- Name
- Gründungsjahr
- Bundesland
- Genre
- Funktion
- Filter
Bands aus Salzburg
- -dash-
- 10Sight
- 2nd. Trio
- 32-20
- 3deutige Aussage
- 7 Dials Mystery
- 7 Years Bad Luck
- A Ghost Named Alice
- A-Wake
- A.E.O.N.
- Aardvarks
- Abstract Beats
- Abteilung B
- Acapulco Gold Diggers
- Acidonophat
- Aegyd
- Aegyd & Dr. Azrael
- Aerolith
- Aetherfront
- Agaca, Harun
- Age & Orange
- Airomania
- Al Ge
- Alcatraz
- All Purpose Red
- Altberg
- Amenofils
- Anavondeondan
- Android Love Caravan
- Anisus
- Antcar
- Aphrodite's Phonenumber
- Applejack Distillery
- Aron De Lima
- Asphaltierer
- Aspique
- Aston For Summer
- Astralex
- Astralex & Riff Ruff
- Astralex feat. Mahani
- Atrium
- Audio Dope
- Audiozoo
- Awam
- Ayuyu
- Azrael
- Azrael, Dr.
- Bacon Brothers
- Bader M.
- Banazonic
- BandBreit23
- Be Stagg
- Beash vs. Predator
- Beatnix
- Bed Of A Nun
- Been Obscene
- Beiwagen
- Below Zero
- Belphegor
- Berger, Herb
- Berger, Herbert
- Bergmann, Ro
- Bertolini
- Betrayer
- Betty's Apartment
- Bezoar
- Big Flash
- Big Heat
- Blaikner, Peter
- Blaumarot
- Blood and Champagne
- Bloody Mary
- BlownFuse
- Blue Tommies
- Bluesbrauser
- Bobby Milk
- Bock auf Heidi
- Bogner - Bader, Isabella
- Bone
- Boogie Stuff
- Brainless
- Brainwaves
- Breakdown
- Brother Django
- Brothers Van Yarns
- Bubble Trouble
- Bucht, Die
- Burtram
- Buttafingaz
- C Black
- Candy Clvb
- Cardiac Move
- Carlito
- Carousals
- Cash & Powder
- Casin feat. Dame
- Catch up Boys
- Cattle Creed
- Chamäleon
- Che Rome
- Chili and the Whalekillers
- Chris & Mark Wallace
- Chris Haze
- Chris Wallace
- Cilaos
- Clazz
- Clean Martin
- Collapse 7
- Colour Line
- ComaCat
- Comà
- ConFused5
- Concrete Cowboys
- Contradiction
- Coperniquo
- Cornholio
- Coshiva
- Cosmic Breed
- Cosmoblack
- Crack Ignaz
- Crack Ignaz & Wandl
- Crack Ignaz & Young Krillin
- Crack Ignaz x Jazzy Dick
- Crimson Cult
- Crossfire
- Culture Gut
- Cywacror
- D'Sturmperchtn
- D-Joe
- D.I.N.G.
- D.S.M.
- DJ Sticky
- DNK-Movement
- Daishi
- Dame
- Dan Lee
- Dandelion
- David Klein & Ben Schoenflies
- Davy Jones's Locker
- Dawdarka
- Dawdarka vs Zhophrenica
- Dazart & DreXor
- Dazed System
- Deadnote.danse!
