- Name
- Gründungsjahr
- Bundesland
- Genre
- Funktion
- Filter
Bands (b)
- ... but and Jonas
- b:f:n
- B.A.L.D.
- b.and fleischmann
- B.B. Cole
- B. B. Country Painters
- B.B.S., DJ
- B.B.S. & DJ Andy B.
- B. Brixx
- B.D.S.
- B.F. aka BF Beatz
- B. Fleischmann
- B.L.O
- B.low
- B.M.W.
- B.O.R.B.
- B.O.S.
- B.O.S. & TMA
- B.O.S & Norbert Wally
- B.Ranks & DJ Odd
- B.S.E
- B.U.R.N - Best Use Right Now
- B.Unit
- B.Visible
- B + S
- B-94
- Ba$$tard
- Babajaga
- Babajaga
- Babaroga
- Baba Yaga
- Babelfisch
- Babsea
- Babu104
- Baby Dolls
- Babylon
- Baby Sunshine & die 1000 Kilomete
- Babyzithers, The
- Bacada
- Bacar-T
- Bacchanalian Faith
- Bacchus
- Bach4
- Bacher, Nicolas & Hens
- Bachner, Karin Quartet
- Bachner, Robert and Hill, Helmar
- Bachner, Robert Big Band
- Bachner, Robert Quintet
- Bacila & Cod-E
- Backbeat
- Backdoor Bluesband
- Backdraft
- Backflashbones
- Back Gammon
- Back In Stride
- Back Off!
- Backstage
- Back Then
- Back To Avenue
- Back To Eden
- Back To Felicity
- Back To Godhead
- Back To Kilkenny
- Back to Silence
- Backyard Blues Band
- Backyardz, The
- Bacon Brothers
- Bad&Boujee
- Badboys RC
- Bad City Boys
- Bad D.Cade
- Bader & Co
- Bader M.
- Bad Excuse
- Badge
- Bad Girls Magazine
- Bäd Hammer
- Badhoven
- Bad Ida
- Bad Insurance
- Bad J
- Badminton
- Bad n Breakfast
- Badner Schmäh
- Bad News
- Bad Pleasure
- Bad Powells, The
- Badrock Blues Band, The
- Bad Sellin' Record
- Bad Sisters & die Schankburschen
- Badspin
- Bad Taste
- Bad Weed
- Bad Zoo
- Bäer, Ulli
- Bäer, Ulli & The Boyz From Hairnoize
- Bafeya x Samu
- Bagage
- Bagage
- Bagage, Die
- Baghdassarians, Serge & Boris Baltschun
- Baghira
- Baguette
- Bahamuth
- Bahnhof Kollektiv
- Bahö
- Bahöö
- Baiba
- Bailando Bellmundo
- Baits
- Bajde, Aleksandra & Forciniti, Isabella
- Bakadi
- Bakanic, Christian
- Bakanic's Trio Infernal, Christian
- Baker
- Bakimed & Alcaza
- Bakken, Rebekka
- Bakken, Rebekka / Wolfgang Muthspiel
- Bako, Walter
- Bakowsky, Paul
- Bakowsky Beat
- Bakunins, The
- Balafon
- Balah
- Balance Point
- Balaton Combo, Das
- Balcinovic, Adnan
- Balga, Elfriede
- Balis
- Balkan Express
- Balkanizer
- Balkon
- Balkonkind
- Balloon, El
- Ballrock
- Ballroom Blitz
- Ballroom Boys
- Ballroom Joker
- Ballwein, Monika & Andie Gabauer
- Ballwein, Monika & The Christmas Crackers
- Ballycotton
- Ballyhoo
- Balou, Babsi
- Balsam
- Balthazar
- Balu & Die Surfgrammeln
- Bam, Oida!
