GreyNote Compilation #2

17-Track-Compilation Its been more than a year now since our last compilation dropped. Meanwhile We all went through some crazy times. some of us were affected more and some less. In colombia the people are affected hardly. Not only by covid. Even more by the violence and corruption of their government. In early 2021 Demonstrators were speaking out about structural inequality, poverty, land reform, police violence, health care, and lack of education and opportunity a lot of these problems have existed in Colombia for years, but they deepened dramatically during the pandemic. Police responded by repeatedly and arbitrarily dispersing peaceful demonstrations and using excessive, often brutal, force, including live ammunition. Multiple killings by police, as well as beatings, sexual abuse, and arbitrary detention of demonstrators and bystanders are documented. Most of these things are still an actual problem. In order to support the fight agianst the violence by the colombian government we made this compilation. 100% of the profits will go to temblores ONG. so please donate :) about the organisation: "At Temblores ONG we seek to activate and mobilize community processes for social transformation. We aim to shake the hegemonic structures that perpetuate exclusion, violence, discrimination, and the systematic denial of the rights of communities and populations which have been historically marginalized and ignored by the State." -taken from
Format: -
Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
Spielzeit: -
Code: -
- D:enigma x fyn
- alllone
- d:enigma X pulp kitchen
- Dotworks
- Floating Pyramid
- KanFun
- Makava Experience
- Ome
- ome x alllone
- ome X kheodor turner
- silkties.
- wood
Nr. | Dauer | Titel | Interpret | Text/Musik |
01 | - | tell me | ome x alllone | - |
03 | - | pigeon forest | d:enigma X pulp kitchen | - |
04 | - | you don't want | Ome ome. | - |
06 | - | doin now | alllone | - |
07 | - | sex jungle | ome X kheodor turner | - |
08 | - | regrow | wood | - |
09 | - | murdub | KanFun | - |
10 | - | dragheap | Floating Pyramid | - |
11 | - | the crabman | Dotworks | - |
12 | - | one o' seven | D:enigma x fyn D:enigma x Jay Cali | - |
13 | - | boomblast | KanFun | - |
14 | - | nachtlokalord | Makava Experience I.t.e.gradec | - |
15 | - | sanroku | Dotworks | - |
Erwähnt | Person/Firma/Band | Zusätzliche Info |
artwork | Alex «silkties.» Schleicher | - |
label | GreyNote | - |