- Deaf And The Blind, The
- Dealy Lama Band
- Deep Illumination
- Deep Sea Mud
- Deeside
- Defacto & Crisis
- Defy
- Delay Lama Band
- Demolux
- Demuja
- Depopulation program
- DidgeGrooveCompany
- Dirrty Skillz
- Disgrace
- Divination
- Dlareg Ralkep
- Don Leon
- Doppelkeks
- Dos Bastardos
- Dos and Dust
- Drexor
- Drexor & Buttafingaz
- Drumfree
- Dynaloid Crew
- Däk Intellekt
- E.N. Dave
- ESPR!music
- Eclipse
- Elamboda
- Electronic Jam Thomas Foster feat. Jimmie Wilson
- Eljot
- Embryo´s Journey
- Emotionen, Die
- Endorphine
- Enemy Inside
- Estie
- Evolution
- Excalibur
- Fabian Schober
- Face - 48
- Face 2 Face
- Falling High
- Fast God Boston
- Fast Last Circus
- Feed
- Feichtner, Dieter
- Feinmotorik
- Ferice
- Feurle, Jonas
- Feux
- Fey Unison
- Fidelen Technotaler, Die (Spanbloechel, Willi/Konrad, Otto)
- Fink
- Fischer & The Mixed Pickles
- Five Minute Fall
- Flammenkvlt
- Flash
- Flirtmachine
- Flying Hellfish, The
- Foggy Dew
- Fojan
- Foolish Past
- Forrest Funk
- Frame
- Frantic
- Fred Kreeger
- Freebird
- Freelander
- Freemind Spacegroove
- Frell da Fighta
- Friedl, Robert
- Frisch, Wolfgang
- Frozan
- Fu Vk
- Full Distortion
- Fun Report
- Funk Off
- Funktrain
- Funny Girls
- Fuse, The
- Gaetano Verdi
- Gassner, Dominik
- Gehörsturz
- Gerald Peklar ft. INDIA
- Ghouls Come Knockin'
- Gift, The
- Ginga Rale (Band)
- Glue Crew
- Godzilla´s Dimension
- Golden Dawn
- Gondwana
- Gr1mer
- Graceland
- Green Power
- Grey Czar
- Grim Kirby
- Groove Corporation
- Grovers Mill
- Guy Gisborn
- H.C.
- H5N1
- Halwa, Tom ft. Lilly
- Hangmän's Nooze
- Hanuschplatzflow
- Happy Hoagascht
- Harakiri for the Sky
- Harper, Lee
- Hassfurther, Sophie
- Hausmusik for Coulin
- HayFever
- Heaven´s Gravity
- Heby
- Helidus
- Helmut Bergers, The
- Helten
- Helten & Fabian Schober
- Hemmas Herren
- Hermann, Heinz von
- Hermann, Heinz von Quintett
- Herzblut
- Hesse, Alexandra
- Heyer, Andie Trio
- High Transition
- Hinterberger, Markus
- Hired Hoe, The
- Hochmair, Hartwig
- Hogwash
- Holy Manullu
- Honzak, Michael
- Hr. Drescher
- Hr. Drescher vs Phreneticus
- Hypophysis
- Hölzl, Fred
- Hörl, Jakob
- INDIA & The RefIex Artists
- Ibb And The Lizard Experience
- Idealisten, Die
- Imprecated Destiny
- Infra
- Instructor
- Inuit Monkeys
- Isery
- Isis Noreia
- JamalJabiby
- James Choice
- Jason & die Argonauten
- Jayo
- Jaywalk
- Jazz Detroit & Lee Harper
- Jazzit Stage Orchestra
- Jekyl & Hyde Park Band, The
- Jetcorder
- Jimi & The Zodiacs
- Jingle Boys
- Josh
- Josh & Die Emotionen
- Jugalbandhi
- Juvavum Brass
- K3
- Kadmon
- Kaleidoscope Sunrise
- Kalliopi
- Kamen
- Kanister und die feuchten Träume
- Karafiat
- Karajan, Herbert von
- Karg
- Karl Kayzer
- Karl Kayzer & Toby Romeo
- Karyzma
- Karäil
- Katapher
- Kebun
- Keenapples, The
- Ken Hayakawa
- Kickinger, Max Trio
- Kings Of Things
