- Name
- Gründungsjahr
- Bundesland
- Genre
- Funktion
- Filter
Bands (f)
- F.B.I. (Far Beyond Innocence) Five Blind Idiots
- F.E.I.D.L.
- F.E.T.T. Feeling Extra Terrestrial Tides
- F.S. Blummbastic feat. Hey
- F.U.R.P
- F80/80
- Fabe
- Fabe
- Fabe & Stereoflex
- fAbia
- Fabiano José
- Fabiano José & Alexander Wirth
- Fabian Schober
- Fabiorosho
- Fabjančič, Tjasa
- Fabman & Bobbin
- Fabo B.
- Fab Toulouse
- Fabulous Danes, The
- Face
- Face 2 Face
- Face - 48
- Faced With Ruins
- Facelift
- Facelift feat. Sapho Meyer
- Faces
- Faces, Mirac, Maze One, Osive
- Faces x Mirac
- Facewalk
- Facial Climax
- Faded North, The
- Fadi
- Fadin' To Whiteout
- Fading Sign, The
- Fading Synergy
- Fagaschinski, Kai & Bernhard Gál
- Fagget Fairys
- Fahrenheit
- Faia Salamanda
- Faia Salamanda & Rootical Jam Band
- Fäidaboll
- Faina
- Fainschmitz
- Fairway
- Fairychild
- Fairyland
- Fairy Nectar
- Fairytale Soundsystem FTS
- Fairytellers, The
- Faisty´s Group
- Fait
- Faith, Jeremy
- Faixn
- Fake
- Fäke
- Fake, The
- Fake Fellini
- Fake Mistake
- Fake The Facts Dieb13 / Gustafsson / Siewert
- FakeWonDo
- Falangee
- Falb, Viola
- Falb Fiction
- Falco
- Falco, Tav
- Falco & Brigitte Nielsen
- Falco - A Cyber Show + CD
- Falco Band
- Falco Revival Formation
- Falco Tribute Band
- Falk, Rainer
- Falkner, Pauline
- Fall
- Falle
- Fallen Apart
- Fallen Dice
- Fallen Up
- Fallen Utopia
- Fall for Ivy
- Fall In Blues
- Falling For Beautiful
- Falling High
- Fall Into Dry Lungs
- Fallout
- FallOutBeats
- Fallsbacher Angeiger
- Fall Time.
- Fallus
- Falm
- Falschen Freunde, Die
- Falschlunger, Klaus
- False King
- Faltschwagoni
- Falzberger, Lisa-Marie
- Familie Galko
- Familie Lässig
- Familienbanda Hojsa
- Familienbande
- Familie Pischinger
- Familie Ruppert
- Familie Seelig
- Family Bizness
- Family Bizz
- Family Funk
- Family Kuti Band
- Family Shit
- Famous Flash
- Famp
- Fanblock Edi Flinger
- Fanclub Erdberg
- Fancy Camera
- Fancy Free
- Fandl, Arthur
- Fandujo
- Fanfare Ciocărlia
- Fang den Berg
- Fang den Berg/Tortoma
- Fänggen
- Fankhauser, Elisabeth
- Fankhauser, Gerhard
- Fant
- Fant & Nilo
- Fantast
- Fantel, Willy und Band
- Fantomas
- Faraday Orchestra
- Far Away Town
- Far Beyond Innocence
- Farce
- Farewell Dear Ghost
- Far From Autumn
- Farkas
- Farkas, Karl
- Farkas, Karl und Waldbrunn, Ernst
- Farmer, Art Quintett
- Farmers Manual
- Faro & Big Work
- Faro und Schmiedhammer
- Farr & BØRT
- Fartknocker
- Fasching, Andreas Julius
- Faschings Kuchlradio
- Fashion, The
- Fässler, Silvia & Roisz, Billy
- Fast 3
- Faster Pussycat Kill! Kill!
