- Name
- Gründungsjahr
- Bundesland
- Genre
- Funktion
- Filter
Bands (a)
- :aexattack Aexattack
- [[[Altar:Thron]]] Altar gegen Thron
- [a]pendics.shuffle
- A:lex
- A:lex & Scheibein, Florian
- A/B
- a/muse-x
- A.D.B. Wien
- A.E.O.N.
- A.G. Trio
- A. Geh
- A. Geh & perVers
- A.Geh Wirklich? & Firefinger
- A.geh Wirklich? A. Geh
- A.Geh Wirklich? feat. Louie Austen
- A.K.G. (Aktionskunst Gerasdorf)
- A.M.C. Art Means Creation
- A.Men
- A.N.S
- A.Paul
- A.S.S.I.
- A.T.M. (Automated Trash Machine)
- A.Voltage
- A.Voltage & Miss Mabuka
- A. Zebra
- A4 feat. HELL-ga
- A51
- Aalysha
- AAP- Allstars
- Aara
- Aardvarks
- AaRon+eRiKA<3
- Aaron G. & The Flames
- Aaronic
- Aas der Basis
- Abadie
- Abado, Marwan & Gulda, Paul
- Abado & Co
- A Basement In Bloom
- Abazi Kadri
- Abby Lee Tee
- Abby Lee Tee & GC
- Abbys of Doom
- ABC - Ankerbau Crew
- ABC Company
- Abdel Halim Hafez
- A Beautiful Lotus
- Abebe, Aaron
- Abel, Julius
- Abendroth
- Abendstern
- Aber Das Leben Lebt
- Aberer, Leo
- Abfangjäger, Die
- Abfoltern
- Abgrund
- Ab-Hinc
- Abhorrot
- Abigor
- Ablinger, Peter
- Above 7 tons
- Abraham, Sophie
- Abraxas
- A-Brothers
- Abrupt
- Absatz1
- Abseits
- Absinth
- Absolut Abstrakt
- Absolute Binge
- Absolut HIV
- Absolutum
- Abstract Artimus
- Abstract Beats
- Abstract Truth
- Absurd
- Absurd
- Abt. für Bioakustik (shifz)
- Abteilung B
- Abu el Mot
- Abu Gabi
- Abu Hassan
- Äbyss
- AC/Boy
- Acacia
- Acama
- Acan meets Funky Dragon
- Acapulco Gold Diggers
- A Caustic Fate
- Accelerator next level
- Accentbuster
- Accenter & Three O.
- Access Denied
- Accordion Tribe
- Acherontia Styx
- Achim Lot
- Ächter
- Achtung Liebe
- Achtung Zebra
- A chzen
- Acid
- Acid_Lab
- AcidFreaks
- Acid God
- Acid of House, The
- Acidonophat
- Acidonophat vs Phreneticus
- Acid Phantom
- Acid Rain
- Acid Worx
- Acid Zipfl
- Acker Velvet
- Ackle.Cousins.Vogel
- A Colourful White
- A-Combo
- Acoustic Affairs
- Acoustic Interface
- Acoustic Rape
- Acris
- Acris & Endorphine
- Acris & Freddy B
- Acris & Infra
- Acrodrom
- Across the Delta
- Act & Pass
- Acting
- Action Drums
- Acumen
- Acustica
- Acute Francis
- Adævarath
- Adam
- Adam & Adam
- Adamisgod
- Adamon
- Adana
- Adaolisa
- a-d-a-p-t-e-r
- A Day In The Forest
- Addle Motion
- Adebar
- Adelic 'n' Wicked
- Ader Rebell
- ADHDJ Romi
- Adieu
- Adio F
- Adisdead
- Admiral Gonzo
- Ado Ado
- Adolessonz
- Adolphobitch
- Adorno
- Adrenalin
- Adrenaline Kings
- Adrenalinoman
- Adretti
- ÅdriåN
- Adrian Fennesz
- Adrian Flux
- Adrian Flux feat. Noah Huber
- Adriano Celentano
- Adrian Varela
- Adult.