- Bam & Mr. Dero
- Bambis, Die
- Bambu Radio
- banal
- Banana Joe
- Banana Joe Trio
- Banane
- Bananz
- Bananz & Die Grossen Tangos
- Banazonic
- Bandaloop, The
- Banda Pacheco
- BandBreit23
- Bande
- Bande, Die
- Band für Steiermark
- Bandi2
- Banditozz
- Banditozz & Twain
- Band of Angels
- Bändscheibenvorfall
- Band WG
- Bandwidth + Gerri Jäger
- Band-X
- Banjax
- Banks, Christopher feat. Michellé, Shelia
- Bankʑ
- Banty Roosters, The
- Baphomet
- Bar
- Barabbas & *
- Barangatang
- Barbados
- Barbados Live
- Barbecue
- Barbed Wire
- Barbie Breakers
- Barbie Dahl
- Barbie Q
- Barbl, Reinhard
- Barbreakers
- Barca Baxant
- Barcode
- Bardie, Christine
- Bared Teeth (Demos)
- Barefoot Basement
- Barembuem, Paula & Daniel Mesquita
- Bärenheld
- Bärental, DJ
- Bärental der Tränen
- Baresch, Pia
- Barking Dog
- Bärli Blahovec Band
- Barline 4
- Baron Black
- Baroudi, Hamid
- Barracuda
- Barracuda
- Barrelhouse BluesMen
- Barrelhouse Jazzband
- Barry Good
- Bartek
- Bartel & Bauer
- Bartellow
- Bartellow & Ogris Debris
- Barth, Thomas
- Barth, Thomas Trio
- Bartlis
- Bartoch
- Bartolomey, Matthias
- Bartolomey Bittmann
- Bartosh, Andy
- Bartu, Rose
- Bart und Busen
- Bartz, Edek
- Barzo1
- Bas, Kubilay
- Basanos
- Basbaritenori
- BASCH analog
- Base, The
- Base & Jazz Orchester Steiermark, The
- Baseline
- Basement
- Basey, Pia
- Basic Orchestra
- Basic Reaction
- Basilikum
- Basiskapelle
- Bask
- Basket
- Basket Boys, The
- bassART
- Bass By Al
- Bass Doublings
- BassDubbers
- Bassena Social Club
- Bassenger, The
- Bassenger, The
- BassGewitter
- Bass Infection Crew
- Bass Instinct
- Bassix Riddim Cooperation
- Bass Junkies
- Basskickers
- Bass Machine
- Bassman
- Bassmanics
- Bassment
- Bassrunner
- Bass X
- Bastard Peels
- Bastard Sun
- Baswod
- Batard, Johnny
- Bates Men
- Bates Unlimited (The Bates)
- Bathtubs
- Batik, Roland
- Batik, Roland - Paul Gulda
- Batik, Roland Trio
- Batman
- Batman & Garagekid
- Batman & Robin
- BaTom
- Baton Rouge
- Batsheba
- Battisti, Peter
- Battle-Ax
- Battle Royal
- Batusim
- Bauch, Bernhard
- Bauchfleisch
- Bauchklang
- Bauchklang feat. Ursula Rucker & TEZ
- Bauchweh
- Bauer, Gerald
- Bauer, Wolfgang
- Bauer/Dommert/Frank/Hecker/Toma/Werner
- Bauernfeind, Georg
- Bauernjazz Kartell
- Bauer Schläger Wurf Berger
- Baum, Andy
- Baum, Andy & The Band
- Baum, Andy & The Trix
- Baum, Georg
- Baumgartner, Beate Bonita
- Baumgartner, Harald
- Bäuml, Herbert & Zotti, Herbert
- Baur, Joachim
- Bausch & Bogen
- Baustelle
- BauXL
- Baxant, The
- Baxant Bogner
- BayAreaAustria
- Bayer, Wolfgang
- Baze Newsic
- Bazille Noir
- Bazz Brotherz, The
- B-Boys
- BC´s, The (The Blue Chip Band)
- BC 76
- B-Chill, DJ
- BdF
- be.the.flow
- Beachband
- Beach Girls and the Monster
- Beach Rockers
- Beaks
- Beam E
- Beangrowers
- Beap!
- Beash vs. Predator
- Beat'N'Blues
- Beat 4 Feet
- Beat6ul
- Beatbangers
- Beat Beat
- Beat Brats
- Beat Class Citizen, The
- Beatcollective
- Beatcontrol
- Beatcore
- Beatcore & Ashley Apollodor
- Beatcore & Corinna Jasmina
- Beate & Michael
- Beatfires, The
- Beat Furrer
- Beatlefield
- Beatlemania
- Beatles Cover Club, The
- Beatlezz
- Beatmöpse
- Beatniks, The
- Beatniks, The
- Beatniks Beatniks DJs
- Beatnix
- Beat Of Wings
- Beat Poetry Club
- Beatprozessor
- Beatroot
- Beats, The
- Beatservaz
- Beatsista
- Beatstones
- Beatstreet
- Beatstreet Band, The
- Beat The Heat
- beauchamp*geissler
- Beauties of the Night
- Beautiful Devil
- Beautiful Kantine Band, The
- Beautiful Losers
- Beautiful Mistake, A
- Beauty of Gemina, The
- Bebb
- Bebel Gilberto
- Beccy-K, Fruhwerk
- Beck, Andy
- Beck, Thomas Andreas
- Beck, Wenzel
- Beck/Kager
- Becke, Steve
- Becker, Christian & Band
- Becker, Konrad
- Beckermeister
- Be Cool
- Beda mit Palme
- Bedernik, Marcel
- Bedlam
- Bed Of A Nun
- Bee
- Beefcake Suckers
- Beefólk
- Been Obscene
- Beep, The
- Beer, Chris
- Beeswax Polish
- Beethosens
- Beethovens
- Befeuchter, Die
- Before the fall
- Beggar´s Dream
- Beggars Street Inn
- Beginning
- Begleiter
- Begnadigten Pädagogen, Die
- Behind The Mask
- Bei, Leo
- Beigean
- Beiler, Nadine
- Bei Regen
- Beiwagen
- Beklen Band
- Bek Suserutz
- Bela Butono
- Belafonte, Rico
- Belay, Franz
- Belinda ist ein Hamster
- Bell, David
- Bell, Matthew DJ
- Bella Angora
- Bella Bella
- Bella Diablo
- Belle Fin Belle Fin á coustic
- Bellende Wirkstoffe
- Bell Etage
- Bellows
- Bellvana
- Belly Bag feat. Manu
- Belly Swing Orchestra, The
- Belmondalfeldzug
- Belofour
- Below Stairs
- Below Zero
- Belphegor
- Belsy
- BeltOut!