- Faster Than Sound
- Fast God Boston
- Fasthuber & Stöger
- Fast Last Circus
- Fatalismus Spunk Fatalismus Spunk 6|9
- Fat Cat
- Fat Cat R&B Band
- Fat Chester
- Fate
- Fate & alllone
- Fate & Rice Master Yen
- Fate Decided Otherwise
- Fated To Fiction
- Fate One
- Fates Run
- FAT Fabulous Austrian Trio
- Fat Feathers
- Father And Gun
- Fathers'n Sons
- Fatima versus DJ Taylor & Flow
- Fat Magic
- Fat Poets Society
- Fat Tuesday
- Fatty George Crew
- Fatty George Jazzband
- Faulhammer, Thomas
- Faulhammer, Tobias
- Faun
- Fauna
- Faust
- Favela Gold
- Favorhythm Gospel Singers
- Favoriten-Roma liegt im Koma Orchester, Das
- Favorite Occupation, The
- Favorite-Orchester
- Favorythm Gospel Singers & Band
- Fax Mattinger, Das
- Fax Mattinger, das & Gerald Rossbacher
- Fayes, Sonja & Band
- Fayette, La
- FC Linz
- Feanor Omega
- Fear Eats Soul
- Fearend
- Fear Kills Spirit
- Feater
- February Lights
- Federal Funk Department
- Federica Scuitto
- Federspiel
- Feed
- Feedback
- Feeding, The
- Feeding Time
- Feed The Tweety
- Feeling Valencia
- Feewa Core
- Fehlgeburt
- FehlZündung
- Fehring, Johannes & The Chicks
- Fehring, Johannes And His Orchestra
- Fehring, Johannes und die Peter Kreuder Solisten
- Fehring, Johannes und sein Orchester 1954
- Feichtmair/Löschel/Buck
- Feichtner, Dieter
- Feinig, Tonc
- Feinig/Erian/Loh/Winkler
- Feinkost Hofer
- Feinmotorik
- Feinsinn
- Feistritzer, Gerfried
- Feitel
- Feju
- Fela
- Felber, Dani Big Band
- Fele
- Fele vs. Alien Chaos
- Fele vs. Yatzee
- Fele vs Liquid E.T.
- Felicia Lu
- Felician Erlenburgs Erlenblow
- Felipe & Nicolas Bacher
- Felipe dos Santos, Wagner
- Felippe Senne
- Felix Bandit
- Felix Raymon, Invadhertz & Jamal Dilmen
- Felix The Houserat
- Fellatio
- Fellini
- Fellner, Daniel
- Fellowsoph
- Felsberger, Bernd
- FeMale Jazz Art, The
- Females Under Tension
- Feminists
- Femous Orchestra
- Fender, Fredi
- Fendrich, Harald
- Fendrich, Rainhard
- Fennesz
- Fennesz / Harding / Rehberg
- Fennesz / O´Rourke / Rehberg Fenn O'Berg
- Fennesz / Rehberg / Toral / Feliciano
- Fennesz / Rosy Parlane
- Fennesz / Sakamoto
- Fennesz / Vainio / Zanési
- Fennesz / Zeitblom / Rantasa
- Fennesz & Rehberg
- Fennymore
- Fensterlos Crew
- Fenzl, Edi & Danielsen, Jörg
- Fenzl, Edi Band
- Fenzl Experience
- Ferank's Fan Club
- Fer BR
- Ferbrache_Buddha
- Ferbrache & Noyce
- Ferdinand
- Ferengi
- Fergus Keogh
- Ferguson, Stephen
- Ferice
- Ferice & Geostatic
- Ferice & Heft
- Fernando Paiva Group
- Fernverkehr
- Ferrara, Patrizia
- Ferrara/Köhldofer
- Fersl
- Ferstl, Judith
- Fesch
- Fesch
- Fessl, Monique
- Fester
- Festering Flesh
- Festival All Stars
- Fetal Injury
- Fetish 69
- Fetter König/ Mieze Medusa
- Fett Squad
- Fetz'n Fisch
- Fetzenschädel
- Fetznbuam
- Feuerfux
- Feuerhaus Quartett
- Feuerlöscher
- Feurle, Jonas
- Feux
- Feux & Kalifornia Kurt
- Feux & Mirac
- Fe Vargas
- Feverish Dreams
- Feynman, Fabian
- Fey Unison
- Fez
- feZZntandler
- Fezzz, Rainhard
- Fezzz!