- Aegolius & Malice In Wonderland
- Aegyd
- Aegyd & Dr. Azrael
- Aegyd+FLX
- Aendiaena
- Aenigma ÆNIGMA
- Aentric
- Aenygma
- Aeolic
- Aeon
- Aeon, Das
- Aeons of Ashes
- Aeri
- Aerie
- Aerobic's
- Aeroe
- Aeroflott
- Aerolith
- Aeronauten
- Aeronautic
- Aethaphon
- Aetherfront
- Aetherfront/Aquietwomb
- Aetherich
- AF90
- A Few Mistakes Ago
- Affäre Dreyfuss
- Äffchen und Craigs
- Affe Maria
- Affenhand
- Afghanistan Mon Amour
- Aficionados, The
- A Fonds Perdu
- African Heartbradler
- African Voodoo
- Afro Arabiq Walzer Archestra
- Afrodesaster
- Afro-Desaster
- Afrodynamix
- A Frog And A Strawberry Blonde
- Afrostrangers
- After Aids
- After Aids
- Afterbone
- Afterglow
- Aftermiles, the
- Aftertouch
- Agaca, Harun
- Against Electrostatic
- AG Aktivgruppe, Die
- Agata
- Age & Orange
- Age End Orange
- Agehneration
- Agem Project
- A-Gen 53
- Agenda Lobkov
- Agent 003
- Agent 101
- Agent Cooper
- Agent Error
- Agent Olivia Orange
- Age of Bloom
- Age Of Pain
- Ager, Klaus
- Ages
- AGF/Delay
- A Ghost Named Alice
- Agis Bigband
- Agnes Milewski & A Mile Of Sky
- Agnus Dei
- Agony
- Agressive Mood
- Agressive Mood & Aeroquatik
- Agressive Mood & Twisted Psychology
- A Guy Named Lou
- Ahamer, Harry
- Ahilea
- AHL6 AHL 6
- Aichinger, Elfi
- Aichinger, Oskar / Berghammer, Thomas / Sayer, Karl / Skrepek, Paul
- Aichinger, Oskar Trio
- Aichinger/Maass
- Aichinger/Maass/Puschnig/Siewert/Kolbeck
- Aida Arko
- Aigelsreiter, Rudolf
- Aigner, Dagmar
- Aigner, Gabriele
- Aigner, Katherina
- Aigner, Katherina & Julian Heidrich
- Aikin Experience
- Aiko Aiko
- Aikon
- Ailment
- Ailment
- Aïmenda
- Aimless
- Aimless Bunch
- Aint´ Five
- Aintuse
- Aioaska
- Aioaska & Artyficial
- Aioaska & Gipsy Soul
- Aioaska & Ital
- Air.K & Cephei
- Airbass
- Airbus
- Airmail
- Airmale
- Airomania
- Airport
- AishaE AE
- AISHA - The Lady of Swing
- Aivery
- Aiwasian
- AJ
- A J
- Aja & Toni Eberle
- Ajvar & Sterz
- Akali Akali
- Akali Akali & Spremberg, Arne
- Akasha
- Akasha Nasha
- Aka Tell
- Akchote, Noel
- A Kingdom For A Lullaby
- Akjela
- Akkomartti
- Akkord Arbeiter
- Akkosax
- A klana Indiana
- Ako
- AKOV & Aenygma
- AKOV & Billain
- AKOV & DubApe
- AKOV & Exposure
- AKOV & Maztek
- AKOV & Mean Teeth
- AKOV & Multiplex
- AKOV & Pluvio
- AKOV & Screamarts
- AKOV & Tesseracts
- AKOV & The Clamps
- AKOV & Vegas
- AKOV & Zombie Cats
- Akrüül
- Aktionstheater Ensemble
- Akustixxx
- Akvetana-Quartett
- Akvetana-Quartett & Mercedes Echerer
- Al & John
- Alaba, Rose May
- Alalie Lilt
- Alania
- Alas
- Alastor
- Alban Berg Ensemble Wien
- Albanek
- Albatross
- Albert, Klaus
- Albert´s Jazztett
- Albert von Morawitz
- Albert Würzl Quartett
- Al Bird
- Al Bird Dirt
- Alcatraz
- Alchemist x Mad Cobra
- Alderaan
- Alea-Ensemble
- Alea Quartett
- Alecid
- Ale F & Crazy Sonic
- Alegre Correa Group
- Aleks Fardel
- Aleks Fardel & Mario Mijatovic
- Alemalacha
- Alesh The 3st
- Alestoy
- Alex
- Alex (Solo)
- Alexa
- Alexa, Harald
- Alexa, Traude
- Alexander, Peter
- Alexander Martinz & kozek hörlonski
- Alexander Robotnick
- Alex B. Bande
- aleXdrum
- Alex is my bro
- Alex is my Bro, DJ
- Alex Leap
- Alex Lemar
- Alex Lemar & Tom Barkley
- Alex Milex
- Alex Q
- Alex Rain
- Alex Seva
- Alex The Flipper
- Alex Tribe & Joakim A.