- Belvedere
- Ben Attic & Moekel
- Ben Clean
- Bendejo
- Bender
- Bender feat. Nada Aiko
- Bending Unit
- Ben-E
- Ben-E & Falki
- Benedikt Walter
- Bengani
- Benisaiß
- Beni The Ravemonster
- Benkö, Aniko
- Benkö, Aniko & Gerhard Heinz
- Ben Martin
- Ben Muetsch
- Bennie Fresh
- Benno Schollum, Stephan Paryla, Albert Sassmann
- Benno Wohl
- Benny and the Profanes
- Bensh
- Ben Sky
- Ben Soundscape & Superior Selectionz
- Ben Soundscape x RoyGreen & Protone
- Bent
- Bent Arrows
- Bentley Boys
- Bentron
- Bentz, Roland
- Benzol
- Be One
- Beppo Ton, DJ
- Berann, Angela
- Berauer, Johannes
- Berauer´s, Johannes Tiny Orchestra
- Bereavement
- Berg, Armin
- Berg, David
- Bergant, Katharina
- Berger, Günther
- Berger, Herb
- Berger, Herbert
- Berger, Joe & Loys Egg
- Berger, Mario
- Berger, Rudi
- Berger, Wolfram
- Berger´s, Rudi Good News
- Berger & Kunz
- Berger Andreas
- Berger Havlicek Orchester
- Bergfee
- Berghold
- Berglind
- BergMann
- Bergmann, Ro
- Berg Money Gang
- Bergpredigt
- Berlakovich, J.S.
- Bern
- Bernatzik, Bernhard
- Bernauer, Der
- Bernd Bechtloff
- Bernd Bechtloff/Elisabeth Schweizer
- Bernd Salat
- Bernhard Eder & Die Nibelungen
- Bernhard Eder feat. Peter Piek
- Bernhard Gander / Ensemble Modern / Patrick Pulsinger
- Bernhard Loibner
- Bernhard Pribitzer
- Bernhard Speer
- Bernhardt, Erich
- Bernie Berlin
- Bernie Berlin & Benjamin Ramadani
- Bernie Berlin feat. X-Beliebig
- Bernstein
- Bernstein Brothers, The
- Bernth
- Berry, Marc
- Berserk
- Berstgefahr
- Berthold, Sabine
- Bertl Mayer Trio
- Bertolini
- Bertolini feat. Timea
- Bert On Beats feat. Anbuley
- Bertoncini, Tiziana & Mayrhofer, Caroline
- Bertram
- Besatt
- Beschwerdechor St.Pölten
- Be Stagg
- Best Before Yesterday
- Beste Ware
- Best o´ The West
- Best Off
- Beta Bow
- Beth Edges, The
- Beton, Monti feat. K., Johann
- Betrayer
- Betray your Minds
- Betrügerbande
- Bette D.