- Kinky Cinch
- Kirchmeyer, Mandy
- Kirchmeyer/Marchand
- Kirchner, Franz Big Band
- Klangkarussell
- Kleins, The
- Klezmer Connection
- Kniff 17
- Knobolt
- Koexx
- Konnex V1.0
- Kreis
- Kristall, Hanna
- Kubera, Ronnie
- L. Cube
- Laber, Gerhard Raditschnig, Werner
- Laissez Faire
- Langweiler
- Lausbuam, Die
- Lazy Bones
- Leisure Collective
- Les Lekin
- Let Us Be
- Leto, Dominik
- Lex Lugner
- Lexy Dick
- Liam Parker
- Liebesspiel
- Limes
- Lindenthaler
- Lit & Turbo
- Lizard Beauty
- Loongow, The
- Los Companeros
- Lost Poetry
- Love Child
- Low-Chi
- LowLight
- Loxias
- Lucky Strikes Back
- Luna*Lab
- Lunchbox
- Lungau Big Band
- Luzifer
- Lyrica
- Löffelzart
- M, Das
- MP Three Hunters, The
- Mace
- Mad Rider
- Magic Carpetride
- Magic Delphin
- Magic Ladies, The
- Magic Voodoo Club, The
- Makemakes, The
- Manchester Snow
- Mango Granato
- Manta
- Manta & Screamarts
- Markmechanik
- Marla B. Bisches
- Marquis, Les
- MashoX
- MashoX & Cyke
- Mastic Scum
- Mathea
- Max H
- Mayr, Mel
- Maze of Mind
- Mazurek, Tanja
- Me And John
- MeTa Engine
- Medea
- Mediengruppe Telekommander
- Meetin' Moa
- Megiddon
- Mel
- Mellowdicks Soundsystem
- Melting Pot
- Mendocino Quartett, The
- Merry Poppins, The
- Messnitzer Band
- Mick Thammer
- Microdot
- Misbegotten
- Mister W. M.
- Moby Stick
- Montez & Wet Dream Team
- Mood
- Mood of Mondrian
- Moonstone
- Moonvers
- More or the Less, The
- Mr. Gikko (aka Mistah Gikko)
- Mr. Käfer
- Mr. Pete Parell
- Mr. Rob
- Much 2 Kangaroo
- Muckemcy
- Muddy Crutch
- My Midnight Sun
- Mynth
- Mörth, Michael
- N.I.L.F.I.S.C.
- N.O.M.A.D.
- Nantes, Julian
- Nasihat
- Neocortex
- Nerratig
- No7ice
- Notorious Barflies, The
- Noyoco
- O.P.
- Oblivionis Noctem
- Olympique
- One
- Open Tribe
- Orgasmathoth
- Our Survival Depends On Us
- Outlaw
- P., Peter
- PH Value
- PLuTone
- ParaNox, The
- Paradox Choice
- Paranoia
- Paratax
- Paratax & Perpetuum
- Pawa
- Pears, The
- Peklar, Gerald
- Perpetuum
- Phreneticus
- Pif Paf
- Pirate Radio Station
- Pissed Monks Distillery
- Pitho
- Plaguepreacher
- Plastic Monroe
- Plastotype
- Please Madame
- Pond Pirates, The
- Pornokollektiv
- Poseidon
- Poteat, Michael
- Poulpe
- Preemphasis
- PrettyFalco
- Private Hell
- Pruce & Precious
- Public Roots
- Punkte, Die
- Pure One
- Purple Souls
- Qbensis
- Querschläger, Die
- Quintett West
- Radioplastik
- Raditschnig, Werner
- Ragnaroek
- Rame
- Raptoar
- Rauhnåcht
- Redhaus
- Reeva
- Reflex Artists
- Renato Unterberg
- Rethmeier, Andy
- Revolter
- Rhythmbreakz
- Riff Ruff
- Ro Bergman
- Robert Herbe
- Robinson, Tex & Saltcastle Bullwashers
- Rochus
- Rockabulls, The
- Rockaholic
- Roia
- Rondstoa
- Room #6
- Rotz
- Rozznpack
- Rush-hour
- Rusty Franx
- SK Invitational
- SNIKK Army
- Saalfelden Syndicate
- Sabina Hank
- Sabina Hank Orchestra
- Sabina Hank Trio
