubert, Klaus feat. Joni Madden
  615. Schön & Soma
  616. Schöpf, Peter
  617. Schürzenjäger
  618. Secret Service
  619. SenZ27
  620. Senang
  621. Senang & Asmodis
  622. Serenity
  623. Sergeant Clue
  624. Seventy Five Music
  625. Shabby Maggot
  626. Shake Hands
  627. Shaman Kowalsky, The
  628. Shamrock
  629. Sheen
  630. Shirley MacLaines, The
  631. Shlong
  632. Shred by shred
  633. Shroomtune
  634. Shyne 11
  635. SiRenée
  636. Sic!
  637. Sick-U-R
  638. Siddhartha
  639. Siegfried
  640. Sight, DJ
  641. Signal2Noise Ratio
  642. Silent Sides
  643. Silius
  644. Silver Crystal
  645. Simon und die Überfälligen
  646. Sirenee
  647. Skizze
  648. Skyline Family+
  649. Slicky Nerves
  650. Slippery People
  651. Small Town Dubz
  652. Snake
  653. Socks won't answer
  654. Sold My Soul
  655. Somnolentus
  656. Son of A Gun
  657. Son of Fish
  658. Sonde44
  659. SonstNix
  660. Speed limit
  661. Speedy Weekend Band
  662. Sperenzi
  663. Spick & Span
  664. Spilif
  665. Spinelly
  666. Spiral Drive
  667. Spiss, Ewald
  668. Splitter
  669. Squini-Unplugged
  670. Stage
  671. Staudinger, Gerhard
  672. Stefan 9er
  673. Step By Step
  674. Stergin's Window Farm
  675. Stergin, Vincent
  676. Steve Miko
  677. Stichprobe
  678. Stigma
  679. Stock im Arsch
  680. Stolz, Norman
  681. Stonedead Bogeyman
  682. Stool Pigeon
  683. Stormwave
  684. Stupid Excuse
  685. Stöckholzer, Jo
  686. Subnee
  687. Sugardaddy
  688. Sunt
  689. Superape
  690. Supershuts
  691. Sweet Berserker
  692. Sweet Disaster
  693. Sweet Janes, The
  694. Sweet Sin
  695. Synergy & Praheya
  696. Systematic Soul Deadening
  697. T. D. O. L. (The Desaster Of Liquidity)
  698. T.B.C. What?
  699. Taliesin
  700. Tankstellenproleten
  701. Target
  702. Tear Decline
  703. Tempelsänger, Die
  704. Temple X
  705. Teran, Jose
  706. Testa
  707. Thin End Of The Wedge, The
  708. Thomas Fille
  709. Thomas Fille & Icecoldtapwater
  710. Tiebreak
  711. Timix
  712. Tin Pan Alley
  713. Tintenfish
  714. Tiroler Spatzen
  715. Titulus Bibendi
  716. Tivoli Project
  717. Tod des Trompeters
  718. Todesstern
  719. Tom Petting & die Silhouetten
  720. Tom Pettings Hertzattacken
  721. Tonmeister Guggi
  722. Total Chaos
  723. Trace
  724. Tracker
  725. Tract, The
  726. Trem-O-Lektra
  727. Triendl, Harald
  728. Trio Go Bang
  729. Triol
  730. Trust
  731. Tschako & Der Kleine Prinz
  732. Tschako & die Bergsportgruppe
  733. Tschernobyl, Vitaly & the Meltdowns
  734. Tschuggnall, Michael
  735. Turn
  736. Turn Out
  737. Turner, G. Band
  738. Twilight falls on NGC 891
  739. Twinpeaks
  740. Twisted Psychology
  741. Tyrolean Dynamite Crew
  742. U-Cover
  743. U-Sudtla
  744. U3
  745. Unheard
  746. United Underdogs
  747. Ursprung Buam
  748. VZI
  749. Vano & Winters
  750. Vaseva
  751. Verena
  752. Verrückte Köpfe
  753. Vintage Retards, The
  754. Vis a vis
  755. Vitaly Tschernobyl & The Meltowns
  756. Vocal Visions
  757. Vogt meets Vogt
  758. Von Seiten der Gemeinde
  759. Von Seiten der Gemeinde x Da Kessl
  760. Vormärz
  761. Vortex
  762. Wasteboys Inc.
  763. Wasteland
  764. Wax Wreckaz
  765. Wax-Ato-Ti
  766. Waz, DJ & DJ Oranshee
  767. We Put The Fun In Funeral
  768. Weger/Junior/Fleischer/Die
  769. White Miles
  770. White Page, The
  771. White Roots
  772. Who´s The Boss
  773. Wie Waldi
  774. Wild Child
  775. Willnauer, Jörg-Martin
  776. Wisdom & Slime
  777. Wo`xang
  778. Wolf, Susan
  779. Word Wilde Web
  780. Wurtzer
  781. X-TA L
  782. Xander & Niederreiter
  783. Yamuna
  784. Yo!Zepp
  785. Yoshi Hampl
  786. Yours Sincerely
  787. Zehm, Norbert
  788. Zerberus
  789. Zida
  790. Zinker, Die
  791. Zottler
  792. Zulu
  793. Zwaxxx
  794. cKariEs
  795. ddh
  796. deLAgo
  797. icecoldtapwater
  798. im:takt
  799. saegewerk combo
  800. sargnegl
  801. studionatura2000
  802. verkochten Tirolerknödel, Die
  803. zwei Autodidakten, Die
  804. ÄNN
  805. Éléphant Terrible
  806. Ötzi, DJ