- Better Life Inc., The
- Better Must Come
- Better Than Zero
- Bettina Striegl feat. Sonar
- Betty's Apartment
- Betty Blue
- Betty Dénes Band, The
- Betty S
- Betty S & The Fonkvibrators
- Betty Semper & The Surfing Zebras
- Between
- Between the Beasts
- Beverly Hells
- Beware, DJ
- Beware, DJ feat. MC Gringo
- Beware & Motorpitch
- Beweggrund & Chudl
- Beweglichen Teile, Die
- Bewegung Heller Maschinen
- B-Exit
- Beyer, Armin
- Beyer, Dominik
- Beyond A Coloured Dream Punching Bones & The Monochrom Tones
- Beyond Reach
- Beyond Sirius
- Beyond The Beat
- Bezirksgruppe Liesing
- Bezoar
- b-fruchten
- B-Funk-Family
- B-Greif B-Ton
- Bholenath
- Biased
- Bibic / Lechner / Schuberth / Poprzan
- Bibiza
- Biboul Darouichezs Soleil Bantu
- Bicep
- Bicycle Terror
- Bicycle Thieves
- Bidner, Stefan
- Bidner/Martinek
- Bidner/Martinek/Quehenberger
- Bidner/Martinek & Friends
- Bidner / Martinek feat. Erwin Wurm
- Biederman
- Biedermann
- Bielz, Gudrun
- Biene FredEric
- Biepang
- Bietnik
- Bifröst
- Bifzi, bafzi, hulalemi
- Big Apple
- Big Bako Beat
- Big Band, The
- Bigband Bodycheck
- Big Band Hirtenberg
- Big Band Oberndorf
- Big Band Of Sabotage Cooperation
- Big Band Project Katzelsdorf
- Big Band Scheibbs
- Big Band Trofaiach
- Big Band Weiz BBW
- Big Band West
- Big Bang
- Big Beat
- Big blacky blach big band
- Big Blue
- Big Bon Jou
- Big Brass and Rhythm Band Freistadt
- Big Bud
- Big Bud, RoyGreen, Protone & Dual
- Big City Indians
- Big Crazy Family
- Big Dick Willy
- Big DnC
- Big Easy, The
- Big Fat Mama
- Big Flash
- Big Hearts Gloom Part
- Big Heat
- Big Howard, The
- Bigi Biggs & die Posträuber
- Big J
- Big John and The Vienna Soul Society Big John & The Vienna Soul Society
- Big Mäx
- Big Orange
- Big River
- Bigroom Society
- Big Shot
- Big Sime & Dark Poet
- Big Sip
- Big Sissy
- Big Time Baby
- Big Time Maniacs, The
- Big Tip
- Big Tribal Heart
- Big Trouble In Paradise
- Big Wah Wah Fuzz
- Big Wheel Blues Band
- Bilderbuch
- Bildplatte
- Bilgeri
- Bilgeri, Laura
- Bilgeri, Reinhold & Michael Köhlmeier
- Bilgeri & Judith
- Bilik, Franz, 2. Geige
- Bilik, Franz & seine Brogressivschrammeln
- Biliks Erben
- Bill, Maria
- Billa
- Billa Ensemble
- Bill Clintune feat. John F. Kenn I Di
- Billie Jean
- Billie Steirisch
- Billion Bob
- Billion Bob And The Harrycans
- Billisich, Eva, & die derrische Kapelln
- Billisich, Eva & Herr Holliwood
- Billisich & Band
- Bill Johnson Band
- Billy & Johnny
- Billy Newton Davis
- Bim Claxton
- Binar
- Binär, DJ
- Binary
- Binary_Boy
- Binary Drug
- Binder
- Binder, Otmar
- Binder, Otmar Trio feat. BJ Cole & Christian Dozzler
- Binder/Loibner/Mirkovic
- Binder & Krieglstein
- Binder & Krieglstein feat. Didi Bruckmayr
- Binder-Krieglstein, Rainer
- Bingle Jells
- Bingoboys
- Bing Selfish
- Bintobone
- bio4ema
- Biomull
- Bionic Babies
- Bionic Beatz
- Bionic Kid, The
- Biotronix
- Biowaste
- Biowobble
- Bipolar Feminin
- Bipolar Penguins
- Birdbrain
- Bird Connection
- Birdland Nouveau
- Bird of The Year
- Bird People
- Birds in Trees
- Birds of Vienna
- Birdy
- Birdy
- Birkenbeat
- Birkett Hall
- Birma Blues Band
- Birne Helene
- Birngruber. Theresia
- Birth
- Biscuits
- Bis eine heult
- Bisenz, Alexander
- Bistong
- Bistong & Megna
- Bitch Boys
- Bitchfork
- Bitchin' Delilahs & Tapiresque
- Bitch In The Van, The
- Bitrebelz, the B1trebelz
- Bitten By
- Bitter Lemon
- Bitter Orange
- Bitz
- Bitz & A:lex
- Bitz & Redstar
- Biz, Aliosha & Roman Grinberg
- Bizarre Ko Ko Ko
- Bizzy Booster, DJ
- BJ's New Breed
- Björn, Peter & John
- Blabensteiner, David
- Blach, F.
- Black
- Black, Chris
- Black Acid
- Black Afghan
- Black Aid
- Black And White Company, The
- Black Anthem
- Black Art
- Black Barrel
- Black Beans
- Blackberry
- Black Biuti
- Black Body Radiation, The
- Black Books
- Blackbox
- Black Box Radio
- Blackbush
- Black Cage
- Black Chrome
- Black Coffee
- Black Dog Cubik
- Black Dogs
- Black Egg
- Blackening
- Blackfinger
- Black Fjords
- Black Flash
- Black Fox Dance
- Black Fox Tropikal
- Black Frame
- Black Heart
- Black Inhale
- Black Jack
- Black Koffie
- Black Kurrant
- Black Label
- Blacklight Chameleon
- Blacklight District
- Black Lotus Experiment
- Black Luxus
- Black Manna
- Black Market Tune
- Black Milk
- Black Mirror
- Black Nova
- BlackOrange
- Black Order, The
- Black Page Orchestra
- Black Painted Reality
- Black Palms Orchestra
- Black Prophecy
- Black Riders, The
- Black Rose
- Blackroses
- Black Roses
- Black Sand
- Black Shampoo
- Blacksnail
- Black Spaghetti
- Black Sun Empire
- Black Tiger Sex Machine x Dead Battery
- Blacktrain
- Black Veil
- Black Velvet Band
- Blackwing
- Blackwing vs. Headhunter
- Blackwitch
- Black Yen
- Blade, der
- Blaha, Wolfgang & Christopher Kaiser
- Blahovec
- Blaikner, Peter
- Blake
- Blanche Zambo
- Blank
- Blank!