- Fiago
- Fiaker Fiasko
- Fian, Bumi
- Fia Sco & the Majestics
- fiasco électrique
- Fibich, Bernhard
- Fibich, Heinz - Alleinunterhalter
- Fibich, Heinz Quartett
- Fibregrass
- Fictionplay, The
- Fida & Niduz
- Fidelen Synkopen, Die
- Fidelen Technotaler, Die (Spanbloechel, Willi/Konrad, Otto)
- Fidibus
- Fid Mella
- Fid Mella feat. Kev Brown & Kaimbr
- Fieber, Das
- Fields, Paul
- Fields, Paul & Edi Reiser
- Fields, Paul Ensemble
- Fields, Paul - Heinz Neubrand
- Fields, Paul Trio
- Fields Novotny Duo
- Fierce Petals
- Fiesta Forever
- Fifty Broken Promises
- Fightclub
- Fight Your Fear
- Figure In Frame
- Figures In Distortion
- Fii
- Fiio
- Fiium Shaarrk
- Fijuka
- File Not Found
- Filio
- Filip/Noid
- Fill MC
- Filly
- Filou
- Filous
- Filous & Mount
- Filous ft. James Hersey
- Filterlos
- Filterqueen Crew
- Filz´, Richard Geräuschekünstler
- Fin
- Final
- Final Cut
- Final Exit
- Fine Blend XXL
- Finely Tuned
- Fine Noise
- Finest Blend
- Finger
- Fingers of God
- Fink
- Fink, Daniel
- Finkel, Sigi
- Finkel, Sigi & African Heart
- Finkel, Sigi & Christoph Spendel Duo
- Finkel, Sigi & Diabaté, Mamadou
- Finkel, Sigi & Stadler, Monika feat. Djakali Kone
- Finkel, Sigi & Tim Richards Duo
- Finkel, Sigi & Tim Richards Soundscapes
- Finkel, Sigi Powerstation
- Finkels, Sigi Special Station
- Finnan Haddocks
- Finsterle, Yvonne
- Fiona
- Fionas Day
- Fiosz/Etzel
- Fireclath
- Fireclath Prod. & Kinetical
- Fireclath Sound
- Firelöscher
- Fireman Crew
- Fire Resistant Underwear
- Firesinger
- Firestorm
- Firetribemusic
- Firewall
- Firm, The
- Firm Entropy, The
- Firn
- Firn x Going Like A Ghost
- First Aid
- First Class
- First Class College
- First Fatal Kiss
- First Gig Never Happened
- First Person & TR Tactics
- First Strings on Mars
- FirstThingsFirst
- Fische, Die
- Fischer, Elly
- Fischer, Eric
- Fischer, Eric & Postl, Peter
- Fischer, Jens
- Fischer, Julia
- Fischer, Julia Noa
- Fischer, Karl
- Fischer, Michael
- Fischer/ Greene/ Menrath
- Fischer/Schweizer/Menrath
- Fischer's, Michael Men And Progress
- Fischer & The Mixed Pickles
- Fischerlehner Trio
- Fisch Fisch
- Fischhalle
- Fischmehl
- Fischmehl & FlowwolF
- Fischmehl & Rhythmonorm
- Fischvergiftung
- Fish'n Jigs
- Fishbitch and the Paghnang Rotten Limb Ensemble
- Fishee!
