
Format: -
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Spielzeit: -
Code: -
Nr. | Dauer | Titel | Interpret | Text/Musik |
01 | 00:03:59 | ipreparedpianoblues pt. 01 | beauchamp*geissler | - |
02 | 00:03:00 | distilled image apricot blue | beauchamp*geissler | - |
03 | 00:03:29 | orphica invention 01 | beauchamp*geissler | - |
04 | 00:03:08 | o sweet content | beauchamp*geissler | - |
05 | 00:02:14 | ipreparedpianoblues pt. 02 | beauchamp*geissler | - |
06 | 00:06:42 | here comes pluisje (half a banana) | beauchamp*geissler | - |
07 | 00:04:26 | 1 3 5 8 13 21 34 | beauchamp*geissler | - |
08 | 00:05:01 | eine reihe guter entscheidungen ... | beauchamp*geissler | - |
09 | 00:02:41 | distilled image parapluie giallo | beauchamp*geissler | - |
10 | 00:04:11 | sequenza 1-1-1-1 | beauchamp*geissler | - |
11 | 00:04:21 | du sagst mir was du denkst | beauchamp*geissler | - |
12 | 00:04:01 | »...« | beauchamp*geissler | - |
13 | 00:04:13 | sequenza 1-1-1-1 (ambiente) | beauchamp*geissler | - |
14 | 00:05:02 | hello, hello, how are you my darlin'... | beauchamp*geissler | - |
15 | 00:03:31 | this toy is not a bag | beauchamp*geissler | - |
16 | 00:01:26 | distilled image clementine white | beauchamp*geissler | - |
17 | 00:01:44 | ipreparedpianoblues pt. 03 | beauchamp*geissler | - |
18 | 00:01:50 | come out to | beauchamp*geissler | - |
19 | 00:04:21 | a bunch of schmucks | beauchamp*geissler | - |
Erwähnt | Person/Firma/Band | Zusätzliche Info |
artwork | Peter Kozek | - |
guestmusician | Philipp Wesener | Schlagzeug auf Track 12 |
label | Goldgelb Records | - |