- Blank Manuskript
- Blanx
- Blaschek und Svik
- Blashko
- Blasorchester der Jugendblaskapelle Sparkasse Leibnitz
- Blasphemia
- Blasphemist
- Blass
- Blasser Kyren
- Blass feat. DJ Ride
- Blast
- Blast, Roy
- Blast of silence
- Bla The Band
- Blau AG
- Blaubauer
- Blauensteiner, Florian
- Blauer Fehler, Roter Fehler
- Blauklang
- Blaumarot
- Blaze
- Blaze of Glory
- BlckHry
- Bleached Modesty
- Blecha, Philipp
- BlechBixnBand
- Blechhaufn
- Blechmann & Knapp
- Blechrudl
- Bled Dry
- Bleeding Horizon
- Bleich & Schmutzer
- Blended.
- Blending Borders
- Blendwerk
- Blessed Virgin
- Blessmon
- Bleu
- Blind Alley Six
- Blindead
- Blinded By Stardust
- Blinded Colours
- Blindfold
- Blind Idiot Gods
- Blind Judge
- Blind Petition
- Blind und Derisch
- Blisco, DJ
- Blisstonia
- Blisterman, DJ
- Blitzfeld
- Blitzgemetzel
- Blitz Pop
- Blivian
- Blizzcreeps
- Blizzfrizz
- Blockbox feat. Joe Joe, The
- Blockstars
- Blockwerk
- Blonder Engel
- Blonder Engel & Die Hedwig Haselrieder Kombo
- Blondes Have More Fun
- Blondl
- Blood and Champagne
- Blood Catapult
- Bloodfeast
- Bloodline
- Blood Runs Nose
- Bloodshed Remains
- Blood Stained
- Bloodsucking Zombies From Outer Space BZFOS
- Bloody Axecution
- Bloody Beetroots feat. Beta Bow, The
- Bloody Guys
- Bloody Mary
- Bloody Mary
- Bloody MC
- Bloom's Days
- Bloom 05 Bloom
- Bloo Voodoo
- Blossomers
- Blouson Brothers
- Blow
- Blow & Order
- Blowback
- Blow Funk
- Blowin´ Free
- Blowing Lewinsky, The
- Blowjob
- BlownFuse
- Blow Up!
- Blu
- Bluatschink
- Bludzbrüder
- Blue
- Blue
- Blue, Chris
- Blue Balls
- Blueblut
- Blue Bop
- BlueBox
- Blue Box
- Blue Brass Connection
- Blue Chip Orchestra
- Blue Connection
- Blue Danube
- Blue Danube Brass Band
- Blue Funketeers, The
- Blue Gamblers
- Bluegrass Special, The
- Bluegrass Stampede
- Blue Heads, The
- Blue Hill
- Blue Horn
- BLUElectrifying acoustic pop
- Blue Matter
- Blue Monday Blues Band
- Blue Mondaze
- BlueNote10
- Blue Note Seven
- Blue Note Six
- Blueprint
- Blues´n More
- Bluesbrauser
- Bluesbreakers
- Bluesdockings, The
- Blue Session
- Blues For Two
- Blues Frizz
- Blues Infusion, The
- Blues Juice
- Blues Messengers, The "Sir" Oliver Mally, Alex Meik, Peter Müller
- Bluesmopolitans
- Blue Spirit
- Bluespumpm
- Blues Punch, The
- Blues Punxs
- Blue Sunday Group BSG
- Blues United
- Blues Unlimited
- Blues Wave
- Bluesxperience
- Blue Thier & Coco Band
- Blue Thunder
- Blue Thunder, DJ
- Blue Tommies
- Blue Velvet
- Bluffphonica
- Bluish
- BluMart
- Blumauer, Janine
- Blümchen Blau
- Blumen im Regen
- Blumenschein/Vatagin
- Blunted Source
- Bluntmen and Tronic
- Blunznfettn Taupfnnauckal, Die
- Blunzntilt
- Blunznundleberwurst
- Blushing Melons
- Blutharsch, Der
- Blutharsch And The Infinite Church Of The Leading Hand, Der
- Bluus miiz Wiinerliid
- Blvck Crowz & Dolexil
- Blvebird
- BMK, Coda & Krooked
- BMK & Coda
- BMotion vs Dossa & Locuzzed
- B-Nice
- BNS Brothers 'n Sisters
- Bo. - Ro.
