Holy Spirit Squeaquack

Format: einfache CD
Erscheinungsjahr: 2011
Spielzeit: 00:54:10
Code: -
Format | Archivplatz |
CD | K07R11 |
Nr. | Dauer | Titel | Interpret | Text/Musik |
01 | 00:01:28 | holy spirit SQUEAQUACK [feat. fii] | Hog Meets Frog | - |
02 | 00:03:51 | fat bat FRED | Hog Meets Frog | - |
03 | 00:04:10 | almighty busdriver | Hog Meets Frog | - |
04 | 00:03:02 | man with the chickenass-hairstyle | Hog Meets Frog | - |
05 | 00:04:23 | TITANiumFACE | Hog Meets Frog | - |
06 | 00:02:39 | hog meets frog | Hog Meets Frog | - |
07 | 00:05:12 | PAT the pi(e)rat(e) | Hog Meets Frog | - |
08 | 00:03:03 | TOMMY K., PETE B., AMY LEE & all by themselves | Hog Meets Frog | - |
09 | 00:02:11 | high-noon experiences with beans | Hog Meets Frog | - |
10 | 00:04:20 | of beasts & creatures | Hog Meets Frog | - |
11 | 00:01:31 | twilight of the gods | Hog Meets Frog | - |
12 | 00:05:17 | of sinking ships & risin' gods | Hog Meets Frog | - |
13 | 00:05:34 | weird insects | Hog Meets Frog | - |
14 | 00:04:54 | LITTLE BOY (4.5 t) [feat. Shakti] | Hog Meets Frog | - |
15 | 00:02:35 | A TITANschaedl (sung in austrish) | Hog Meets Frog | - |
Erwähnt | Person/Firma/Band | Zusätzliche Info |
guestmusician | Michael «Fii» Krappel | - |
guestmusician | Julia Spitzer | - |
label | Penzing Records | - |
mastered by | Matthias Steinbrecher | - |
produced by | Hog Meets Frog | - |