- Alexx Aiyax
- Alexx Aiyax / Marcus Füreder
- Alezzaro
- Alfasoul
- Alfredo & The New Flames
- Alfredo Garcia-Navas & Band
- Alfred Oslo
- Al Ge
- Al-Haca & Stereotyp feat, Joyce Muniz
- Al Haca Soundsystem
- Ali Akhbar & The Mas Turbans
- Alibaba
- Alibee
- Alibegashvili, Lela
- Alibi
- Alibi
- Alibi & En:vy
- Alibi & Fox
- Alibi & Phentix
- Alibi & Sl8r
- Alibi x Wingz x L-Side
- Ali Capone
- AliceD
- Alice Day
- Alice In The Fields
- Alicia Edelweiss
- Alicks an der Haas
- Alien & Kino
- Alien Entertainment
- Alien Entertainment feat. Furious Steez
- Alien Entertainment feat. Slim
- Alien Hand Syndrome
- Aliens Birthday
- A Life, A Song, A Cigarette
- Alissia Laureen
- Ali und die Pipeliners
- Alix
- Aliz & The Cheshire Cat
- Aljhon Phan
- Aljhon Phan
- Alkbottle
- Alko
- All´Arrabbiata
- Alldra
- Alle Achtung
- Alle Formen Trio
- Allegro Company feat. Die Templesänger
- Alleinunterhalterin, Die
- Allen Alexis
- Allen Felix
- Allerseelen
- Alles Klassisch
- Alles mit Stil
- Allessa
- Alles Walzer
- Alley Kings, The
- All Faces Down
- All Falls Down
- Allgrena
- Alligator Man
- All In Records
- alllone
- alllone & B.Visible
- alllone feat. Kinetical & P.tah
- alllone x APLOT
- alllone x nichi mlebom
- alllone x noisecollage
- alllone X Normcosm
- alllone x wood
- Alloy Alloy / Stereonucleose
- All Purpose Red
- All Quiet On The Western Front
- Allround Formation
- Allrounds, The
- All-Star-Eurojazz-Orchester
- All Systems Go
- Alltag
- All Time Swing Band
- All Your Sorrows
- Alm
- Alma
- Almost Blue
- Almost Failed
- Almost Howard
- Almost Purple
- Alois Huber & Oh Gee feat. Dub Voyagers
- Alondra
- Alone
- Alone & Acoustic
- Alonso Bierg & Gunther Beats
- Alonso Bierg & Max Kernmayer
- Aloof: Slangin x 08 x Melonoid
- Aloof: Slangin x Young Krillin
- A Lord
- Al Pack
- Alp Bora Quartett
- Alp Bora Trio
- Alpendiana
- Alpendollar
- Alpen Rocker
- Alpensalamander
- Alpentrio Tirol
- Alpha
- Alpha 3
- Alphabet
- Alpha Big Band
- Alphabox
- Alpha C
- Alphahn, Dr.
