Black Dog Rock - EP

- Track 6 ist als Free Download erhältlich - Release Date: October 30th, 2012 “Black Dog Rock EP” – Finally, Frozen Smoke’s first single release on envloop records. Known for his remixes with a hard electro twist, Frozen Smoke stays true to his style also on this release. Punchy, crispy electrobreaks riffs with a twist, heading straight into the darkness. The release boasts remixes from Kooky, NYC based artists I-Cue and Odyssey and a crispy Dubstep interpretation from Hillberg and Relate. Dan Barrett AKA Frozen Smoke (Liverpool, UK / Linz, Austria) Having gone though a number of line-up changes, Frozen Smoke is now stripped back once more to the bare essentials – Dan, computers, synths and his love for all things electronic, electro and eclectic. That’s not to say that Frozen Smoke has stopped collaborating – “Black Dog Rock” features the menacing guitar work of long-time collaborator Stoo Grave and there are more on the way. Besides the remix work done for fellow Envloopers – Hillberg, Der Cube, Mightiness, Kooky and I-Cue, over the years Dan has also remixed and remodelled works for Ladytron, Zion Train, Chumbawamba, Mulu and The Mighty Quark. ( )
Format: einfache CD
Erscheinungsjahr: 2012
Spielzeit: 00:40:12
Code: -
Format | Archivplatz |
CD | K07R06 |
Nr. | Dauer | Titel | Interpret | Text/Musik |
01 | 00:05:14 | Black Dog Rock (Original) | Frozen Smoke | - |
02 | 00:07:41 | Black Dog Rock (Kooky Remix) | Frozen Smoke | - |
03 | 00:06:54 | Black Dog Rock (Hillberg, Skrillberg and Relate Dubstep Mix) | Frozen Smoke | - |
04 | 00:08:00 | Black Dog Rock (Odyssey Electric Feedback Remix) | Frozen Smoke | - |
05 | 00:07:39 | When The Bass Drops (Billy Ray Stylus Achy Breaks Remix) | I-Cue feat. ill-esha | - |
06 | 00:04:44 | Black Dog Rock (Hillberg, Relate Bonus Remix) – Free Download | I-Cue feat. ill-esha | - |
Erwähnt | Person/Firma/Band | Zusätzliche Info |
label | Envloop | - |
remix | Hillberg | - |