- Fisher, Alexander
- Fisher, El
- Fisher, Ian
- Fisher, Max
- Fishermans Enemy
- Fishfinger
- Fish-Fish
- Fishhead 66
- Fishing For Compliments
- Fishmac (Fishmäc und seine Hamburger)
- Fiskkilla
- Fislova, Betka
- Fisso & Spark
- Fissore, Andrea
- Fist A Ferret
- Fitsch
- Fitz, Lisa
- Fitzke, Fritz
- Fitzner, Andi
- Fiva & Mnemonic
- Five Highs
- Five In Love With Betty
- Five Minute Fall
- Five Moons
- Five Seasons
- FIX19 Fix 19
- Fizzers
- Fjord Surfer
- fjuusha
- FKA twigs
- Flad
- Flaer
- Flakes
- Flakes, The Frisbee Flakes
- fLako
- Flaks
- Flame
- Flamedukes, The
- Flamingo
- Flamman & Abraxas
- Flammenkvlt
- Flammensturm
- Flamyyy
- Flappo, DJ
- Flare Gun
- Flash
- Flashback
- FlashbackFM & Archemy
- Flashbax
- Flash Jack & Jumpix
- Flatcaps, The
- Flatcat Ramblers
- Flat Earth
- Flatland Warriors
- Flatline
- Flattape
- Flavio Love & Fuzl
- Flavour Force feat. Gender Bender
- Fleaheap
- Fleisch, Nina
- Fleischmann, Johannes
- Fleischpost
- Fleming, Leopoldo F., Christian Gonsior & Friends
- Fleurs du mal, Les
- Flexevil
- Flexibel Feet
- Flexodus
- Flickentanz
- Flieger und die Cola Dosen
- Flight 101
- Flight of Apollo, The
- Flimp
- Flinke Killer
- Flint Makes Music
- Flip
- Flip & Average
- Flipchart
- Flipotronics
- Flip Philipp & Ed Partyka Octet
- Flip Philipp Quartett
- Flip Phillipp/ Klemens Marktl Constellation
- Fliptek
- Flirtmachine
- Flishflash
- FLO & Pharma
- Float
- Floating Pyramid
- Flohhaufen
- Flo Monghy
- Flo Monghy & Alecid
- Flo Monghy & RUSRUS
- Floodland
- Flore
- Florian Horwath Ensemble, The
- Florian Kaltstrøm
- Florian Meindl feat. Ricardo Philipps
- Florian Palier
- Floridsdorfer Spatzen
- Flotek & Kinle, Mario
- Flourish
- Flow_
- Flow, The
- Flow, The
- Flowdan
- Flower
- Flower
- Flowers, The
- Flowers In Concrete
- Flower Violence
- Flowerz
- Flowrian
- Flowrian & Simstah
- Flowsta
- FlowwolF
- Flowwolf & Mindflip
- Flowwolf & Noisekiller
- Floyd Division
- Floyd Division
- Fluadan
- Flugfeld
- FluID
- Flume
- Flunger Elisabeth & Scheib Stefan
- Flunger Löschel
- Flüsterkneipe
- Flutsch Rec.