- Boa Boa
- Boar
- Boarding Line
- BoB
- Bob's Rhythm Kings
- Bobby Hammer
- Bobby Hammer Band
- Bobby Leezy
- Bobby Milk
- Bobby R.
- Bobby Rules & Dux
- Bobby Rules & Zirkuskind
- Bob Moog
- Bo Candy
- Bo Candy and his Broken Hearts
- Bock, Ricci
- Bock & Leiermusik
- Bock auf Heidi
- Bocksrucker
- Bodensee Trio
- Bodhii
- Bodhii Boulevard
- Bödl, Martin
- Body & Soul
- Body & Soul
- Body & Soul & Egoshoota
- Body & Soul feat. Daxta MC
- Body & Soul vs. Camo & Krooked
- Body & Soul vs. Fourward
- Body Hot Face Not
- Body Talk
- Boecksteiner
- Boeff
- Boernah, DJ & Richterscala
- Boerni_K
- Boerni_K, Markus Sis & Gudrun Rubini
- Böff Bölgstoff Strovanovsky
- Boff Lemurr
- Bogdan
- Bogdu
- Bogen, Ged
- Bogner, Florian
- Bogner - Bader, Isabella
- Bognermayr/Zuschrader
- Bogojevic, Silvia
- Bohatsch, Helmut / Skrepek, Paul / Zrost, Martin
- Bohatsch & Skrepek
- Bohatsch Jonas
- Bohemia
- Böhm´s Tanzorchestra
- Böhmer, Franz; Fields, Paul; Reiser, Edi
- Böhm ohne KÖB
- Böhnisch, Vera
- Böhse TekknoMachaZ
- Boiler, The
- Bois
- BokaBoka
- Bolder
- Bolschoi Beat
- Bolschoi Don Kosaken
- Bolt
- Boltzmann
- Bomb Circle
- Bombdroppa Posse
- Bombsquad
- bonaNza
- Bonanza, Harry & Band
- Bonanza Jellybean
- Bond, Tony feat. Sweet Sixteen
- Bondagers, The
- Bone
- Bone Farm
- Boner Bitch
- Bonerider, DJ
- Bones
- Bonez Mc & Raf Camora
- Bong Baby Go Sub
- Bongo & Friends
- boNGoreGGae
- Bonito Julio vs. C. Macalvo
- Bon Jour
- BonjourTropfen
- Bonnet Freaks
- Bonnies
- Bonobo Club
- Bono Goldbaum
- Bonsai Garden Orchester
- Bonz
- Boo
- Boogaloo
- Boogee Basement
- Boogie Dush
- Boogie Dush & Benko
- Boogie Hammer
- Boogie Stuff
- Boogie Trio, The
- Boogiewood
- Boogie Woogie Gang
- Boom! Boom! Deluxe
- Boomarang Sound
- Boombastic
- Boombokkz Crew
- Boom Box
- Booms, The
- Boom Structure
- Boomzack!
- Boon
- Boonie
- Booth/ Quehenberger/ Kern
- Boozeman, DJ
- Bora, Alp
- Borchert, Thomas & Kai Peterson
- Borderland
- Borderline Girlfriend
- Borderlines, The
- Borderline Syndrome
- Boreas
- Boredom
- Borg, Andy
- Boring Blues Band
- Boriqua Tribez
- Boris & Christina
- Boris & Olaf
- Boris Fab
- Boris Ural
- Boris Urban
- BorkerBrothers
- Borkum Riff
- Börn
- Börn & Mika Vember
- Born In The Bottle
- Born To Late
- Böröcz, Tommy
- Boroff, Matt
- Boroff, Matt & The Mirrors
- Boros, Zsófia
- Borrow or Rob
- Bösen Nachbarn, Die
- Böser Wolf
- Böser Wolf & Emil F.
- Böse Zustand, Der
- Böse Zwerge
- Böslinge, Die
- Bosna
- Bosnian Refugees
- Bossanoir
- Bossmann, Leopold Quartett
- Bosss, Hubo
- Bösze, Cordula
- Bösze Flunger Palme
- Botschafterinnen, Die
- Botschatn, Die
- Bottazzi, Mario
- Bottervogel
- Bottles, Knives & Steel
- Bottles, The
- Bottle Up & Go!
