1. Name
  2. Gründungsjahr
  3. Bundesland
  4. Genre
  5. Funktion
  6. Filter

Bands (i)

  1. i:levenless 7
  2. I/II 1/2
  3. I.D.'s
  4. I.E.P
  5. I.F.T.N.
  6. I.Q. 69
  7. I'm a Sloth
  8. I Am
  9. I Am Cereals
  10. IamDoomed
  11. IamDoomed & Xeomi & Kaiza
  12. I Am The Horseman
  13. I am TIM
  14. IAMU
  15. Iamyour Pamphletear
  16. Ian Dunstaple
  17. Ian Fisher & The Past
  18. Ian Fisher & The Present
  19. Ian Piqué
  20. Ianuaria
  21. Ianuaria & Mark Day
  22. Ianuaria & Muscaria
  23. Ianuaria vs Dissociactive
  24. Ibach & Temmel
  25. Ibb And The Lizard Experience
  26. IbeX
  27. IbeX X Cotrax
  28. Ibisxi
  29. Ibk Tribe
  30. iBros
  31. IC
  32. IcebergILL
  33. icecoldtapwater
  34. Ice Edges
  35. Ices
  36. Ich bin ein Hintern
  37. Ich Bin Zu Dritt
  38. Ichthys
  39. I Conti
  40. I-Cue feat. ill-esha
  41. IC Urban
  42. Icy Finger
  43. Ida Red & the Mountain Melody Stompers
  44. Ide
  45. Idealbesetzung
  46. Idealisten, Die
  47. Ides
  48. Idklang
  49. IDN
  50. I Eat Pancakes
  51. I Fratelli Ramoreo, The
  52. Iftaf
  53. Iga Biva
  54. Igel vs. Shark
  55. I Gi Collabz
  56. Ignore This Sign
  57. Igo
  58. IgoRamirez
  59. IHR & TR Tactics
  60. IIP
  61. Ikarus
  62. Ikebong Plaisir
  63. Ilathar
  64. I-Levels
  65. Ill.Skillz & Calyx
  66. Ill.skillz & Concord Dawn
  67. Ill.Skillz IllSkillz
  68. Illegal Jazz Brunch
  69. Illegal Movement
  70. Illemann
  71. Illex
  72. Illianz Of Lykx
  73. Ill Mindz
  74. IllRakete
  75. IllSkillz & S.P.Y.
  76. Illskillz vs Logistics
  77. Illtek
  78. Illtek vs. Velox
  79. Illuminata
  80. ILLuSion
  81. Illusion of irish pop funk, the Workshopklasse Wickerl Adam
  82. Illusionz
  83. Illute
  84. Illyrica
  85. iloveakim
  86. I Love Susan
  87. Ilsa Gold
  88. Ilsebill
  89. Ilun
  90. im:takt
  91. Image 2040
  93. Imbsound
  94. Imiteam
  95. IMIX & Pan Papason
  96. IMIX Imix FX
  97. IMIX vs Hydrogen
  98. Imker, Die
  99. Immenhof
  100. Immer Anders
  101. Immolation By Scum
  102. Immortal Erected Pop
  103. Immortality
  104. Impact vs. FLX
  105. Impending Fall
  106. Imperatus Foedus
  107. Imperio
  108. Imperomon
  109. Imposition Man
  110. Imprecated Destiny
  111. Impression
  112. Improvising Music Orchestra
  113. Impuls
  114. Impuls 9
  115. Impulse Eventmusik
  116. Impurity
  117. Imster Liederkranz
  118. Imun
  119. In:2:It
  120. In ´n Out
  121. Ina
  122. In A Blue Room
  123. In Agony
  124. Inaki Albert
  125. Inalied
  126. iNANA
  127. Inane
  128. Ina Regen & Verena Altenberger
  129. Inbetween
  130. In Between
  131. Incardia
  132. Incarnation
  133. Incictation
  134. Incident & Paul SG
  135. Incinerators
  136. Incognito
  137. Inconspict
  138. Incorporated
  139. Incredible BrainNet
  140. Incredible Fake, The
  141. Incredible Ramblers
  142. Incredible Southern Blues Band, The
  143. Incredible Staggers, The
  144. In Crucem Agere
  145. Indeed
  146. In Delirium
  147. Index
  148. INDIA & The RefIex Artists
  149. Indian Air
  150. Indian Spirit
  151. Indian Summer
  152. indieaorta
  153. Indietro
  154. Indigo
  155. Indigo Day
  156. In Dismay
  157. Indivision & Wreckage Machinery
  158. Indoctrinate
  159. Indowa
  160. Indurro
  161. Indusi
  162. Indust
  163. Industrietanz
  164. Industriezone
  165. Industry, Die
  166. In-Dust-Trees
  167. Indyus
  168. Ineé
  169. Inessa
  170. Inez
  171. Inez und Leo
  172. Infantil
  173. Infarkt
  174. Infected, The
  175. Infected Chaos
  176. Infekt
  177. Infernal Inc.
  178. Infernal Infernal Inc.
  179. Infinite Monkey Theorem
  180. Infinite Pal
  181. Inflagranti
  182. Informal Thief, The
  183. Information Overload
  184. Infra
  185. Infra
  186. Inga Lynch
  187. Inge und Sonja
  188. Inherent Obscurity
  189. Ini
  190. Inina Gap
  191. Inkompetent
  192. Inlejnda, Sigi
  193. Inlejnda, Sigi & Tonblumen, die
  194. In Memoriam
