
Format: -
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Spielzeit: 00:08:52
Code: -
Format | Archivplatz |
CD | K10R01 |
Nr. | Dauer | Titel | Interpret | Text/Musik |
01 | 00:02:49 | anna come take my hand | Megill, John | - |
02 | 00:03:11 | John Megill / girls | Megill, John | - |
03 | 00:02:52 | oh no | Megill, John | - |
04 | 00:03:13 | chemical imbalance | Megill, John | - |
05 | 00:03:04 | on and on | Megill, John | - |
06 | 00:04:37 | a nice girl in my garden | Megill, John | - |
07 | 00:03:16 | emergency | Megill, John | - |
08 | 00:03:21 | mr. know it all | Megill, John | - |
09 | 00:03:50 | the game is over | Megill, John | - |
10 | 00:03:51 | hmv | Megill, John | - |
11 | 00:04:15 | outer space | Megill, John | - |
12 | 00:05:00 | girl falling | Megill, John | - |
13 | 00:03:01 | girls (Karl Moestl's Dirty Clap RMX) | Megill, John | - |
14 | 00:03:52 | hmv (Julian Hruza RMX) | Megill, John | - |
Erwähnt | Person/Firma/Band | Zusätzliche Info |
label | Moerder Music | - |
mastered by | Andreas «Phontan» Pils | - |
produced by | Alex «aleXdrum» Deutsch | - |
remix | Hruza, Julian | - |
remix | Moestl, Karl | - |