- Name
- Gründungsjahr
- Bundesland
- Genre
- Funktion
- Filter
Bands (i)
- i:levenless 7
- I/II 1/2
- I.D.'s
- I.E.P
- I.F.T.N.
- I.Q. 69
- I'm a Sloth
- I Am
- I Am Cereals
- IamDoomed
- IamDoomed & Xeomi & Kaiza
- I Am The Horseman
- I am TIM
- Iamyour Pamphletear
- Ian Dunstaple
- Ian Fisher & The Past
- Ian Fisher & The Present
- Ian Piqué
- Ianuaria
- Ianuaria & Mark Day
- Ianuaria & Muscaria
- Ianuaria vs Dissociactive
- Ibach & Temmel
- Ibb And The Lizard Experience
- IbeX
- IbeX X Cotrax
- Ibisxi
- Ibk Tribe
- iBros
- IC
- IcebergILL
- icecoldtapwater
- Ice Edges
- Ices
- Ich bin ein Hintern
- Ich Bin Zu Dritt
- Ichthys
- I Conti
- I-Cue feat. ill-esha
- IC Urban
- Icy Finger
- Ida Red & the Mountain Melody Stompers
- Ide
- Idealbesetzung
- Idealisten, Die
- Ides
- Idklang
- I Eat Pancakes
- I Fratelli Ramoreo, The
- Iftaf
- Iga Biva
- Igel vs. Shark
- I Gi Collabz
- Ignore This Sign
- Igo
- IgoRamirez
- IHR & TR Tactics
- Ikarus
- Ikebong Plaisir
- Ilathar
- I-Levels
- Ill.Skillz & Calyx
- Ill.skillz & Concord Dawn
- Ill.Skillz IllSkillz
- Illegal Jazz Brunch
- Illegal Movement
- Illemann
- Illex
- Illianz Of Lykx
- Ill Mindz
- IllRakete
- IllSkillz & S.P.Y.
- Illskillz vs Logistics
- Illtek
- Illtek vs. Velox
- Illuminata
- ILLuSion
- Illusion of irish pop funk, the Workshopklasse Wickerl Adam
- Illusionz
- Illute
- Illyrica
- iloveakim
- I Love Susan
- Ilsa Gold
- Ilsebill
- Ilun
- im:takt
- Image 2040
- Imbsound
- Imiteam
- IMIX & Pan Papason
- IMIX Imix FX
- IMIX vs Hydrogen
- Imker, Die
- Immenhof
- Immer Anders
- Immolation By Scum
- Immortal Erected Pop
- Immortality
- Impact vs. FLX
- Impending Fall
- Imperatus Foedus
- Imperio
- Imperomon
- Imposition Man
- Imprecated Destiny
- Impression
- Improvising Music Orchestra
- Impuls
- Impuls 9
- Impulse Eventmusik
- Impurity
- Imster Liederkranz
- Imun
- In:2:It
- In ´n Out
- Ina
- In A Blue Room
- In Agony
- Inaki Albert
- Inalied
- Inane
- Ina Regen & Verena Altenberger
- Inbetween
- In Between
- Incardia
- Incarnation
- Incictation
- Incident & Paul SG
- Incinerators
- Incognito
- Inconspict
- Incorporated
- Incredible BrainNet
- Incredible Fake, The
- Incredible Ramblers
- Incredible Southern Blues Band, The
- Incredible Staggers, The
- In Crucem Agere
- Indeed
- In Delirium
- Index
- INDIA & The RefIex Artists
- Indian Air
- Indian Spirit
- Indian Summer
- indieaorta
- Indietro
- Indigo
- Indigo Day
- In Dismay
- Indivision & Wreckage Machinery
- Indoctrinate
- Indowa
- Indurro
- Indusi
- Indust
- Industrietanz
- Industriezone
- Industry, Die
- In-Dust-Trees
- Indyus
- Ineé
- Inessa
- Inez
- Inez und Leo
- Infantil
- Infarkt
- Infected, The
- Infected Chaos
- Infekt
- Infernal Inc.
- Infernal Infernal Inc.