  195. In My Talons
  196. In My Talons & Evelyn Plaschg
  197. inn.wien
  198. Inn-A-Valley
  199. Innere Stadt
  200. Inner Music Meets the Outside
  201. Inner Storm
  202. Inner Tongue
  203. Inner Voice
  204. Innocent
  205. Innode
  206. In nomine patris
  207. Innquarters
  208. Innsbrooklyn Rockers
  209. InnStrumenti
  210. Innviertler Hausmusik
  211. Innviertler Roadshow
  212. I Not Dance
  213. Inou Ki Endo, DJ
  214. Inox
  215. InPulse
  216. Inquisition
  217. Inri
  218. INRI
  219. Insane
  220. Insane Edition
  221. Insane Habits
  222. InSaNe TekNoLogY & Ling Ling
  223. Insanity
  224. Insanity Alert
  225. Insanity Ravage
  226. Insanus Maximus
  227. Insecure
  228. INseit In-Seit
  229. Inside Info
  230. Inside Info / Fourward
  231. Insideinfo & Mefjus
  232. Inside Marilyn
  233. Inside Out
  234. Insingizi
  235. Insite
  236. In Slumber
  237. Insomnia
  238. Insört
  239. Inspiration, Die
  240. Inspirational Corner
  241. Inspirational Corner feat. Big John Whitfield
  242. Instant Avi
  243. Instant Banana
  244. Instant Karma
  245. Institut für transakustische Forschung
  246. Institution D.O.L. Institution DOL
  247. Instructor
  248. Instrumania
  249. Intact
  250. Integrals, The
  251. Integrationsklasse, Die
  252. Integrationsresistent
  253. Intensives, The
  254. Interactives Renegades, Les
  255. Interdependence
  256. Interfake
  257. Intergang
  258. International Children's Choir Vienna
  259. Internationals, The
  260. Inter Nubes
  261. Interpreten, Die
  262. Interregnum
  263. Intersect
  264. Interstate 35
  265. Interstellar Bungalow
  266. Interstellar Overdrive
  267. In The Attic
  268. In The Line Of Fire
  269. Intheron
  270. In The Zone
  271. In The Zone feat. George Garzone
  272. In This Temple
  273. In Time
  274. Intimspray
  275. Into Faces
  276. Intone
  277. Intoxicated
  278. Intoxication
  279. Intra
  280. Intracardial
  281. Intrepidity
  282. Inuit Monkeys
  283. Invaders
  284. Inveterate Enemy
  285. Invictus
  286. Invincible Quest
  287. Inward, Hanzo & Randie
  288. In Your Head
  289. Inzest
  290. Inzest Cats
  291. IO
  292. ION
  293. i oslo
  294. IO vs Kirlian
  295. Ippolit
  296. iPunk
  297. Iram Chace
  298. Ireland, Catherine
  299. Iriepathie
  300. Iriepathie & Anthony B.
  301. Iriepathie & Buccaneers, The
  302. Irie Rocker Allstars
  303. Irievibrations
  304. Irina
  305. IRiNi
  306. Iris
  307. Iris
  308. Iris Electrum
  309. Irish Eve & The Freaks
  310. Irispiration
  311. Iris T.
  312. Iris T. & The Billy Rubin Trio
  313. Irityll
  314. Iron Heel
  315. Iron Mädlz
  316. Iron Overkill
  317. Iron Skills
  318. Iron Snag Joe
  319. Irony Of Fate
  320. IRR2M deluxe
  321. Irradiation
  322. Irre, Der
  323. Irreal
  324. Irritation
  325. Isaac
  326. Isaac, Bernd
  327. Isaac Gluten
  328. Isaiah
  329. Isa Q
  330. Isbjarne
  331. Ischen Impossible
  332. Ischia
  333. Ischia & Doeke
  334. Isee
  335. Isee + Hoob
  336. Isery
  337. Isis Noreia
  338. Island
  339. Islands Of Light
  340. Ismirschlecht
  341. Isolierband
  342. Isometric & Charis
  343. Isotropic Gain
  344. Isotropic Gain & Miss Electric
  345. Isoulate
  346. Isto!
  347. i stole a million
  348. It
  349. It´s
  350. It´s Nik!
  351. It's The Lipstick On Your Teeth
  352. Ital & Artyficial
  353. Itching Cucumbers
  354. It Cummz
  355. Ithiopia Soundsystem
  356. Itslyf
  357. Itty-Bitty-Boozy-Woozy
  358. Itzt
  359. Iv/An
  360. Ivan Moser
  361. Ivo
  362. Ivoree
  363. Ivoree & Natural Flavor
  364. Ivoree & Sentic Cycle
  365. Ivory
  366. Ivvvo
  367. Ivy
  368. Ivy Lab
  369. I Wanna Boogie With You
  370. I Watch Mountains Grow
  371. I-Wolf
  372. I-Wolf & Burdy
  373. I-Wolf & The Chainreactions
  374. I-Wolf feat. Dälek, Oddatee & Mia Zabelka
  375. Ixthuluh
  376. Ix ypsilon
  377. IZC
  378. Izen
  379. Izzy Bash