- Fluur
- FluxTape
- Fly & the tox
- Flying Age
- Flying Hellfish, The
- Flying Helmets, The
- Flying Moons
- Flying Penis Brothers
- Flying Visit
- FMA joins Garcia, DJ Andy & Virtua Boy
- FM Radio
- FM Zombiemaus
- FM Zombiemaus vs. Pornobone
- FNL Frilled Neck Lizzards
- Fo(u)rtissima
- foatwenty3
- Focus
- FocusPocus
- Föd No Muh
- Foggy Dew
- Foische Wiener Schrammeln &Zimba, Bibiane
- Fojan
- Folia Forever
- Folie 1
- Folk, Peter
- Folklabor
- Folkshilfe
- Folksmilch
- Follow Them To The Edge Of The Desert
- Folterkammer
- FON (FO-N) (Formation ohne Name)
- FON Formation Ohne Name
- Fonk Bizness
- Fono Dor + Tanga
- Fönschaum
- Fontanella
- Fontarrian
- Fontein
- Fontoura, Denise
- Fonzee Solo
- Food, The
- food for thought
- Food On Wheels
- Fook
- Foolish Past
- Fools And Children
- Fools In A Box
- Fools Nation
- Fools On The Hill, The
- Fools without hope
- Forbidden Circus
- Force
- Force/Emerge
- Forced Identity
- Force Of Will
- Forcher, Eberhard
- Forchtenstein
- Forciniti, Isabella
- Forecast
- Forellenquintett
- Forenbacher
- Forenbacher & The Bisons
- Forest People
- Forever
- Forever Ends Tonight
- Forgotten Anami
- forgotten cavities
- Forgotten Ears
- form
- Form
- Form, The
- Form A Chain
- Format B
- Formidables, Les
- Formlos
- Formlos_studionatura2k_paolo_tigersnake
- Formlos X Mhhjaja
- Forms of Plasticity
- ForPeople
- Forrest Funk
- Forsaken Lore
- Forst, Willy
- Förster, Uzzi
- Forstner, Thomas
- For Tea 4
- Fortin, Viktor
- Fort Knox Five, The
- Fortress
- Fortress
- Fortuna
- Fortunas Favourites
- Forty Niners
- Forum Walters, The
- Fotzhobl
- Four 4 Swing
- Four Destiny
- Four Front
- Fourier
- Four in a Cage
- Four Libras
- Four-Players
- Four Saints, The
- Four Sanity
- Four Sisters
- Four Tea 4
- Fourtex
- Fourtex, Septon & Splat
- Fourtex & Clawz
- Fourtex & Erratik
- Fourtex & Illusionz
- Fourtex & Screech
- Fourtex & Sublime
- Fourtex & Toasty
- Fourward
- Fourward / Kiro vs. Ross B.
- Fourward & Friction
- Fourward & Icicle
- Fourward & Jade
- Fourward & L 33
- Fourward & Mefjus
- Fourward & Phentix
- Fourward & Redpill
- Fourward & Signal
- Fourward & The Arcturians
- Fourwheeldrive
- Four Wheel Drive
- Four X
- Fox.Rox!
- Fox.Rox & Jay Rome
- Foxes, The
- Foxey
- Foxhole Roots Crew
- Fox Shadows
- Foxy Twins
- Fozhowi
- FR
- Fr3akt3k
- Fr a)hmen
- Fragile
- Fragile Frame
- Fragile I
- Fragments
- Fragments Of An Empire
- Fragz & Phentix
- Frame
- Frame Saw
- Framework
- Frammin' At The Jim Jam
- Framus-Recordings
- Francis, Raffael & Lazaro, Carmen
- Francis International Airport
- Franek, Wolfgang
- Franjazzco
- Franjazzco x Rubbah
- Frank, Franz
- Frank, Günther
- Frank, Michael
- Frank, Wolf
- Frank'n'Free
- Frank & Inside Out
- Frank Elster
- Frankenstyle
- Frankfurt Dialog Company
- Frank Fusion Trio
- Frank Fusion Trio feat. Michael Erian
- Frank Kvitta & Mario Ranieri
- Frank Lemon
