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Wiener Konzerthaus


The Wiener Konzerthaus (est. 1913) is one of the oldest and most important location for performances all over the world. Among the traditionell classical concerts (orchestral music, vocal music, chamber music, jazz, literature, music for children and young people, early music, contemporary music) there are many social and popular events (musicals, pop music, congresses, dance music). In addition to the subscriptions cycles the programm of the Wiener Konzerthaus also includes the most successful of the city´s festivals: Wien modern and Hörgänge contemporary music), Resonanzen (early music), Internationales Musikfest, Frühlingsfestival, Film+Musik. The website of the Wiener Konzerthaus offers you information about all the events throughout the entire concert season including the subscription programme, an on-line box office and descrition of the history of the concert hall and the redevelopment project.


Name Funktion
Eva Salfellner Directmarketing


Artikel Medium Ausgabe Seite Datum Art
Wien und das ewige Problem mit Konzertorten mittlerer Größe Falter - Woche 12/25 3 21. März 2025 KOLUMNE
30 Tipps für Wien-Neulinge Falter - Woche 38/22 4-6 23. Sep. 2022 ARTIKEL
Musik - Was Sie im Jänner gehört haben sollten Vor Magazin 01/18 22 Jan. 2018 KURZARTIKEL MIT TERMIN
aNOther festival V Freistil 58 18 Jan. 2015 ARTIKEL
Vienna Calling Jazz Zeit - Magazin für Musik und Lebenskunst 58 8 Jan. 2006 ARTIKEL


Art -
TEL +43/1/242 00-0
FAX +43/1/242 00-112
EMAIL salfellner@konzerthaus.at
TEL 01 242002
Link Anm.
facebook -
instagram -
Konzerthaus -
wien.info / konzerthaus -
wikipedia -