- Saibotek
- Saltcastle Bullwashers
- Salzburg Intercult
- Salzburger Nockerl Experience
- Salzburger Volksliedchor
- Sanqarta
- Sassy & Saltcastle Bullwashers
- Sativa Root
- Saturday Night Specials, The
- Scaffold
- Scampi
- Scapegrace
- Scargod
- Schattenlicht
- Scheiblingseder
- Scheibsta
- Scheibsta & Dyzma
- Scheibsta & Static
- Scheibsta & die Buben
- Schermer, Christian
- Schinowatz
- Schmid, Beni
- Schweinsteiger, Wolfgang
- Scit Scat Wah
- Screamarts
- Second Taboo, The
- Seesaw, The
- Sellout, The
- Sequence of Tenses
- Seraph
- Serum
- Shadows' Grey
- Shamamas
- Shango
- Shao Bi
- She Called Me Giant
- Shelly
- Shivering Fit
- Sieber, Alexander
- Sigfried & Boy
- Sigi und Freunde
- Sigrid Likar
- Skaiwokr
- Slobi Mane
- Small Night Searching
- So U.C
- Soda Export
- Soda-Die Band
- Softmicro
- Soizburga Rap
- Solarjet
- Son Griot
- Son of Kurt
- Sonic Maze
- Soulfut
- Soulsearch
- Soulwork
- Speed Limit
- Spiral Cut
- Stage
- Stainless
- Standard Delivery
- Starlight Orchestra
- Ste:funk
- Steaming Satellites
- Stefan/Witzany
- Stemeseder Lillinger Quartet
- Stereofreezed Soundsystem
- Sternenstaub
- Stigmata
- Stigmata IV
- Stikjaw
- Stiletto, Gianni
- Stootsie (solo)
- Straight Up
- Stroodles, The
- Sturmpercht
- Stygma IV
- Sumpfkröten
- Superchamp
- Superchamp & Otto Konrad
- Superchamp und die Mannschaft des SV Casino Salzburg
- Superwave
- Superwave Feat. Truster
- Svntarer
- Sweet Sista Mary
- Syncope
- System Breakdown
- T-Ser
- T-Ser & Tactik
- T. Mad
- Tabu
- Tactik
- Talisman Collection, The
- Tamas
- Tango Rosso
- Tanqeray
- Thaiman
- TheGurkenkaiser
- Thirteen
- Tian
- Tin Pot
- Tiny Voices
- Tobien, Amelie
- Tollen, Die
- Tom the One
- Tomtation
- Tomtation feat. Ankathie
- Tony Momrelle & Lungau Big Band
- Tony Vegazz
- Toxic Insanity
- Transceivers
- Trashbeatz, The
- Treetone
- Trianam
- Tribal Soul
- Troebinger
- Tromaar
- Tropical Painforest
- Trotzköpfe, Die
- Tryp, The
- Tröndle, Angela
- Tröndle, Ángela & Corvino, Pippo
- Tupop
- Tzu - Jan
- Tzu ~ Jan vs Phreneticus
- Täter Toni
- Täter Toni & Franz Schwanz
- U8
- Ulrich Ida Zeppelin
- United Blood
- Unknown Dimension
- Urban Trip
- Urwerk
- Velvet Swing, The
- Venus Astronaut Project
- Vicious Circle
- Vigor
- Virus
- Vis plebis
- Vogelfau
- Vonbank, Jürgen
- Waldner Manuel
- Walter, Christian
- Wash, The
- Waste of Ink
- Weil ma Salzburger san
- Wespa
- Westend - Boys
- Whyokee
- Wildpitcher
- Windtal
- Wiplash
- Wir 2
- Wishmop
- Wizard Island, The
- Wo-Tsu
- Wolf, Nikolaus
- Wolfwetz
- Workhard And The Mixed Emotions
- Wortschatz
- Wrack, Das
- X-Pack
- Xenocode
- Y. U & I
- Yan Nay
- Yawanawa
- Young Krillin
- Zet
- Zhophrenica
- Zuawibiaga, Die
- Zufallstreffer
- and, The
- bio4ema
- circa grün
- cømpiler
- delayed.
- nico:s B:O:X
- stick o brinn
- ~Sea of Disorder~
- Ächter