- Alpha LaVall
- Alpha Romeo & die Winterreifen Alpha Romeo & die Sommerreifen
- Alpha Tracks
- Alpha Tracks & Blue Hour
- Alpha Trianguli
- Alphayn
- Alpha Z. Entaur
- Alpine Aspects
- Alpine Dweller
- Alpine Rage, The ft. Stuart Freeman
- Alpinkatzen Hubert von Goisern und die Alpinkatzen
- Alpnsepp
- AlpsCore
- Alpscore & Infra
- AlpsCore & Narkotika
- AlpsCore & Necropsycho
- AlpsCore & Obscurum
- AlpsCore vs Bhairav
- Alpscore vs Phreneticus
- ALR & Metatrox
- Alraunen, Die
- Alsergrond
- Also
- Alston, Carole
- Altai Chamber Orchestra, The
- Altan
- Altar Of I
- Altberg
- Alternative for Asia
- AlternativKlang
- AlternativKlang & Boyoboy
- Alterno Boy
- altona
- Altrio & Nemsys
- Altroy
- Alves
- Al x-rays
- Alyssa
- Alzner, Claudius und seine Solisten
- AM
- Amable
- Amacord Wien
- Amadeus Vúlkan
- Amadinda Sound System
- Amaget
- Amal & The Gam-Brothers
- Amalea
- Amanda
- Amann, Michael
- Amanshauser & Wenzl
- Amarcord Wien
- Amaro
- Amarok Avari
- A Matter Of Hope
- Ambarchi / Fennesz / Pimmon / Rehberg / Rowe
- Ambassade Streichquartett
- Ambeatzionen
- Ambeek, Lorenz
- Amber Fish
- Ambient Animal
- Ambivalenz
- Amblio
- Ambros, Danzer, Steinbäcker, Ostbahn
- Ambros, Wolfgang
- Ambros, Wolfgang/Andre Heller
- Ambros, Wolfgang & Bisenz Alexander
- Ambros/Fendrich
- Ambros/Kolonovits
- Ambros/Prokopetz
- Ambros - Prokopetz - Fälbl - Eberhartinger
- Ambros - Tauchen - Fälbl
- Ambros - Tauchen - Prokopetz
- Ambulance
- Amcis
- Ameliy
- A Memory Misread
- Amenofils
- Amer
- Amere Meander
- Amerling
- Ames
- Amesmann
- Amestigon
- A M G
- Amina
- Aminata & Leo Bei
- Aminata & The Astronauts
- Amir Beatz
- Amiro
- Amity In Fame
- AML - Aus mit lustig
- Ammagamma
- Ammo, Salah & Gabis, Peter
- Ammoniak
- Ammü Quartett
- Amnesia A/V
- Amnesie Antinational
- Amnogomusikimalo
- Amok
- Amokläufer
- AMok SOund
- Amon
- Amon, Otto
- Among Rats
- Amorph Ati
- Amortis
- Ampere
- Ampersand
- Amplified, The
- Amplitudes
- Amras vs Spectralis
- Amtrak
- Amtsrat Fiala
- Amun Re
- Amygdala
- Amy goes Bananas
- Amy Wald
- Anaconga
- Analigor
- Analog Junk-Funk
- Analogsat
- Anananda
- Ananda
- Ananda & Blanx
- Ananda & Flowwolf
- Ananda & Serenity Flux
- AnaNoob
- Anaphora
- Anarchophobia
- Anaroid
- Ana Schena Ois Da Aundare
- Ana Threat
- Anatol
- AnatomiX
- Anavondeondan
- Anbuley
- Anchors X Up Anchors Up
- Ancient Radius
- and, The
- Andaka
- Andakat
- Anda Morts
- Ander.Linger Anderluh & Sterzinger
- Anderen, Die
- Anderland
- Anderluh, Anna
- Anders, Christian
- Anders/Gulda
- Anders.
- Andersicht
- Anderson, DJ
- Anderson, Eva K.
- Anderwelt
- Andi & Alex
- Andi200
- Andiana
- And I Bleed...
- Andie Gabauer Karl Moestl
- And many more!
- Andolfo, Franco
- Andrä, Julia
- Andrea Fissore & MOTSA
- Andreas
- Andrea S.
- Andreas Dorau
- Andreas Matthias Pichler
- Andreas Weisz
- Andree, Fred
- Andre K.
- André Klang
- Andres, Martin
- Andress, Ali
- Andrew Edge Band
- Andrews, Luke
- Andrews, Luke Band
- Andrew Savich, Vitaiu
- Andriél
- Android Love Caravan
- Andromedeus
- Androsch, Hannes
- Androsch, Peter
- Androsch, Peter/Silke Dörner
- Androsch, Peter & Didi Bruckmayr
- Androsch/Bogendorfer
- Androsch/Dorninger
- Androsch - Kerbl spielt Androsch
- And the Gods were Not Amused
- Andy & The Candies
- Andy Anders
- Andy B., DJ
- Andy Baum, Christian Becker & Band
- Andy Catana
- Andy Catana & Daniel Kovac
- Andy Catana & Elias
- Andy Front
- Andy Korg
- Andy Liu & Babsi Bandi
- Andyman
- Andy Mayerl
- Andy Middleton
- Andy Middleton Trio
- Andynamite
- Andy R.