- Bou & Mefjus
- Boucher feat. Linci
- Boundary
- Boundless
- Bountydave
- Bounty Killaz & Metatrox
- Bounz The Ball
- Bourbonstreet
- Bourne, Alexandra
- Boutique Meteor
- Bowling Green
- Bow Rider
- Bowsar
- Bowsar & A-Cray
- Bowsar & Distant Future
- Bowsar & Double Helix
- Bowsar & Eiton
- Bowsar & Emphasis
- Bowsar & Kilobite
- Bowsar & Phentix
- Bowsar & Term
- Bowsar & Wintermute
- Bowsar & Wreckage Machinery
- Bowsar & Yanntek
- Bowsar feat. Kryptomedic
- Bowser feat. Tamas
- Boxer
- Boxer John
- Box Social
- Boy, P.J.
- Boy Colin, The
- Boy Jürgens aus Wien
- Boy Omega
- Boys, The
- Boys Beach
- Boysclub
- Boys You Know, The
- Boyzgroup
- Boz Boorer
- Bo zzupa
- Braaz
- Brachial
- Brachialilluminator
- Brackets Closed
- Brackish Gargle
- Bradley, Flow
- Bradln & Bier
- B Rah
- Brahms
- Braim
- Brain
- Brain
- Brain & ZeroZero
- Brainbombz
- Brain Corporation, The The Brain Corp.
- Braindead
- Brain Dead
- Brain Drain Orchestra
- Brainheadz
- Brainless
- Brainmanagerz
- Brainmanagerz The Brain Managerz
- Brainstorm
- Brainstorm
- Brainwashed
- Brainwaves
- Bralesque
- Brambilla
- Bramp
- Bramsteidl, Rosa & Steiner / Maly / Luger
- Brancaccio & Bishop
- Brand, Hadu
- Brand, Hadu & Marija Pentschev
- Brand, Max
- Brandauer, Christina + Ralph Ralph
- Brand Brothers
- Brandhuber, Sabrina
- Brandlmayr, Peter
- Brandlmayr/Dafeldecker/Nemeth/Siewert
- Brandnew
- Brand New Barbarians, The
- Brandt, Markus
- Brand X
- Brandysh
- Brankovic, Tanja
- Brasentina
- Brassbabies & Rhythmkids educated by Rens Newland
- Brassbeat
- Brassissimo
- Brassmass Bad Luck Man's Band
- Bratfisch
- Bratlfettn
- Braty Bluzu feat. Rens Newland
- Brauer, Arik
- Brauer, Arik und Timna
- Brauer, Timna
- Brauer, Timna/ Koreny, Bela
- Brauer, Timna & Elias Meiri Ensemble
- Brauers, Die
- Braun, Stephan Trio
- Braunton
- Brave New World
- Bravo, Richie
- Bray
- Break & Total Science
- Breakdown
- Breakfast*Sensation
- Breaking Bud Produbtion
- Breaknetic Twins
- Break Pitt
- Break Pitt & Kos & Tenchu
- Break Pitt & Tenchu
- Break Pitt & Tenchu & Zool
- B Recordings
- Breed Bad Blood
- Breidler, Christoph
- Breindl, Martin
- Breinschmid, Georg
- Breinschmid, Georg & friends
- Breinschmid, Georg & Gansch, Thomas
- Breinschmid, Martin
- Breinschmid/Dickbauer
- Breinschmid/Dickbauer/Mitterer/Reisinger
- Breit, Bert
- Breitband
- Breiteck
- Brem, Marty
- Brenda
- Brenk & Fid Mella
- Brenk Brenk Sinatra
- Bretterbauer
- Breuer, Thomas
- Breunig, Anna Lena
- Breuss, Lisi + Rose
- Brewed & Canned
- Brewtality
- Brezina, Sabine
- Brezovsky, Christine
- Brian
- Brian's nightmare
- Brian Spray Band
- Brichta, Ron
- Bridgechild
- Brightness
- Brigittakapelle, Die
- Brigittenauer Gymnasium Wien
- Brill'n
- Broadlahn
- Broadway
- Broadway
- Broadway
- Brofaction
- Brofessionals, The
- Broken.Heart.Collector
- Broken Age
- Broken Ego
- Broken Radio Show
- Broken Reform
- Broken Sequence
- Brokesch, Susanne
- Brokesch, Susanne vs. Vromb
- Bronco Jedson
- Bronko Kudlicka
- Bronner, Gerhard
- Bronner, Gerhard / Prikopa, Herbert / Stankovski, Ernst
- Bronner/Prikopa
- Bronner / Qualtinger
- Bronx
- Brooke's Bedroom
- Brootworth
- Bros, Erwin
- Bros, Erwin & Bessie Brühl
- Bros, Erwin & die Geschworenen
- Brosd Koal
- Brot & Sterne
- Brother & Sister
- Brother Django
- Brother Louis ft Kinetical & Alice Harper
- Brothers
- Brothers, The
- Brothers In Law
- Brothers In Law
- Brothers of Dimension
- Brothers of Mercy
- Brothers Van Yarns
- Brotlose Kunst
- Broucek, Heinz
- Brown, Les
- Brown-Eyes White Boy
- Brownfish
- Broz, Walter
- Bru
- Bruce, Susan
- Bruce & The Willys
- Bruch
- Bruch & Anna Pü
- BruchGran
- Brückenkopf, Anton und der Chor der Wiener Verkehrsbehinderten
- Bruckmayr, Didi
- Bruckmayr/Hosp/Pammer/Schmidinger
- Bruckmayr & DJ Mussurunga
- Bruckmüller, Barbara Big Band
- Bruckner's Unlimited
- Brucknerboys & a Lady
- Bruco, Joao de/ Otto Lechner
- Bruder, Christian
- Brüder, Die
- Brüder & Schwestern im Auftrag des Herrn, Die
- Bruder Franz
- Brüder Poulard, Die
- Brüder Punzenberger
- Brudesh
- Bruecke
- Bruendlinger
- Brühl Bessy
- Bruising Pattern
- Bruji
- Brun, Nathalie
- Brunner, Stefan
- Brunner & Brunner
- Brunnmüller
- Brunthaler, Kurt - Big Band
- Brusatti, Otto
- Brustkrebs
- Brute
- Brut Imperial Quintet, The
- Bruzek, Richard H.S.J.