- Infinite Monkey Theorem
- Infinite Pal
- Inflagranti
- Informal Thief, The
- Information Overload
- Infra
- Infra
- Inga Lynch
- Inge und Sonja
- Inherent Obscurity
- Ini
- Inina Gap
- Inkompetent
- Inlejnda, Sigi
- Inlejnda, Sigi & Tonblumen, die
- In Memoriam
- In My Talons
- In My Talons & Evelyn Plaschg
- inn.wien
- Inn-A-Valley
- Innere Stadt
- Inner Music Meets the Outside
- Inner Storm
- Inner Tongue
- Inner Voice
- Innocent
- Innode
- In nomine patris
- Innquarters
- Innsbrooklyn Rockers
- InnStrumenti
- Innviertler Hausmusik
- Innviertler Roadshow
- I Not Dance
- Inou Ki Endo, DJ
- Inox
- InPulse
- Inquisition
- Inri
- Insane
- Insane Edition
- Insane Habits
- InSaNe TekNoLogY & Ling Ling
- Insanity
- Insanity Alert
- Insanity Ravage
- Insanus Maximus
- Insecure
- INseit In-Seit
- Inside Info
- Inside Info / Fourward
- Insideinfo & Mefjus
- Inside Marilyn
- Inside Out
- Insingizi
- Insite
- In Slumber
- Insomnia
- Insört
- Inspiration, Die
- Inspirational Corner
- Inspirational Corner feat. Big John Whitfield
- Instant Avi
- Instant Banana
- Instant Karma
- Institut für transakustische Forschung
- Institution D.O.L. Institution DOL
- Instructor
- Instrumania
- Intact
- Integrals, The
- Integrationsklasse, Die
- Integrationsresistent
- Intensives, The
- Interactives Renegades, Les
- Interdependence
- Interfake
- Intergang
- International Children's Choir Vienna
- Internationals, The
- Inter Nubes
- Interpreten, Die
- Interregnum
- Intersect
- Interstate 35
- Interstellar Bungalow
- Interstellar Overdrive
- In The Attic
- In The Line Of Fire
- Intheron
- In The Zone
- In The Zone feat. George Garzone
- In This Temple
- In Time
- Intimspray
- Into Faces
- Intone
- Intoxicated
- Intoxication
- Intra
- Intracardial
- Intrepidity
- Inuit Monkeys
- Invaders
- Inveterate Enemy
- Invictus
- Invincible Quest
- Inward, Hanzo & Randie
- In Your Head
- Inzest
- Inzest Cats
- IO
- i oslo
- IO vs Kirlian
- Ippolit
- iPunk
- Iram Chace
- Ireland, Catherine
- Iriepathie
- Iriepathie & Anthony B.
- Iriepathie & Buccaneers, The
- Irie Rocker Allstars
- Irievibrations
- Irina
- IRiNi
- Iris
- Iris
- Iris Electrum
- Irish Eve & The Freaks
- Irispiration
- Iris T.
- Iris T. & The Billy Rubin Trio
- Irityll
- Iron Heel
- Iron Mädlz
- Iron Overkill
- Iron Skills
- Iron Snag Joe
- Irony Of Fate
- IRR2M deluxe
- Irradiation
- Irre, Der
- Irreal
- Irritation
- Isaac
- Isaac, Bernd
- Isaac Gluten
- Isaiah
- Isa Q
- Isbjarne
- Ischen Impossible
- Ischia
- Ischia & Doeke
- Isee
- Isee + Hoob
- Isery
- Isis Noreia
- Island
- Islands Of Light
- Ismirschlecht
- Isolierband
- Isometric & Charis
- Isotropic Gain
- Isotropic Gain & Miss Electric
- Isoulate
- Isto!
- i stole a million
- It
- It´s
- It´s Nik!
- It's The Lipstick On Your Teeth
- Ital & Artyficial
- Itching Cucumbers
- It Cummz
- Ithiopia Soundsystem
- Itslyf
- Itty-Bitty-Boozy-Woozy
- Itzt
- Iv/An
- Ivan Moser
- Ivo
- Ivoree
- Ivoree & Natural Flavor
- Ivoree & Sentic Cycle
- Ivory
- Ivvvo
- Ivy
- Ivy Lab
- I Wanna Boogie With You
- I Watch Mountains Grow
- I-Wolf
- I-Wolf & Burdy
- I-Wolf & The Chainreactions
- I-Wolf feat. Dälek, Oddatee & Mia Zabelka
- Ixthuluh
- Ix ypsilon
- Izen
- Izzy Bash