- Andyra
- Angeldust
- Angel Dust
- Angelica Camm
- Angelina
- Angelini, Marco
- Angels Company
- Anger
- Angerer, Ali & Gabl, Dietmar
- Angie
- Angina P
- Angizia
- Angklung
- Angkor Suana
- Angoa
- Angry Advocats
- Angry Angels
- Angry Kids
- Angry Nation
- Angström
- Ani(e)mo(a)tion
- Aniada A Noar
- Aniada a Noar/Marios & Julie
- Aniada A Noar & Friends
- Aniada a Noar & Prijajetelki
- Anibal
- Anima
- Animal House
- Animali, DJ
- Animali, DJ & Christoper Just
- Animal Machine
- Animal Mother
- Anima Project feat. Karin Resetarits
- Animated Zone
- Animation
- Anish
- Anisus
- Anita
- Anita Goes To Kino
- Anja Om Plus
- Ankerstrom
- Anklang
- Ann, Celina
- Anna Absolut
- Annablume
- Annadefka
- Anna F.
- Anna F. & Her Ex-Boyfriends
- Anna-Fay
- Anna in Bloom
- Annamirl
- Anna O.
- Annas Freunde
- Anna-Sophie
- Annau, Marco & UrBan Native
- AnneMarie Höller & Mario Berger
- Annemarie König
- Annett4tett
- Annie Red Shirt
- Annihilation
- aNNika
- Anni Quick
- AnnPhie Fritz
- A Noise Fragment
- Anomalie
- Anomal Sequence
- Anonimus
- Anonimus Duo
- Anonym
- Anonymous
- Anorak
- Anoroc
- Another Bad Character
- Another Blues Company
- Another Blues Company Duo
- Another Rabbit for...
- Another Vision
- Anplagt
- Ansa
- Ansa & MOZ
- Ansa-Partie
- ANSA x Body & Soul
- Anstalt
- Anstaltskinda
- Ansteller
- Ant, DJ
- Ant Antic
- Antarsis
- Antcar
- Antechamber
- ANT feat. Phekt
- Anthea
- Anthem for Maverick
- Ant Hill
- Ant-Hill
- Anthony B
- Anthony Mills & Clefco
- Anthony Poteat & Franz Johann
- Anthropic
- Anticeptik & Pseikomusic
- Anti Cornettos
- AntideMOKr.at
- Antiehdas
- Antielite
- Antifamilia
- Antikörper
- AntiKosmos
- Antimaniax
- Antimanifest
- Antipasta
- Antiphon
- Anti Smart
- AntiSocial Radical ASR
- Antispin
- Anti Talenti
- Antolini, Charly/Charly Augschöll
- Anton
- Antoniadis, Joakim
- Antonia feat. Sandra
- Antonia XM
- Antonio, Chris
- Antonius Block
- Antos, Lukas
- Antrue
- Antrue & ChiLL iLL
- Ants!
- Antwort, Die, Das Rückgrat & Kayo
- Antwort, Die ( ANT)
- Antwort auf alles andere, Die
- Antz, The
- Anus D
- Anus D + Reisinger
- Anx & Kaypro & Mutanttrash Firefly
- Anx & Mutanttrash Firefly
- Any Major Dude
- Any Maniac
- Any three initials feat. Nadine Bäuml
- Anzo
- AOEO Soundtrack
- A Parrot Singing
- Apes Fight Back
- Aphis Enopassion
- Aphrodelics
- Aphrodite's Phonenumber
- Aphrodiziax
- Apollo's Return
- Apollo & Dub Ten
- Apollo & K Sonic
- Apollo A.P.O.L.L.O.