- Bruzzler
- Bryna
- Brød
- B Seiten Sound
- B-Side & Philanthrope
- B-String feat. Funky G
- B-Style
- BTO Spider
- BTO Spider & Jeremiah
- Bubble Trouble
- Buben, Die
- Buben im Pelz, Die
- Buben im Pelz feat. Voodoo Jürgens, Die
- Buccaneers, The
- Buchebner/Eigner
- Buchebner & Scheidl
- Buchegger, Anna
- Buchhalter, Die
- Buchinger, Christian Gigs
- Buchstabenstuppe
- Bucht, Die
- Bucht von Wien, Die
- Bucko, Ivan
- Bucks Gang
- Buckshot
- Bucovina Club Orkestar
- Buddy & Soul
- Bueno, Vincent
- Buenoventura
- Buffalo Bells, The
- Buffered Multiple
- Bufi
- Bug
- Bug, The
- Bughouse
- Bugs Bunny Project
- Bugs In The Coffee
- Buigner, George & Bestereimer, Alexander
- Building Bridges
- Bukara Som Sistema
- Bukaric, Sascha
- Bukkha & Dubbing Sun
- Bukowski, Boris
- BulBul
- BulBul & Boris Hauf
- Bulbul + Mäusegruppe
- Bulbul feat. Carla Bozulich & Philipp Quehenberger
- Bulbultumido
- Bullet
- Bullhorns feat. James Morrison
- Bulut
- Bulut, Özlem Band
- BumBum Biggalo
- Bum Bum Boys
- BumBum Kunst
- BumBumKunst & Skero
- Bumfi & The Jubilee Singers
- Bumm Bumm Boys
- BumZack
- Bunda, Rudi
- Bunker
- Bunker Soldiers
- Bunkl, Harry Exzess
- Bunnington Judah Meets Dubbing Sun And Fulldub
- Bunny Lake
- Bunny Situation, The
- Buntspecht
- BunZer0
- Burag & Diggy, DJ
- Buraka Som Systema
- Burda, Rudi
- Bureau B
- Burgenland Echo
- Burger, A.
- Burke, Meaghan
- Burkina Electric
- Burn.Time
- Burn Again
- Burned Out
- Burnee
- Burnin' Aces
- Burnin' Tears
- Burnin' Tears & Jakobin
- Burning Rosettas, The
- Burning Train
- Burning Vision
- Burn Out
- Burns
- Burns, Robert
- Burnswell
- Burn The Traitor BTT
- Burp!
- Burr Oak & TR Tactics
- Burroughs Machine, The
- Bürstinger, Herbert Quartett
- Burstup
- Burton, Gil & Soultribe
- Burtram
- Burtrom
- Bury The Sun
- Bus
- Buscemi
- Busch, George W.
- Busch, Jakob
- Busdriver´s King
- Bush, Jacqueline
- Busrunner
- Busta Rhymes x Buju Banton
- Bust The Chain
- Busy People
- Butcher, The
- Butcher Babes
- Butt, Katrin
- Buttafingaz
- Butter
- Butterflies In The Belly
- Butterfly's Empire
- Butt-Head
- Buttons, The
- Butz, Joachim
- Buzz, DJ
- Buzz, DJ & Circus
- Buzz, DJ & Frank Nitty
- Buzz, DJ & Testa
- Buzz, DJ & Twintowas
- Buzz 7
- Buzzardhawk
- bwer
- Bydl
- BYDL, Marie Vermont, B. Griffspferd
- Bydlinski, Mini
- Byonic
- Bytecode
- byyrd
- Bzy Mind