- Frank Lemon & simon//leitner
- Frank Lemon & Skyfade
- Frank Lemon & Volvox
- Frank Lemon & White Locusts
- Frank Lemon x M:FX
- Franklin's Tower
- Franky & Franky
- Franky Fitz' Psycho Kidz
- Frank Yonco Band
- Fran San Disco
- Franse
- Fransen Musik
- Fransen Text
- Frantic
- Frantic Arts, The
- Franui
- Franui & Bertl Mütter
- Franui & Habjan, Nikolaus
- Franx
- Franz Franz
- Franz Franz and the Melody Boys
- Franz From Austria
- Franz Fuexe
- Franz Ganz
- Franz Johann
- Franz Johann & Noise Tribe
- Franz Joseph Solo
- Franz Kaiser & die Spasstrompeten
- Franzobel
- Franzobel & Thomas Gansch
- Franz Oberthaler Quartett
- FRANZ Pop Collective
- Franz-Riegler, Thomas
- Franz Strøsuk
- Fratelli Sereno
- Fraternity
- Frats, The
- Frattner, Markus
- Frauenband
- Frauenlob, Burkhard & Yukah
- Fraugehra
- Frau Herz
- Fräulein Astrid
- Fräulein Blauboad
- Fräulein Hona
- Fräulein Jäger
- Fräulein Laut
- Fräulein Mai
- Fräulein Peter
- Fraunberger, Stefan
- Fraunz
- Frau Thomas & Herr Martin
- Freaction, The
- Freak Automatique
- Freakazoid
- Freakbox
- Freakology
- Freak Out
- Freakresort
- Freaks For Freaks
- Freakshow, Die
- Freaksound Artists
- Freak Weber
- Freak Weber & Friends
- Freak Weber Group
- Freak Weber Reunion feat. Kietek Jurecki
- Freak Weber und die Sackratten
- Freaky Fish
- Fred & Ferd
- Fred Curse & The Howling Bastards
- Freddie Dredd
- Freddie Red
- Freddy Z Quartett
- Frederic
- Fred Kreeger
- Fred Kreeger & ABCDavid
- Free2Fly
- Freebird
- Free Competition
- Freedom Satellite
- Freedom Satellite with Gerald Tomez
- Freedom Warriors, The
- Free Electric Band, The
- Free Idiots
- Freekazoid
- freekind.
- Freelance Artist
- Freelander
- Freeman
- Freeman Vienna
- FreeMenSingers, The
- Freemind Spacegroove
- Freemotion
- Free Sound Quartett Koller´s, Hans Free Sound
- Free Styled
- Freestyle-Man
- freeTenors
- Free Tenors
- Freetime
- Free Winds
- Freezy Trap
- Freiberger, Nicki
- Freidinger, Rebecca
- Freiensteiner Musikganoven
- Freier Fall
- Freigang
- Freihaus 4
- Freilaut
- Freilicht
- FreiRaum
- Freiraum5
- Freischwimma
- Freischwimmer AG, Die
- Freizeit, Georg und die Rosaroten
- Frell da Fighta
- French Horn Rebellion vs. Database
- French Letter
- French On Friday
- Frenzel & Söhne
- Frenzl-Richter-Projekt
- Fresch
- Fresco
- Fresh
- Fresh
- Fresh Andy, DJ
- Fresh Freddie
- Fresh Otis
- Fresnel
- Freud
- Freude
- Freudenschuß, Max
- Freund, Andy und die Indianer
- Freunde des S. K. Rapid
- Freunde Schöner
- Freund Hein
- Frey, Petra & Haidt, Oliver
- Frey, Walter mit der Sonne
- Frey & Co.
- Frick, Simon
- Frick/Helbock Duo
- Friction feat. Fourward & Jakes
- Friction vs Camo & Krooked feat. Dynamite MC
- FriDa KoRe
- Friday Night Jam Band
- Friedberg
- Fried Chicken
- Fried Freak Orchestra
- Friedl
- Friedl, Heribert
- Friedl, Robert
- Friedmann
- Friedrich & Ludwig
- Friek
- Friendly N.T.T.