- Apollo Gold
- Apollon Quartet
- Apollo Sissi
- Apology
- Apostroph II
- Apotheist
- Append:x
- Appendix
- Appendix
- Applejack Distillery
- Appletree
- Appletree & Demolux
- Appletree & Demolux feat. Emiliano
- Äpplicätör 120
- Apprentice Bastards
- Approach
- Approaching Extinction
- Aprax
- April Fools, The
- Aqualung
- Aquarian Age
- Aquila Operator
- Arabella
- Aramboa
- Aras & Gülay Ensemble
- Ara Wak
- Arb
- Arbeitslosenmassenverhütung
- Arcanum
- Arceann
- Archie & Kritechno
- Architecktor
- Architekt
- Archiv, Das
- Archive Of Silence, The
- Arcos, David
- Arctic Fetus
- Area 51
- A-rec
- A Red Flag For A Souvenir
- aRevo announced Revolution
- Argon
- Arian
- Ariane Cap
- Arise
- Aris Of London
- Arkady Shilkloper String Octet
- Arkestra
- Arko, Bernhard & Daniel Pirker
- Arktis/Air
- Arlect, The
- Arman, Florence
- Armed Forces
- Arme Leut Essen, Das
- Armourgeddon
- Armstrong, Pippa
- Arnela Graf
Arnela Graf
- Arne und die Anderen, Der
- Arnie, DJ
- Arnie´s Friendship Connection
- Arno
- Arno & Makossa
- Arnold Spoiler
- Arogant
- Aroma
- Aromabar
- Aron & Glowing Eyes
- Aron De Lima
- Arpad u. Romana Hagyo
- Arpadys
- Arrested Anarchy
- Arruba
- Ars Amatoria
- Ars Deco
- Arslan, Ben
- Ars Moriendi
- Artas
- Artbitch
- Art Boys Collection
- Art Deco
- artElect
- Artett
- Art Farmer Quintett
- ARTgerecht
- Arth, Saskia
- Artheist
- Artheist & Poley Tight
- Artheist & Seraphim777
- Artheist & Specture
- Art-Hur
- Artifact
- Artifacts
- Artificial Organism
- Artificial Pesticides
- Artigen, Die
- Artist Formerly Known As Pollanz, The
- Artistry, The
- Artists, The
- Artists In Revolt
- Art Mayr Band
- Art of Brass Ensemble
- Art of Brass Vienna
- Art Of Fear
- Art Recycling Factory
- Artreju
- Artrik
- Artur Krank
- Artyficial
- Artyficial & Futurum Sonat
- Asana
- Asathor
- Asatrian, Karen & Armenian Spirit
- Aschenglas
- Aschenputtel
- Aschenwald, Maria
- Ascher
- Ascona
- A Screaming Symphony
- asd
- asdfg
- Asepsis
- Asfast
- Asfast / Kutin
- As Final Killjoy
- Asgard
- Asha Ali
- Ashantee Foundation
- Ashes To Angels
- Ashmann, Marc
- Ash My Love
- Ashram
- Ashton, Victor
- Asifeh
- As I Lay Dying
- Ask Alice
- Ask Myron
- Asmodeus
- Asmodis
- Asmus Tietchens vs. Gal
- A-Social Teknology
- Asoj
- As One
- AspekktOne
- Asphalt
- Asphaltauflösung
- Asphaltierer
- Asphyxia
- Aspique
- A Spoon Of Harmony
- A Spoon Of Magic
- ASR Company
- Assata
- Asstart
- As Start
- Asstronauts, The
- Ass Vierzig
- Astaron
- Astaroth
- Aston For Summer
- Aston Kitty
- Astpai
- Astralex
- Astralex & Endeavour
- Astralex & Riff Ruff
- Astralex feat. Mahani
- Astro Kit
- Astronauts
- at. Projekt
- Atanas
- Atanasovski, Vasko Quartet
- A Taste of Ink (ATOI)
- Atenoux
- Athletics Beats
- At Home
- A Thousand Fuegos
- Atlantic Monthly, The
- Atlas
- Atmasu
- Atom Cats
- Atomhörnchen
- Atomic Bishop
- Atomic Stereo
- Atomioque & Dorian
- Atomique
- Atomique / P.tah / Con
- Atomique feat. Delight
- Atom Womb
- Aton, Tatjana
- Aton, Tatjana & Fandl Arthur
- A Touch of Class
- At Pavillon
- Atrium
- Atrium Sun & Gery Rydell
- ATS & Friends
- Atsche
- Atsia
- Attack
- Attempt, The
- Attensam Quartett
- Attensam Quartett & Cerha, Friedrich
- Attention, Cosmonauts!
- Attention!
- Attention!, The The New Attention!
- Attersee
- Attersee / Christine Jones
- Attersee & Hanni
- Attersee feat. Flowin' Immo
- Attersee und das Ferry Trio
- Attersee und Rühm
- Attic, The
- Attic o.R., The
- Atticus Ross
- Attila
- Attilio Novellino
- Attwenger
- Attwenger & Harri Stojka
- Atz
- Atzen, die
- Atzman's Hearts Club Band
- Atzur
- AU, Die (Average & Url) Average & Url
- Auch wenn es seltsam klingen mag
- Audible Illusions
- Audible Illusions x Derryl Danston x Cavendish
- Audible Illusions x Scetta x Cavendish
- Audiobastard
- Audiobomber
- Audiodeath
- Audiodevice
- Audio Device & Foxtrox
- Audio Dope
- Audio Gambit
- Audioheadz
- AudioMatic
- Audiomatix
- Audiophil
- Audiopirat
- Audiospam
- Audiozoo
- Auer, Christoph Pepe
- Auer, Christoph Pepe & Manu Delago
- Auer, Christoph Pepe Quartet
- Auer, Martin
- Auer/Tentscherd/Ringer/Rainer
- Auers Erben
- Auer-Tiefenbacher-Kostron-Rainer
- Aufgang B
- Auflauf
- Aufmessers Schneide
- Auf Pomali
- Auf Pomali & Herbert Janata
- Aufstieg Schallquelle
- Aufstrich
- Augustin
- August the Butcher
- Auinger, Sam
- Auinger, Sam & Rupert Huber
- Aunty
- aura:L sculptures
- Aura Anthropica
- Auralbino
- Aural Screenshots
- Aural Screenshots feat. James Plotkin
- Aurea String Quartet, The
- Aurelie Maronif
- AUREUM Saxophon Quartett
- Aurich, Wolf
- Auricular Witness
- Auris
- Aurora By Noon
- Aus->ter
- Ausgleich
- Ausland666 A3x6
- Ausländer
- Ausnahmezustand
- Ausseer Hardbradler
- Außer Atem
- Aussichtslos
- Austen, Louie & Remute
- Austen, Louie feat. Senor Coconut
- Austra vs Rene Reiter
- Austria 2
- Austria 2 1/2
- Austria 3
- Austria 34
- AustriaFanChor
- Austria for Asia
- Austria für Afrika
- Austria Knochenschau
- Austrian Apparel
- Austrian Apparel & Powernerd
- Austrian Art Ensemble
- Austrian Art Orchestra
- Austrian Beatz feat. Mary Kay
- Austrian Blues Unit
- Austrian Brass Band
- Austrian Brothers, The
- Austrian Death Machine
- Austrian Evergreens, The
- Austrian Jazz Composers Orchester
- Austrian Jazz Orchestra, The
- Austrian Radio Orchestra ARO
- Austrian Saxophone Orchestra
- Austrian Techno Front
- Austria Sex Pistolen
- Austrofred
- Austrofred & Kurt Razelli
- Austrop0p
- Auszeit
- Autistic Daughters
- Autlaw
- Aut of Orda
- Autogenesis
- Automan
- Automassage
- Auto Repeat
- Autumn Bride
- Autumn Damage
- Aux
- Aux Portes
- Ava Fina
- Avalanche
- Avalon
- Avalon
- Avathar
- Avayou, The
- AVB antispasmodic viewing-box
- Ave Eva (oder die erogenen Zonen des Geistes)
- Avem
- Avenging Angels
- Avenue
- Average, MC
- Average, P.Tah, Fozhowi, Jamin, Beloskoni, Def Ill, Funky Cotletti,...
- Average & Huckey
- Average x Raddish
- Avery Island
- Avgustin & Bono Goldbaum
- Avia
- Aviadoras
- AviatioN
- A Vida 1369
- Aviso
- Avoidance
- Avon
- A-WA
- A-Wake
- Awaken Shepherd
- Awaking State / Subsonik, Stu C4C, Fourward
- A Walk In A Park
- Awam
- Awanto3
- A-Wax
- A Wedding Anniversary
- awer
- Awo Ojiji
- Axa
- Axelschweiß
- Axel Wolph feat. Conchita Wurst
- Axis
- Axulyth
- Aygyul
- Ayla
- Ayuyu
- Aze
- Azet
- Azgaja & Tzu~Jan
- Azid
- Aziz, DJ
- Azrael
- Azrael, Dr.
- Azrael feat. Pangea, Dr.
- Azrah