- Friends in Jazz
- Friends of Uranus
- Friends You Lost For Love, The
- Friendz
- Friller
- Frinc
- Frinks, The
- Frisch, Wolfgang
- Frischauf, Conny
- Frisco Imai
- Frisko´s Katze
- Fritsch, Moritz
- Fritz
- Fritz/ Rusz/ Kuebel/ Schmuck
- Fritz & The Cats
- Fritzi Massary
- Fritz Steiner Ensemble
- Frizzey
- Frizzey Greif
- Froasli's Genialitäten
- Frodl, Maria
- Frogs & Elephant
- Fröhlichen 2, Die
- Fröhliche Wohnzimmer, Das
- From
- From A Lake
- From Dawn To Fall
- Fromm & Hoeflich
- From My Chest
- Frontal
- Frontrapperkonferenz
- Froschgrün
- Frozan
- Frozen, The
- Frozen Heart, The
- Frozen Hole
- Frozen Smoke
- Frucht
- Frühwerk Fruhwerk
- Fruitbat
- Fruitmarket Gallery
- Frustrations
- FS:Eins fs1
- FS Massaker
- FSNK feat. David Olivier
- FTS & Brixton
- FTS & Massive Zebra
- FTS & OtolOgist
- Fubar
- Fuchs, Fritz
- Fuchs, Mathias
- Fuchs, Wolfgang
- Fuchs MC
- Fuckhead
- Fucking Werewolf Asso
- Fucoustic
- Fudkanista
- Fuel of Hate
- Fuenfhaus
- Fuentes, Manuel
- Fuer.steps
- Fugu
- Fugu and the Cosmic Mumu
- Fujii, Elvira & Herbert Weixelbaum
- Fukkk Offf & Dirty Disco Youth
- Full Contact
- Full Crimp
- Full Distortion
- Fullgore
- Fullmax
- Fullsteam & Eastwood
- Fumimoto, Takeshi
- Fun 4 U
- FUNchestra
- Func Mac
- Functionist, DJ
- Fünfhaus
- Fünfhaus Posse
- Funkalicious
- Funkbrüder
- Funk D'Void & Dave Tarrida
- Funke
- Funke & Zuzee
- Funk Effect
- Funkenflut
- Funk Explotion
- Funkfood
- Funk Freakz
- Funkfurter
- Funkgerät
- Funkhouser
- Funkmothers, The
- Funk Off
- Funkombination
- Funk Soldiers
- Funktaxi
- Funktrain
- Funk Units
- Funkverbot
- Funkwart
- Funkwelle
- Funky
- Funky Chameleons
- Funky Cotletti & A.Geh.Wirklich?
- Funky Cottleti
- Funky Dragon
- Funky Dragon & Djane Betty
- Funky Dragon & D-Twin
- Funky Dragon & Visua
- Funky Dragon & Zyce
- Funky Foundation
- Funky Groove Jet
- Funky Lowlives
- Funky Stew
- Funky Weibs
- Funny Genius, The
- Funny Girls
- Fun Report
- Fur Balloon
- Furchtbringende Gesellschaft, Die
- Furchtlosen, Die
- Füreder, Marcus
- Furie
- Furney, Paul SG & Locksmith
- Furney & Paul SG
- Further Kind
- Fury Loves You
- Fury Loves You, The
- Fuse, The
- Fusion
- FusionFood
- Fuso Orario
- Fuss, Martin
- Fuss, Martin & The Nightcrawlers
- Fuss, Martin & The Soulmates
- Fuss, Martin 4
- Fuss, Martin Special
- Fuss', Dominik RUMPUS
- Fussenegger, Uli
- Futaj
- Futonegro
- Future Art
- Future Blues
- Futurebound vs Camo & Krooked
- Future Bros.
- Future Farmers
- Futureflowers
- Future Legends
- Future Prophecies
- Future Prophecies vs Camo & Krooked
- Future Sound Experience
- Futurum Sonat
- Futurum Sonat / Virtuality
- Futurum Sonat & Bengani
- Futurum Sonat & SenC
- Futurum Sonat & Space Beat
- Futurum Sonat & vlow
- Futurum Sonat Vs. Prismatix
- Fu Vk
- fuxlooger
- Fuzion
- Fuzpils
- FüzzBappn
- Fuzzman
- Fuzzman & The Crazy Horse
- Fuzzman & The Singin Rebels
- FuzzNoir
- Fuzzybrains
- Fuzzy Headed Puppy Dogs, The
- FVLCRVM & Monophobe
- FX 44
- FX666